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Pompeii - a town with a difference!

On your next trip to ltaly, why not visit the fantastic Roman town of Pompeii?
In the past, twenty thousand people lived in Pompeii in big houses with big gardens. The
Romans built roads in the town and there were many public places like baths, amphitheatres,
banks, and markets. There wasn’t any electricity and people got up with the sun. For breakfast
they had bread and cheese. People started work very early and stopped at twelve o'clock for a
lunch of fish, bread, cake and fruit. In the afternoon people went to watch the gladiators or to
the public baths to wash and meet friends. In the evening they often had dinner parties
They were an important part of Roman life. But life in Pompeii stopped in 79 AD when the
volcano Vesuvius erupted. Today you can see the town exactly as it was nearly two thousand
years ago.
1 Where is Pompeii?
2 How many people lived there?
3 When did people get up?
4 What did they have for breakfast?
5 What time did they have lunch?
6 Where did they wash?
7 What did they often do in the evenings?
8 Why did life in Pompeii stop?
II. Read and complete with the verbs in the box.
Copied liked looked painted stayed stopped traveled used
visited walked
Last Saturday, we (a) visited a big art gallery in New York. We (b........................) by bus. The
bus (c) ........................near a park. We (d) ................................through the park to the
museum. In the gallery we (e)................................ at a lot of paintings and drawings. After
that, we (f) ......................our favorite painting in our notebooks. On Sunday morning, I
(g).......................... in bed late. I was tired! In the afternoon, I (h) ................................a picture
for my mom. I (i)................... lots of different colors. My mom was happy – she
(j)............................... my picture a lot!
III. Complete with the simple past form of the verbs.
Seurat was a French painter. He (a) lived (live) in Paris, France. He (b)
(study) there. He (c) (not travel) a lot during his life. He (d)
(start).............. to draw in black and white. Then he (e) (learn) ......................................about
science and colors. He (f) (use).......................................... dots of color in his paintings. He (g)
(not mix.................................) the colors. Some people (h) (not like) ...................his paintings
because they were different. Seurat (i) (not live) ........................................for very long. He (j)
(die) ................................when he was 31.
IV. Read. What animals did Suzy watch?
A: Did you visit the aquarium on Saturday? B: Yes, we did.
A: Did you listen to a guide? B: Yes, we did. But it was an audio guide.
A: Ah! Did you watch the sharks at feeding time? B: No, we didn’t. We watched the
A: Awesome! Did you like the aquarium? B: Yes, I did. It was fantastic

Question Short answers

Did you visit the aquarium? Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.
Did you listen to a guide? Yes, we did. /No, we didn’t.
V. Complete the dialog
. A: Did you visit the art gallery last weekend? B: No, we ................
A: Oh!....................... you stay home? B: No, we ............................... We visited a movie
A: Really!........... you learn a lot there? B: Yes, we......................... . We learned about making
A: like the museum? B: Yes, I.............................. . It was really

VI. Read and choose the best title.

A museum visit My favorite painting Our school trip

Last Tuesday, we didn’t stay at school. We visited an art gallery. We looked at the paintings. I
liked them. The guide talked about the paintings and the artists. We learned a lot. The artists
didn’t mix the colors. They used dots of color. After that, we painted pictures with dots. We
copied a famous painting, but I didn’t like my picture. It was terrible!

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