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Grammar 1A Present perfect simple and continuous Choose the best verb phrases to complete these news stories. Circle your answer. Police (1) arvested / bave arrested a man in connection with the murder of the young teacher, Ellen James. Ms James (2) disappeared / bax disappeared 3 weeks ago, and since then, the police (3) were appealing /bave heen appealing for her boyfriend, Jon Lopez, to come forward. Last night, police spokesman (4) confirmed / bas confirmed that a 26-year-old man was in custody. Six crew members (5) have rescued / have been rescued from a ship off the Kenyan coast by a US Navy vessel. The ship (6) was attacked / bas been attacked by pirates four days ago, and the six-man crew (7) bave beld / were beld hostage. The US Navy ship, which (8) patrolled /bas been patrolling the dangerous waters off the East African coast for the past six months, (9) picked up / bas picked up a distress call and managed to overpower the pirates Grammar 1B Present perfect simple and continuous Choose the est description to highlight the difference {in meaning between these peirs of sentences. Tick (¥) youFanswer. 1 My teenage son has learnt to drive this year. * He can now drive and bax probably passed his Ariving test + He's sell eaking lessons. My teenage son has been learning to drive this year + He can naw drive and bas probably passed bis Avion test + He's still raking lesons 24 The mayor has called for a ban on smoking near children’s playgrounds. + He bas possibly said i only once in a speech. * He bas said it repeatedly over a period of time. » The mayor has been calling for a ban on smoking near children’s playgrounds, He has pssiby said it omly once ina speech + He bas said it repeately over a peried of time. ‘My brother has been working for an aid agency in Africa * Continuously over a period of time recently. © At some point inthe past. » My brother has worked for aid agencies in Africa. © Continuously over period of tine recently. © At some point in the past ‘We've been collecting the signatures of local residents for a petition against the road. The petition is probably complete and reudly 10 be delivered tothe local Member of Parliament. * They are possibly stil ellecting more signatures. » We've collected more than 3,000 signatures from local residents opposed to the road. * The petition is probably complete and ready ta be delivered to the local Member of Parliament. + They are possibly still collecting ruore signatures. Grammar 2 Clauses with participles Choose the correct participle to complete the text about emergency disaster relief. Circle the correct answer When a natural disaster occurs, international rescue teams are alerted. Before (1) going /baving gone out to a disaster area, the teams are briefed thoroughly. (2) Arrived / Arriving in the country, they meet with local agencies to liaise. (3) Being assigned / Having been assigned an area, a team assesses the damage. Then they work using a grid system ~ the objective (4) being / kazing been to ensure that any survivors have been found in one square of the grid hefore (5) moved / moving on to the next square. “Teams use dogs and heat-detecting equipment to find survivors. Once (6) located /lncating, the team tries to establish communication with the person. The rescuers (7) tried / trying to reach a survivor keep up a dialogue to reassure them and to help fix their exact position. They often have to work painfully slowly and carefully through a damaged building, (8) wanting not /not wanting to trigger a further collapse. After (9) removing / being removed from the building, the vietim is checked over by paramedics. Heroes & Villains Vocabulary 1 Describing personal qualities Complete these sentences with the appropriate adjective or noun form of the word in brackers. 1 She's a popular leader who inspires great (yal) among her staff. Hea (courage) journalist working in ‘one of che most dangerous parts of the world, ry — of the villagers, the epidemic was contained. 4 Ishhe now prepared to show some 3 Thanks to the extraordin (fess) (bumble) and admit his mistakes? 5. She has grown into a mature, elf confidence) young, woman. 6 ‘To reach the top in any sport, you need discipline, focus (single-minded). Vocabulary 2 Expressions with give and stand ‘Complete the expressions so that they have a similar ‘meaning to the word(s) in brackets. Circle your answer: Edith Cowan was a social campaigner and the first woman tobe elected to the Australian parliament. Throughout her life she stood (1) up for /up o (defended) the rights of women and children. She believed that a lack of education stood (2) in front of / in the zoay of (obstructed) women fulfilling their potential in society. She eampaigned tirelessly for social change, in education, politics and healthcare, never giving (3) in to / way on (compromising) her principles and standing (4) Ber ground / by (remaining firm) against opposition from the conservative, male establishment. She refused to give (5) up / ground (abandon) her fight for equality, campaigning successfully for women's right to vote in 1899. Elected to parliament in 1921, she was a forceful speaker, standing (6) up fr /up (confronting) her male colleagues. Vocabulary 3 Humanitarian aid Complete the sentences about humanitarian aid with words from the box. You don’t need to use all the words, natural aid charity preventable ‘emergency sustainable help 1 Thousands of people are displaced every year by war, political instability and by disasters 2 Organisations such as the Red Cross provide relief for displaced people, such as food and shelter. 3. They have teams of. workers on standby to be flown to wherever they're needed. 4 Other NGOs are involved in more development projects, such as improving education and healthcare in Developing World countries. A lot of resources are focused on eliminating diseases, such as malaria, which kills millions every year Vocabulary 4 World problems Complete the puzzle with words associated with humanitarian problems and issues. Acros 2 when a disease spreads to many people (8) 7. the state of owing money (4) 8 dishonest behaviour by people in positions of power (10) Dons a Tack of nutritious food (12) being unable to read and write (10) a destructive storm with very high winds (9) clean living conditions (10) a huge wave often caused by an earthquake (7) a lack of rain (7) o@ ) Heroes & Villains Vocabulary 5A Crime and punishment Choose the word in each group that describes a different type of crime, Circle the correct answer: 1 arson manslaughter murder 2 burglary theft treason 3 assault blasphemy libel 4 blackmail bribery Cue 5 fraud piracy lary 5B Crime and punishment Choose the correct ending to complete these definitions Tick (V) the correct answer. 1 A burglar is someone who .. «mf pie 4 steals from people in the street. 2 An arsonist is someone who ... physically attacks a person, destroys property using fie. 3A blasphemer is someone who ... 4. says something that goes against the state. vA by says something that goes against a religion 4 A blackmailer is someone who .. + demands money by threatening embarrassing information, eveal b deman noney from a person who owes it toghem. 5. A fraudster is someone who ... obtains money by taking people hosta » obtains money by tricking people. Extend your vocabulary 1 Abbreviations and acronyms for international organisations Choose the correct aeronyms, with or without an article, to complete these sentences about international organisations. Circle the correct answer. 1 Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines were amongst the founder members of ASEAN / the ASEAN in 1967. 2 UN/The UN was founded in 1945 to replace the League of Nations. 3 Like many other UN /the UN organisations, the headquarters of WHO / the WHO is in Geneva, Switzerland. 4 OPEC/Tbe OPEC is made up of countries in Africa, the Middle East and South America. 5, Médecins Sans Frontiéres is an NGO/ NGO set up in 1971 by a group of French doctors. 6 Most of UNICEF / the UNICEF work involves providing help for children and mothers in developing countries, 7 Since its foundation in 1949, NATO / the NATO has expanded from its original 12 member stares to include 28 countries. Extend your vocabulary 2 Ways of describing bad people Choose the best adjective to complete these sentences. badly-behaved brutal corrupt evil_ mischievous notorious 1 He was a military dictator, blamed for the deaths of thousands of his people. 2 Ita new film about the life of one of Mexico’: most gangsters 3. He has the cheeky grin of a schoolboy. 4A beautiful princess is held caprive in a remote castle by an_____ witch 5 Headteachers have the authority to exclude pupils from the classroom. Much of the money ends up in the bank accounts of officials Heroes & Villains Listening Being a bystander 1.12 Listen to a conversation between Hanna and Bill, and write the missing words in these sentences from the conversation. 1 Sixmen were ____ shop. 2 She saw them, crossed the street, and started to stop them getting away. 3. The papers are calling her No-one wants And the film could feels wrong to me anymore, Pronunciation Word stress J 1.13 Choose the correct stress pattern for the underlined word in these sentences. Circle the correct answer. Then listen and check. 1 There are many issues surrounding UN efforts to avoid or resolve conflicts around the world, 2. The International Criminal Court was set up to try and c ct those accused of genocide and other 3 Most ordinary people are too scared to rebel against the regime. 4A small group of demonstrators gathered in the main square in a peaceful protest. e 5 The peace talks have made little progress in recent months. 6 Both leaders are expected to reject the latest UN proposal 7 Several Developing World leaders object to the wording of the announcement 4 Teis now being redrafted so as not to insult anyone. e- 0 9 Last month saw a dramatic increase in the number of refugees fleeing the fighting. 10 Some people had walked for days across the desert to reach the camp. e Heroes & Villains Reading Heroes 1 Match the types of hero with the definitions. hero 2 antichero 3 unsung hero folk hero: a main character in a story who does not have the qualities that a hero usually has, such as being morally good someone who is admired for their achievements by the ordinary people of a particular region someone who has done something brave, for example saving a person’ life, or the main male character of a book, film, or play, who usually has good qualities a hero who has not been praised or recognised 2 Read the profiles of three heroes in the texts on. page 39, and decide which type of hero they are. ‘Vicente Ferrer Moncho Lisbeth Salander Martha Rivera Alanis 3 Read the texts again and answer the questions. 1 What sort of people did Vicente Ferrer work with? 2 How exactly did he help the people of India? 3 What fact demonstrates that Vicente Ferrer was popular with the people of India? 4 What do Lisbeth Salander and her creator have in common? Where does the title of the first book come from? What gift helps Lisbeth with her investigative work? How did Martha Rivera Alanis help her pupils to relax? How did people hear about Martha’ story? How was her bravery rewarded? 4 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. largely originally particularly popularly Posthumously subsequently 1 Vicente Ferrer Moncho was known as “San Vicente’ in his native Spain. 2 He trained asa lawyer but abandoned his studies in order to become a Jesuit priest. 3. The Millennium trilogy was written by Stieg Larsson and published oa 4 Lisbeth has difficulty relating to other people, a result of her traumatic childhood. 5 She does investigative work for a security company, where her photographie memory is —usefl 5 Without looking at the texts, replace the words in italics, with the words used in the texts. 1 Vicente Ferrer Moncho was a philanthropist who trained as a Jesuit priest and gave his life to helping the poor and destitute of Southern India. 2 By the time of his death in 2009, the foundation had opened 1,700 village schools. 3 Lisbeth Salander is the Beroine of the best-selling Millennium trilogy of crime novels. 4 Larsson had Jooked for a publisher for the books shortly before his death. 5. She calmly told the children in her care to lie face down oon the classroom floor, and managed to calm them by getting them to sing. 6 Read the texts again to check your answers to exercises 4and 5. 7 Answer the questions in your own words. Which of the heroes did you already know about? Which one of the heroes would you like to find out more about, and why? Is there a fictional hero or anti-hero you particularly like? Ifso, why? Why do you think people like anti-heroes? 5 Heroes & Villains Heroes a) Popularly known as ‘San (i¢ ‘Saint’ Vicente’ in his native Spain, Vicente Ferrer Moncho was a philanthropist who trained as a Jesuit priest and devoted his life to helping the poor and destitute of Southern India. Born in Barcelona in 1920, he originally trained asa lawyer but subsequently abandoned his studies in order to become a Jesuit priest. He volunteered to work with members of the untouchable caste in the drought-prone region of Andantapur, and in 1970 founded the Rural Development Trust, later renamed the Ferrer Foundation, which set up countless grassroots humanitarian projects across the region. By the time of his death in 2009, the foundation had inaugurated 1,700 village schools, three hospitals, an AIDS clinic, family planning clinics and libraries, as well as planting three million trees. It vas also instrumental in providing microeredit schemes to subsistence farmers in order to help improve irrigation systems and crop yields. Never really a friend of the authorities, Perrer nevertheless became a living legend among the people with whom he worked, and his funeral in 2009 was attended by over 100,000 mourners, 'b) Lisbeth Salander isthe protagonist ofthe best-selling Millennium trilogy of crime novels, written by the Swedish author, investigative journalist and political activist Stieg Larsson, and published posthumously. The titles of the novels are The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest. The books’ popularity is largely due to their film adaptations, which were met with great popular and critical acclaim. Although Larsson had sought a publisher for the books shortly before his death, he wrote them as a hobby, working on them in the evenings after finishing his day job. Lisbeth Salander makes her first appearance in Tbe Girl with the Dragon Tattoo; the dragon tattoo of the ttle is actually on her left shoulder blade, but she also has other tattoos as well asa pierced nose and eyebrows. She earns a living as a computer hacker, and by doing investigative work for a security company, where her photographic memory is particularly useful. She is portrayed as an intelligent but eccentric and disturbed character who is introverted and has difficulty relating to other people, largely as a result of her traumatic childhood. 6) Martha Rivera Alanis, a kindergarten teacher in Monterrey in Mexico, was giving a class one day when she heard the sound of gunfire outside the school. She calmly instructed the children in her care to lie face down on the classroom floor, and managed to soothe them by getting them to sing a song from one of their favourite television shows. She filmed the seene on her phone and posted the one-and-a-half-mimute video on Twitter. Footage of the event rapidly went viral ~ the recording received over a million hits on YouTube® and Martha received numerous messages of support from well-wishers, Her bravery was later recognised by state governor Rodrigo Medina, who presented her with an award for outstanding civie courage. Martha told reporters that she had been afraid but that her only thought had been to distract the children from the shooting in the strect in which five people were killed. Glossary caste (nour) ~ one of the waons socal lasses that people were born nt a Hind society destitute acoctve) ~naving no money or possessions orassroots (ject ~ relating tothe orcnary people n society Jnaugurate (ver) to open anew bulng orf start anew mansion posthumously (aover)- published afer a witer death ‘shoulder blade (naur)~ one ofthe twa fat bones a the tap of your bac, nar your shoulsers ‘waumate lajectve)~a traumatic experience er event makes you fel very upset, aad o: shocked ‘logy (noun) eerie af tree book, fms, or lays ‘rust noun) ~ an orgavsation that manages mney or property s that can help other people er ogarisations eal fajectve)- very popular and spreading very quickly, especialy on the inoret nmeroes & Villains nee Writing Responding to a report Reading 1 Answer the questions. 1 Iscrime a problem where you live? 2 Have levels of crime increased or decreased in recent years? 3 What are the main. canses of this increase/decrease? 2 Complete the crime-related words. Then read the article to check your answers. 1 An institution where people are kept as punishment for committing a crime, P 2 Aperson who stays there. Pp 3 The small room in which they are kept. © 4 The period of time someone must stay there. s 5 Someone who comnits several criminal offences. 6 Something that makes people decide not to do something by making them realise that something unpleasant could happen to them. d -“- 7 Achange that is intended ta correct a situation that is wrong or unfair, or make a system work more effectively, r The right deterrent? In June 2011 there were almost 85,000 people in prison in England and Wales. The prison population has more than doubled in the past 18 years and England and Wales now have tha highest percentage of people in prison in Western Europe. This dramatic increase in numbers has led to serious overcrowding in prisons. This has resulted in prisoners having to share cells that were designed for one person. Prisoners also have t0 be transported te prisons in other parts of the country which have the space to accommodate ‘them, separating them from their families. The bill ‘or cunning the countries’ prisons has also risen drastically. (ao) units In order to tackle the problern, the government has been studying different options. One of the suggestions on the table is to cut the number of jail sentences Of less than 12 months. In other words, serious offenders would continue to be sant to prison while peaple convicted of lesser offences ‘would serve a community sentence. ‘Apart from helping to ease the overcrowding problem, there is serious doubt that shorter prison. sentences act as a deterrent for repeat offenders. According to a 2011 study by the Howard League for Penal Reform and the Prison Governors’ Association, many repeat offenders preter prison to doing a community Sentence wich can often last longer than a prison sentence. While short prison sentences do not seem to be much of a deterrent for repeat atfenders, they do have an effect on first-time offenders. All of the prisoners interviewed for the 2011 report who were experiencing prisan for the fist time, claimed that it would be their first and last prison sentence. The Howard League for Penal Reform believes that commurity sentences are the best way to make a person become responsible and live a law-abiding life. By working for the community, offenders can do samething practical and better adapt to a working life. Others disagree and argue that prison reforms should make prison life harder and more of a deterrent both for first-time and repeat offenders. Language focus: prepositions 3. Write the missing word 1 This has resulted 2 The bill __ running the countries’ prisons has also risen dra prisoners having to share cells. ally. order to tackle the problem, .. 4 Apart problem, . 5 According a 2011 study. 6 —__working for the community, offenders can do helping to ease the overerowding something practical 4 Answer the questions in your own words, 1 Do you think prison is a good deterrent for first-time offenders? 2 Do you think a community sentence isa valid alternative for repest offenders on short sentences? 3 Do you think prisoners should lose rights, such as voting in a general election, while they are in prison? Heroes & Villains Writing skills: talking about statistics 5. Use words from the sentences helow to complete the lists of words with similar or related meanings. Remember that some of these words are used as both nouns and verbs. 1 The prison population has more than doubled in the past 18 years. 2 This dramatic increase in numbers has led to seriou overcrowding in prisons. 3 The bill for running the countries’ prisons has also risen drastically 4 One of the suggestions is to cut the number of ail sentences of less than 12 months. Nouns arise, (I) seers a fall,a decrease Verbs increase, go up, 2) ___, @). reduce, (4) Adjectives drastic, significant, sharp, (5). steady, gradual, slow Adverbs dramatically, sharply, (6) slowly, steadily, gradually 6 Re-write the sentences in exercise 5 using words from, the lists. Preparing to write 7 Read the Writing task below. Use the internet and other sources to find information about the prison system, in your or another country. Writing How does the prison situation in England and Wales compare with the situation in your or another country? Compare the situations, giving different people’ opinions on the best ways to punish criminals. © This has resulted in The bill for... ‘© One of the suggestions on the table i. In other words ‘There is serious doubt that * Others disagree and argue that... Grammar 1A Passives Choose an active or a passive verb form to complete the text about supply chains. Circle the correct answer. ‘The theory of supply and demand (1) says said that the price of a product (2) will increase / will be increased the more people want to buy it. But in today’s complex inarkets, where many products (3) supplied / are supplied to ‘customers via middle men, such as international importers or huge supermarket chains, many small producers (4) are losing out / are being lst out. Prices (5) set /are set by the supermarket at the end ofthe chain, and if suppliers want to hang on to their contracts, they (6) often force /are often forced to accept rates that leave them with very little in the way of profit. ‘This is particularly true of small producers in developing. countries, whose produet (7) often goes / is often gone through the hands of several middle men, with a cut of the profit (8) is taking / being taken at each stage. Grammar 1B Passives Complete the text about the spice saffron using the best form of the verb in brackets Saffron, with its distinctive bright yellow colour, (1) —________ (wee) in cooking for thousands of years. It) (cultivate) in a region that stretches from the Mediterranean to Kashmir. Around 300 tonnes of saffron (3) (produce) worldwide each year. Saifron (4) (come) from a flower, the saffron crocus. The purple flowers (5) (have to / harvest) at dawn before they (6) (wilt) in the heat of the day, and the central yellow stigma (7) —_______ (panate) from the petals. These stigma (8) (then / dry) quickly and o (eal) in airtight containers. Around 150 flowers (10) (need) to produce just Lg of dried saffron, so it’s perhaps not surprising that its the world’s most expensive spice by weight. Grammar 2 Cleft sentences Read these opinions about personal finance. In each case, choose the sentence that is the best emphatie version of the first sentence. Tick (¥) your answer. 1 People use credit cards because they're too impatient to save up for things. a. The reason people use credit cards is hecause they're 100 impatient to save up for things. » Why people use credit cards is because they're too impatient to save up for things. 2 You should set yourself.a monthly budget and stick toit + Itsa monthly budget that you should set yourself and stick to it. 'b What you should do is set yourself a monthly budget, and stick to it. 3 [think the banks should be more responsible about how much they lend. a What the banks should be more responsible about is how much they lend. eS the banks who should be more responsible about how much they lend. 4 Credit card companies suck people in with special introductory offers. + What credit card companies dois to suck people in with special introductory offers. The thing that sucks people into credit card ‘companies is special introductory offers. 5 Teannoys me that banks charge so much for overdrafts. a Its banks that charge so much for overdrafts that annoys me. » The thing that annoys me is that banks charge so much for overdrafis. 6 Ispend most of my allowance on mobile phone bills 1 Its mobile phone bills that I spend most of my allowance on. 5 eS most of my allowance that I spend on mobile phone bills. Trade & Commerce Vocabulary 1 Sounds and movements Choose the best verbs to complete the text. Circle your answer A group of schoolchildren swarmed through the museum. They (1) gasped / grasped at the huge dinosaur skeletons, towering many metres above them. They predictably (2) weriggled / giggled at the exhibits showing the human body. One little boy, running too fast, fll over and cut his lip. His teacher (3) bowed / ele down next to him to take a look. She (4) frowned / peered and pulled some antiseptic wipes from her first aid kit. The boy (5) seized /wineed as she dabbed at the injury, but was soon off again with his friends. She (6) signed / sighed and got back to her feet, feeling exhausted even before lunchtime, and hurried after the children, Vocabulary 2A Ways of looking Complete the sentences with the correct word. 1 People tend to look con the migrants who take all the dirty, but essential jobs. 2 Parents were warned to look —______ for symptoms such as a red rash and a high temperature. 3. His brother was three years older than him and he looked 4 He felt helpless, looking to him enormously. from the bench as his team let in goal after goal. 5 Her mother looked the baby while she was out at work. 6 The bank has agreed to look customers’ complaints about extra charges. 7 Looking on it, Ican see that we made some mistakes. 8 She hated needles, so she looked ____as the nurse administered the injection, Vocabulary 2B Ways of looking Do the underlined verb phrases describe a long look or a quick look? Circle the correct answer, 1 A group of football fans are gathered round, gazing intently at a TV screen. * along look * quick look 2 She regularly glances down at her prepared notes as she speaks, *alonglook —* quick look 4 She glimpsed a familiar face in the crowd and started to push her way through. *alonglook — *a quick look 4 The two boys stood silently, staring at the floor, their hands in their pockets *alonglook —* a quick look 5 Asshe went out, she caught sight of herself in the hall mirror. * along look 6 Something in the sand caughthis eye and he bent down to pick it up. * a quick look salonglook +2 quick look Vocabulary 3A Problems Choose the correct expressions to complete the sentences about everyday problems. Circle the correct answer. 1 What’ the best way to get rid of ge out of coffee stains oon my kitehen surface? 2. My son's struggling to keep level with /heep pace with the other children in his clas. 3 We can’t cope with the volume of orders; we've rather become a vietim of our own success / cur on pra 4 The area’ become very fashionable now and it’s rising up / pushing up house prices. 5 We've come up against a few technical issues, but we'll find a method round / a tay round them. pi Trade & Commerce Vocabulary 3B Problems Choose an adjective or a verb from the box to complete each sentence, intractable tackle major pose pressing exacerbate [ fundamental solve 1 The bad weather is likely to — for the event organisers 2 He introduced new ideas about how to: a problem behaviour problems in the school. 3. The problem is that we have an ageing population, 4 For people in developing countries, poverty is a more problem than climate change. 5. Poor diet and a lack of clean water the villagers’ other health problems. 6 You can usually the problem by switching the printer off and on again. 7 Faced with so many seemingly problems, he thought about quitting. 8 Carjacking is a problem in some areas of the city Extend your vocabulary 1 Change and exchange Choose the best verb to complete these sentences. [_erange exchange swap switch Extend your vocabulary 2 gold and golden Complete the expressions with one word in each gap. The first letter is given for you. 1 This isa golden o- learned and to impress your manager. 2 The golden r. in an interview is to listen carefully to the questions. 3 Asa young sprinter, he dreamed about winning a gold to show what you've m_______at the Olympics ™, 4 The 1920s and 1930s saw the golden a of the railways. She was dressed elegantly in a black dress and wearing gold j 6 She has become the golden g of daytime television. Listening Book group 1.14 Listen to three people talking about a book. Which person says each of these things? Put a tick (¥) in the correct box. Taura [James [Janet 1 Shefhe isa fan oF the author, 2 She/he found some parts of the book hard to read. 3 She/he wouldn't normally cad this type of book 1 When you're cycling up a hill you should gear. ‘The transaction isn’t complete until the two parties —_____contraets. 3 Would you rather sit here? We could places if you like 4 He explained that he plans to sides and vote ‘Yes’. 5. He only stopped at Munich to trains, 6 Weagreed to — email addresses, but I doubt we'll keep in touch. 7 She fidgeted uncomfortably and tried to the subject. 8 They get together to chat and to ___ recipes and gardening tips. the/he thinks it deals with important issues. 5. She/he didn’t previously know the author. 6 She/he liked the inclusion of humour in the book. ) Trade & Commerce Pronunciation 1 List intonation 1.15 Does the intonation of the underlined word in each sentence rise, or fall? Circle the correct answer.’Then listen and check. 1 Tourists are soon surrounded by hawkers selling drinks, fresh fruit, postcards and cheap souvenirs of every kind imaginable. srisez * falls 2 Around the edges of the square you'll find bakeries, ice-cream vendors and busy pavement cafés all bustling with locals and tou ofall 3 People come into the market from the surrounding, villages, some on foot, others in cars, vans, or even on horseback. srise# falls 4 The colourful market stalls are piled high with not just local fruit and vegetables, but also spices, flowers, handmade sweets and delicious fresh pastries srises # fall 5. The sixteenth century explorers came back to Europe with fabulous spices; cinnamon from Sri Lanka, nutmeg from Indonesia and vanilla from Mexico. srise# # falls Pronunciation 2 Past tense endings 5 1.16 Write the past tense forms in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the ending. Then listen and check your answers, alleviated exacerbated frowned glanced glimpsed indicated ited fooked peered seized sighed swapped A fal frowned Ad lifted looked Silas Trade & Commerce Reading Business talk 1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 Inwhich section of a newspaper would you expect to find a text like this? 2 International News & Finance © Polities 2 What does the text contain? a Only facts & Mainly opinion ¢ Both faets and opinion 2 Replace the words in italics with the correct form of the words in the box. alleviate cut post tackle hire timescale 1 Whois having to reduce costs 2 How is one council dealing with the problem? 3. What is the government's deadline for reducing costs? 4 How did companies in the US try to improve their situation when the recession hit? 5 Why are outsourcing companies now taking on lawyers, in the US 4 Which type of business has recently announced record profits? 3. Read the text and answer the questions in exerci 4 Underline the words and phrases in the text which have a similar meaning to the words in italics in the sentences below. Example: 1 It is dealing with the problem in a very direct way. ‘head-on 2 People from India came to see bow the work is done. 3. Other authorities will inevitably do the same. 4 Peaple who have lost their jobs will be forced to stop spending. 5. Many companies are nervous about legal work being done in other countries. Too many skilled workers in America are unemployed Bargain shops are fishionable. 8 Some businesses are still making a profit in these bard times. 5. The article is in the style of a newspaper business column, Read the article again and write a headline for each of the three business stories. 2 3 6 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 Where do you usually find the business section in newspapers? 2 Do you ever read the business section of any newspaper oor magazine? Trade & Commerce Business talk As more and more local authorities in the UK are having to find ways to cut costs while maintaining frontline services, I can reveal that Birmingham City Council has found 2 radical new solution, and is tackling the problem head-on by outsourcing 100 IT jobs to India. The news didn’t go down ‘well with the unions. In fact, the first they heard of it was when representatives of the outsourcing company arrived last week to learn the ropes from the very people they'll be replacing. This is the first example of a public sector organisation being outsourced, but it seems likely that other authorities around the country might follow suit as they attempt to reduce expenses by up to 25 per cent and meet the target within the government's timescale of four years, Thousands of jobs are potentially at risk. In Birmingham there is bound to be a knock-on effect on the local economy when the people whose jobs have been axed are forced to tighten their belts and stop contributing to local businesses. Not that this seems to worry the council, though. Its handling of this whole fiasco has been a PR disaster, and has already sparked so many protests that it might well end up backfiring on them. No-one at the council was available for comment, which can only mean that the press office hasn't been outsourced yet. When I mentioned the story to an American colleague, she told me about a new trend — called reverse outsourcing. When the recession hit US ‘companies, many of them tried to alleviate the problem by downsizing their legal departments and outsourcing the work to countries such as India. Not surprisingly, however, many companies are wary of sensitive legal work being carried out in other countries, not least because of potential problems with data protection and litigation. So they came up with a novel solution ~ the ‘outsourcing companies started hiring lawyers back in the United States, but paying them outsourcing rates. The lawyers may not he making as much money as they'd hoped for when they left law school, but a job isa job, after all. Irs question of supply and demand; as the skilled labour market in India dries up and wages skyrocket, and there is a surfeit of skilled unemployed workers in the US, then it makes sound business sense to tap it. But to look on the bright side for a change, a chain of bargain shops, which recently posted record profits for the third consecutive quarter, has announced that it is to open branches in out- of-town shopping parks. Its a sign of the times, that these shops, which are more usually to be found on our high streets, are now joining the big names at upmarket out-of-town shopping locations, There was a time when there was a stigma attached to shopping at charity shops and cut-price supermarkets. Not any more. These days, shops like these are all the rage, giving people the opportunity to boast about the bargains they've found. Its good to know that there are businesses out there still able to make a profit in this bleak economic climate. Glossary backfire (er) =f plan or action backfires on you. has a | negative effect which ste opposite of what you expected ‘downsize (er) -to make an oxgnistion smaller by reducing the numberof workers | fase jour -a complet and enbanassing ive | twonttine acjecve) easing or most important | Mons) cme hype cle | nee | jroun)-pualeweations | spark vor) to make someting happen | tap ert) ~touse or get benefit ram something » Trade & Commerce Writing Making a complaint Reading 1. Answer these questions. 1 Have you ever written a lerter or an email compla about a service? 2 Did you receive any response? 3 Do you think complaining about bad service is worth doing? Why, or why not? 2 Look at the list of points that are normally ineluded in a letter of complaint, and put them into the order you'd expeet to find them. + A detailed account of what happened. & A reference to any accompanying documentation. «The consequences of what happened. —— a The date of the letter. « Areference/order number related to the service/ product you are complaining about. _— The time you are prepared to wait before considering other options. _— « Aneexplanation of the main purpose of the letter. —— h The action you would like to be taken. 3 Read che letter of complaint and find the point from exercise 2 that is not included. 19 April 2011 BOOKING REF. 5800797/WE6 Dear Sir/Madam Tam writing to complain about the service 1 recently experienced with your company, and to hopefully receive some compensation, Iam very disappointed that I have to do this because T am a regular customer, and in the past I have always recommended your airline to people. Ita shame that in the future I won't feel confident about doing so again Tbooked what I thought was a flight from Athens to Edinburgh, departing on 5 April ofthis year. When T checked in for the flight, Twas informed that the flight was going to Edinburgh (as I had booked) and that other passengers were then going on to Glasgow. However, when we boarded the fight, the cabin attendant announced that the flight was going to Glasgow first and then on to Edinburgh. When other passengers queried this, the attendant checked and confirmed this was correct. The captain also announced that we would fly to Glasgow first and then on to Edinburgh. Shortly before landing, the captain announced that there had been a change of plan and that the Edinburgh passengers would be travelling on by coach. We were then told to go to coach stop 11 to wait for the coaches. This stop was the furthest from the airport terminal and had no shelter. It was bitterly cold and raining quite hard. ‘We waited for more than half an hour for the coach to arrive. [twas by now the rush hour, so it took us ‘two hours to reach Edinburgh airport where I had to take a taxi to my final destination. I reached my destination at around 22:30, more than 6 hours after my expected arrival time. T appreciate that in the current economic climate, it can't be easy to run a small airline such as yours. However, this new policy of combining fights and leaving passengers stranded doesn't strike me as being the best way forwards | would like a refund for the fights and the taxi fare that I had to pay. [also hope that as a goodwill gesture you will return the £50 you charged me at check-in for overweight luggage. Tam enclosing originals of all the relevant receipts and look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully Janet Workman 4. Read the advice for writing a letter of complaint. Which advice do you think the writer has and has not followed? 1. Try to keep your letter short and to the point. 2. State clearly how you want your complaint to be resolved. 3 Give a reasonable deadline for action to be taken. 4 Include copies of any related original documents. 5 Be polite. Being rude may be counterproduetive. 6 Avoid sarcasm which can be interpreted as rudeness. 6 Trade & Commerce Language focus: communication verbs 5. Write the communication verb for each definition. The first letter is given for you. 1 to give information over a loudspeaker 2 to say that you are not satisfied with something 3 tosay that something is definitely true because you know about it 4 to give someone information about something 5. toaska question about something because you have doubts about it + 6 toadvise someone that they should do something r. Writing skills: being polite but firm 6 Re-write the short email message below, making the message polite but firm. Dear Sir, | am writing to demand a refund for the kettle | bought from you last week. The kettle was faulty and could have kiled someone. | want my money back and compensation. Your company has really gone downhill and | won't shop with you anymore. | expect an immediate reply. Yours, ‘Tom Ainsworth Preparing to write 7 Read the Writing task below. When preparing your letter, make sure you include all the points in exercise 2, and follow the advice in exercise 4. Writing Write a letter to a company, complaining about the service it provided. Make sure your tone is firm but friendly. ‘* 1am very disappointed ‘In the past Ihave always .. * appreciate that ‘© would ke a refund .. * also hope that as @ goodwill gesture */.am enclosing

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