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25 of July, 1535 : Foundation

of Guayaquil
The first colony in arrive to Guayaquil was Spanish with its leader
named Sebastián de Benalcázar, on July 25, 1535, in the Banks, on
the Babahoyo River. It had to be destroyed by the Huancavilcas
because of women in danger.
The second participation of Spanish was in 1536. Consequently,
Francisco Zaerá had to arrive in Guayas. In this event, Indians had to
learn Catholic Customs. New delicious dished were welcomed.
The third foundation had place on the Cerro Verde, on July 25, 1538.
Francisco de Orellana had to be raising it. He immediately called this
new people such as “Cuayas” y “Quil”, a new city were born in
Ecuador, on the name to Saint Santiago. Today it is named Santiago
de Guayaquil.
Since then, Guayaquil is knowned by its beautiful women and kind
people who welcome people around over the world. Genius of Art
such as Julio Jaramillo, Medardo Ángel Silva and others left a
valuable work for future generations in pro of Culture.

Carol written by María Auxiliadora Jácome Ortega day Thursday, 9 July,


Notes of Author
María Auxiliadora Jácome Ortega is a writer who writes
Accademy Readings and teaches
English everyday with students at
different ages and with different tastes
in reading. She was born in
Guayaquil, Ecuador in August 1982,
She has two sisters and one brother,
Janella Alexandra, Mariella Johanna
and Xavier Omar the most younger.
She is married now with teacher
Geovanny Ramón Sánchez Moreno
and she doesn´t have any children
now. She loves teach children and teenagers because
she loves English. Her best friend is always her mother
engineer Juanita Colombia Ortega Caicedo who always
used to bring me up in cultivate Reading journal first and
then English books.

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