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Chapter 3

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The Internet and TCP/IP

In the previous two chapters, we briefly examined the general concept of an internet (low-
ercase i), contrasted it with the Internet, and introduced Internet-related terms such as
intranet and extranet. We also presented a few TCP/IP-based application protocols such
as the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for e-mail, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
for file transfers, and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for Web applications. In
this chapter, we expand our discussion of the Internet and its related protocols. We begin
by defining the Internet from various perspectives. We then provide information about its
his- tory and contrast the Internet’s early days to its current state. We also present other
Inter- net-related initiatives and provide a brief discussion of its administration and
governance structure. We next introduce the TCP/IP protocol suite. We trace its history
and provide detailed information about several TCP/IP application-layer, transport-layer,
and network- layer protocols. An outline of the major topics we discuss follows:
• Definition of the Internet (Question 1)
• Internet History (Questions 2–10)
• The Current Commodity Internet (Questions 11–12)
• Other Internet Initiatives: vBNS/vBNS+, Internet2, Next Generation Internet
(Question 13)
• Internet Administration, Governance, and Standards (Questions 14–16)
• History of TCP/IP (Questions 17–22)
• TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols: SMTP, MIME, POP, IMAP, TELNET,
FTP, HTTP (Questions 23–56)
• TCP/IP Transport Layer Protocols: UDP and TCP (Questions 57–71)
• TCP/IP Network Layer Protocol: IP (Questions 72–73)
• IPv4 Addresses and Subnetting (Questions 74–83)
• IP Address Assignments (Questions 84–85)
• IP Name Resolution (Questions 86–88)
• IPv6 (Questions 89–94)
• Internet Services, Resources, and Security (Questions 95–96)


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