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Table of Contents
About this Guide ................................................................................................ 1

System Requirements ..................................................................................... 2

System Requirements (Mac OS® X) ............................................................................... 3

Driver Installation ............................................................................................ 4

Install the Drivers (Tiger® and LeopardTM) .................................................................... 5

Configure and Connect ................................................................................... 6

Overview ...................................................................................................................... 7
Tiger ............................................................................................................................ 7
Configure your Device........................................................................................... 7
Managing Connectivity ........................................................................................ 10
Leopard ........................................................................................................................ 12
Configure your Device........................................................................................... 12
Managing Connectivity ........................................................................................ 14
Please visit for the latest information
about your device.

©2009. Novatel Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are
poperties of their respective holders.
About this Guide
Thank you for choosing Novatel Wireless!
This User Guide outlines the steps necessary to install and config-
ure your Novatel Wireless device on your Mac.
This guide is separated into 3 sections:

1 System Requirements - This section provides an overview

of minimum system requirements to begin using your Novatel
Wireless device with your Mac.

2 Driver Installation - For complete installation instructions

review this section. Specific steps for Tiger and Leopard are
covered here.

3 Configure and Connect - This section outlines complete

configuration and Internet connection management instruc-
tions for your Mac.

About this Guide 1


System requirements (Mac OS® X)
 Mac OS X (10.4.0 or later; includes Tiger and Leopard)
 128 MB RAM
 At least one Type A USB Port, ExpressCard® slot or PC Card
slot, depending on the type of device you have:
(Ovation USB Modem, MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspots, and
Merlin ExpressCard or PC Card Modems)
 Internet Browser (Safari, Firefox or other)
 An account with a service provider

To check your OS version, from the Apple () menu, choose

About This Mac. If your version is earlier, visit for upgrading instruc-
tions, or in Finder, choose Go>Applications>System Prefer-

For troubleshooting and support information, visit:

System Requirements 3

Install the Drivers - Tiger and Leopard
1. Connect your device to your computer.
Ovation USB modems connect to Type-A USB ports, Merlin
ExpressCards and PC Cards connect to ExpressCard or PCMCIA
PC Card slots, MiFi Intelligent Mobile Hotspots may connect to
your computer with the microUSB to Type-A USB cable that may
have been included with the MiFi package contents.

NOTE: Note
Do n ot in se rt Ov ation US B d ev ices in to a USB h ub , as it
may n ot fu n ction p ro p erly d u e to l ow p ower s u p p ly.

2. A welcome window appears displaying the Installer package.

3. Open Installer.pkg to load the drivers onto your computer and

follow the onscreen instructions. You will need to restart your
computer for the new settings to take effect.

NOTE: Note
If th e In sta ller p acka ge do es n ot lau nch auto matically, a CD
i c o n m a y b e v i s i bl e o n t h e d e s k t o p . O p e n t h e C D f o l d e r
f r o m t h e d e s k t o p o r F i n d e r t o v i e w t he c o n t e n t s . C l i c k
I ns taller. p kg an d th e d riv er in s tallation p roces s b eg ins .

4. After your computer has restarted, verify that the device is prop-
erly connected to your computer. Now that the drivers are in -
stalled, you may configure your device.

Continue to Chapter 3, Configure and Connect.

Driver Installation: Tiger and Leopard 5


Configuration and connection management of your device is
slightly different between the Tiger and Leopard Mac operating
systems. Please review the pages referenced below per your spe-
cific version of Mac OS X.

Tiger users: Please refer to pages 7-11

Leopard users: Please refer to pages 12-14

NOTE: Note
For troub le sh oo ting an d su p p or t in fo rma tion , v is it:
w ww. n ov atelwireles s . com /s u p p ort.

Tiger: Configure your Device

1. Launch System Preferences… from the Apple menu () and
select the Network icon.

Configure and Connect: Tiger 7

2. A New Port dialog may appear. If so, select OK, then Apply Now.

IMPORTANT: Menu options may differ slightly, depending on whether

or not your device is for CDMA or HSPA networks. CDMA devices
will see CDMA in their menu options. HSPA devices may see either
HSPA, HSUPA, or HSDPA in their menu options.

3. From the Show menu, select Novatel Wireless CDMA

Modem or Novatel Wireless HSUPA [HSPA or HSDPA] Modem.

8 Tiger: Configure and Connect

4. A series of tabs are displayed. Click the PPP tab.

 CDMA Devices: In the Telephone Number field, enter #777

and click Apply Now.

 HSPA Devices: In the Telephone Number field enter the APN

and username and password provided by your
network operator and click Apply Now.

NOTE: Note
I n s o m e c a s e s , a n a c c o un t na m e a n d p a s s w o r d m a y b e
req u ired . I f y ou are exp er ien cin g d iff iculty, co ns u lt with
y ou r netw ork o p erato r.

5. Now, select the Modem tab and pick EVDO Support or HSUPA
[HSPA or HSDPA] Support from the Modem pull-down menu.
Place a checkmark in the Show modem status in menu bar op-
tion to control your connection from the shortcut menu bar. Click
Apply Now for the new settings to take effect.

Configure and Connect: Tiger 9

Tiger: Managing Connectivity
There are two ways to manage Internet connections on Tiger
• Directly from the Control Strip on the Apple menu bar.
- or -
• The Network window, which may be accessed from System

To manage connectivity from the Apple menu bar

1. Click the Phone icon in the menu bar. A drop-down menu

2. Select Connect or Disconnect from the drop-down menu.

3. A time-counter also appears displaying the duration of your

session online.

To manage connectivity from the Network window

1. Click the Network Connect icon in the menu bar. A drop-down

menu appears.

Tip: Note
You may also open Internet Connect from Fin de r >
Ap p l i c a t i o ns > I n t e r n e t C o n ne c t .

10 Tiger: Configure and Connect

2. Select Open Internet Connect from the drop-down menu.

3. A window appears:

 CDMA Devices: Select the tab Novatel Wireless CDMA

Modem and the device details are visible.
Note: Note
Th e Telep h on e N umb er f ield s h ou ld dis p lay # 77 7
au tomatically. I f it d oes n ot, en ter it he re.

 HSPA Devices: Select the tab Novatel Wireless HSUPA

[HSPA or HSDPA]Modem and the device
details are visible.
Note: Note
Th e Te lep ho ne Nu mb er field s ho uld d is p lay th e AP N tha t was
p rov id ed b y y ou r n etwor k op er ator au toma tically. If it d o es
n o t , e n t e r i t h e re .

4. Place a checkmark next to Show modem status in menu bar

to view the phone icon in the Apple menu bar.

5. Click Connect.

Configure and Connect: Tiger 11

Leopard: Configure your Device
IMPORTANT: Menu options may differ slightly, depending on
whether or not your device is for CDMA or HSPA networks. CDMA
devices will see CDMA in their menu options. HSPA devices may
see either HSPA, HSUPA, or HSDPA in their menu options.

) and
1. Launch System Preferences… from the Apple menu (
select the Network icon.

2. A New Port dialog may appear. If so, select OK, then Apply.

12 Leopard: Configure and Connect

3. A Novatel Wireless Modem may be added automatically to
the list of network interfaces (left column). If not, click the (+) icon
to add a new service. A pop-up screen appears. Select Novatel
Wireless CDMA Modem or Novatel Wireless HSUPA Modem
from the list and click Create.

4. “Novatel Wireless HSUPA Modem” or “Novatel Wireless CDMA

Modem”now appears in the service list. Click Advanced and select
the WWAN tab.

 CDMA Devices: Choose Novatel from the vendor pull-down

menu and CDMA from the Model pull-down
menu and click OK.
NOTE: Note
Trou b les h oot – If y o u d o no t s ee the CD MA op tion in the
M o d e l p ul l - d o w n m e nu , c l i c k O K t o c l o s e t h e s c r e e n a n d
re p e a t s t e p 3 a g a i n .

 HSPA Devices: Enter the APN provided by your network oper-

ator. Do not change the CID (the CID may dis
play any number). Click OK.
NOTE: Note
Th e Te lep ho ne Nu mb er field s ho uld d is p lay th e AP N tha t was
p rov id ed b y y ou r n etwor k op er ator au toma tically. If it d o es
n o t , e n t e r i t h e re .

5. Once you return to the main Network screen, click Apply and
OK for the new settings to take effect.
Configure and Connect: Leopard 13
Leopard: Managing Connectivity
1. Go to Apple menu () > System Preferences… > Network.
From the Show menu, select Network Status.

2 Highlight Novatel Wireless CDMA Modem or Novatel Wireless

HSUPA Modem in the main window and click Connect.

NOTE: Note
F o r t r o ub l e s h o o t i ng a n d s u p p o r t i n f o r m a t i o n, v i s i t :
www. no v atelwireles s . com/ s u pp o rt.

14 Leopard: Configure and Connect

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