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Rocío Martínez Torres

Proyecto integrador My life Project

Mi Life Project
1)What are your personal goals?

1. I think I have learned to drive the next year

2. I think that next year I will make a trip.

2)What are your future plans about your studies?

1. I guess I'll finish high school in two years

2. In the future I will study gastronomy.

3)What are you going to do to be healthier?

1.I guess I'll have to change my way of eating in the future

2.I'll have to keep going to the gym next year.

4)Write one goal you wish to achieve in the next five years.

1. In the future, live some months in another country to learn more about your gastronomy.

2. I suppose that finish paying my apartment.

5) What will you do to achieve that goal?

1. In two years finish high school and enter the university of gastronomy.

2. I think I will continue working on what I like.

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