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In the followings you are asked to complete conceptual questions concerning with
materials regarding the applications of both classical and quantum distributions.
Your completed answers to the following questions are used to better understand
all problems available at the ends of Chapters 5 and 6.

1. Use your own words to describe what makes the entropy of a semi-classcial gas
different from that of a classsical gas.

2. If there is any difference in formulation of the entropy between a semi-classical gas

and a classical gas, why then both the equation of state and the total internal energy
derived from the two views give the same results ?

3. Under what conditions, if any, the equation of state for a diatomic gas is the same as
that for a monoatomic gas ?

4. Why do both the classical and quantum statistical approaches give the same result at
high temperatures for a mean kinetic energy developed from the partition function
of a 3-D harmonic oscillator model ?

5. Describe briefly but clearly under what conditions a given system is appropriate to
be modelled by each of the three types of ensemble. If necessary, give one example
for each.
6. Give your arguments, qualitatively and quantitatively, on what conditions effects of
molecular interactions influence on the total partition function of an imperfect gas.

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