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Class 9 Biology
Assignment 2 MCW

Topic : Transport in Human Time: 30 minutes Full marks: 20

Past Paper 
Q.1      Fig. 1.1 shows a section through a small surface wound to the skin.

 Fig. 1.1

(a)   Name structure O and the type of blood vessel P shown in Fig. 4.1.

O pWhite blood

P ..blood

(b)  State two features that are characteristic of the type of blood vessel P.
1. ...they are one cell
thick ...................................................................................................................................

2. .... ....Oxygen and other nutrients are transferred from the blood stream to the other
tissues in the

(c)   Explain what is happening to the bacteria in Fig. 4.1.

(i)   at M: .....bacteria gets blocked as fibrinogen activated by thrombin forms insoluble

fibrin threads which forms a mesh to trap blood



(ii)   at N: ...bacteria gets consumed by the white blood



(d)  Explain how the wound is being sealed in the region under the scab.
the damaged tissue secretes thrombokynase which converts prothrombin into thrombin
and fibrinogen is activated which produces fibrin threads



 [Total: 11]

5 Fig. 5.1 shows human blood containing pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms.

Fig. 5.1
(a) (i) Name the liquid labelled Q in Fig. 5.1. ......................Tissue
fluid.......................................... [1]
(ii) Name two mineral ions which may be found in liquid Q and, for each ion, state its
function in the body.

ion 1 .....iron............................................ function .....It is an essential element for blood

ion 2 .....calcium ............................................ function ....needed for formation of bone
and teeth .....................................................      [4]

(b) On Fig. 5.1, label

(i) a white blood cell, The one where nucleus is present
(ii) a red blood cell infected with the pathogenic organism. The one which has a
biconcave,round shape [2]
(c) The pathogenic organisms were introduced into the blood by a mosquito while
Suggest why the mosquito feeds from a capillary and not from an artery.
......mosqutoes feed from a capillary as the artery is thicker then the capillary . it is
easier to penetrate capillaries as they are near the surface and it is easier for them to
suck on Red blood
.................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 9]
6 (a) Name the mineral ion required for the manufacture of the pigment in red blood 

Fig. 6.1 shows some red and white blood cells from a bird. (All cells are drawn to the
same magnification.)

Fig. 6.1
(b) By reference to Fig. 6.1, complete Table 6.2 to show three differences between the
red blood cells of birds and mammals.
Table 6.2

red blood cells

birds mammals
Red blood cell has Red blood cell does not have
1 nucleus nucleus
It is oval It is biconcave
it has a size of 14mm it has a size of 6-8mm


Fig. 6.3 shows human blood cells in a type of blood vessel (B) passing between body
Fig. 6.3

(c) (i) Name the type of blood vessel labelled B and give reasons for your answer.
type of blood vessel ...Vein...............................................................................................
reasons ......It has lower blood pressure as it carries oxygen towards the
(ii) Name the liquid leaving the blood vessel at C. ......lymphatic
fluid............................................... [1]
(iii) Using information from Fig. 4.3, explain why blood is under higher pressure at point
D than at point E.
........This is because the arteries carry blood away from the heart starting from the aorta
to the rest of the

[Total: 11]

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