Modern Dance, A Term To Describe Contemporary Dance, Is A Style of Dancing

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Modern dance, a term to describe contemporary dance, is a style of dancing

where dancers are free to express their feelings through movements without adhering to
any rules in dance particularly that of ballet. It is actually a rebellion against the
confining nature of classical ballet.

Unlike ballet, dancers of modern dance use their own interpretations instead of
structured steps. They thrust aside the classical ballet stance of an upright, erect body,
and instead often opt for deliberate falls to the floor. The movements are not always
necessarily light, beautiful, and effortless, but instead strong and sometimes ugly as the
effort involved in producing it is revealed. Modern dance uses more of the torso on a
horizontal rather than a vertical plane, and new varieties of tilting, twisting, and bending
movements. The feet are not always turned out and are either pointed or flexed.

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