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Names: ____________________________________ Date: ____________

Read the following scenario, process it as a group, then reflect and answer the
questions afterwards.

For the past three nights, Therese has not been getting enough sleep from her usual
eight hours because of her forthcoming final exams. Today is the day of her final exams.
She wakes up feeling drowsy and with a headache. Her body feels like a ton, and she has
to literally drag herself out of bed to get up and prepare for school. She takes a shower,
dresses up quickly, bypasses and ignores her sister Christine, who is looking at her
quizzically, and her parents at the breakfast table. Immediately, the family gets affected
by Therese’s behavior. Christine is thinking her sister is having a bad mood; she thinks
Therese woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and therefore ignores her as well. Her
mom thinks she is uptight about the final exams, mentions about it, but was just given a
stare by Therese who mumbles that she is okay but just tense about the exams. Her dad
simply looks at her, gives some comforting words of support, and continues with his

In school, all the noise and chatter, and the pressure of taking the finals so early in the
morning agitated Therese. She is not smiling today, which is very unlike her usual self.
Her temper is short, irritable, and she is giving nasty looks at people who continue to
annoy her. She goes over her notes and book, tries to memorize some phrases and
concepts, but her throbbing headache makes it almost impossible to cram. She thought
of taking some pain reliever earlier, but decided a can of her caffeine-laden carbonated
cola drink would help, but this is providing her very little relief. She slams the book and
lays her head on the table.

Therese feels miserable. She feels unsure of herself and unhappy. She is tense and
nervous. Her seatmate stays away from her, although her seatmate tries to strike up a
conversation. Therese just moved her head in response. However, deep inside, she
knows what is affecting her and tries to put things under control. She starts to pray
silently, and when the bell rang, she raises her head and faces the day, and the final
exams. Although still feeling drowsy, she calms herself down and mentally prepared for
what is up ahead.

Reflect and answer the following questions:

1) If you were one of Therese’s classmates, how would you feel and how would
you react to what you are witnessing?
2) Identify and explain the five aspects of a whole person in relation to the
details of Therese’s story.
3) What is your conclusion?

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