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Chart 1

Based on the survey conducted, the bar chart above shows the level of understanding
on employment act on maternity protection in Malaysia among the responders. From a total
of 44 responders, there is only 27.2% of responder that have some knowledge on the
employment act in Malaysia. There are only 2 responders that know the employment act very
well while 10 responders have some general knowledge on the act about maternity protection.
Since the survey is conducted among the undergraduate students, it shows that students have
a lower understanding of employment act on maternity protection. From the aspect of gender,
the result is collected from 24 of male responders and 20 of female responders. This shows
that gender do not have influence on the level of understanding since 72.7% of the responders
have below average knowledge on the employment act. >>> ADD IN THE TERM PAPER –
Chart 2

Chart 3

Although most of the responders voted that they have low level of understanding on
the employment act on maternity protection, a lot of responders still have some general
knowledge about the act. In Malaysia, women employees are eligible to take a total of 90
days maternity leave and 95.5% of the responders know about this act. However, the
entitlement of maternity allowance is subjected to certain terms and conditions. Chart 3
shows that only 18.2% or 8 responders do not know about the existence of term and condition
on getting maternity leave allowance. An example of the terms is that each female employee
is entitled to paid maternity leave for up to 5 times in respect of 5 children who are still
Chart 4

From chart 3, we can see that the opinions that have been given by the responders on
giving 2 years of paid maternity leave to working mothers are almost equally divided into 2
categories. There are 54.5% of responders that agree that working mothers should be given 2
years of paid maternity leave. There are 18 responders that partially agree and 6 responders
that strongly agree that it is necessary to give maternity allowance to the working mothers.

On the contrary, there are 45.5% of responders oppose the opinion on giving 2 years
of paid maternity leave to the working mothers. Among the 44 responders, 6.8% of them
strongly disagree on giving 2 years of paid maternity leave while 17 responders partially
disagree on the opinion.
Chart 5

Before giving out our survey, we have gone through a lot of research papers and
articles in order to complete our term paper. In the research, we have found that the longer
the period of maternity leave provided can help reducing psychological distress among the
mothers. There are a lot of factors that can support this statement. Thus, we have listed out
some of the factors to obtain opinions from the responders. Chart 5 highlights the opinions
from the responders on how longer period of maternity leave can help reducing the
psychological distress among mothers.

First and foremost, mothers do not have to worry about their financial status during
maternity leave if longer paid maternity leave is provided. There are only 2 responders that
think that financial status of a working mothers is not affected by the period of maternity
leave while 8 responders partially disagree to this point. However, the responders that agree
to the statement is 24 more than the responders who disagree. There are 18 responders which
is most of the responders strongly agree that longer period of paid maternity leave do help
mothers reducing their psychological distress in term of financial status.

Secondly, longer of paid maternity leave can give time for mothers to recover from
mental health condition. The bar chart 5 show that most of the responder agree that mothers
need time to recover and relieve their stress after giving birth to their infant. This is because
there is no responder strongly disagree to the statement and only 7 of them partially disagree.
Meanwhile, half of the responders partially agree and 15 responders strongly agree to the
statement which increase the credibility of the statement.
Thirdly, longer period of maternity leave can reduce psychological distress by giving
time for mothers to recover from sleep deprivation. The responders who strongly disagree
and partially disagree to the statement are 1 and 10 responders respectively which make a
quarter of the responders that disagree to the statement. Comparing to the responders who
disagree, there are 21 responders partially agree and 12 fully support the statement which are
higher than the number of responders who disagree.

Chart 6

Without doubt, many of us thinks that mother does play an important role in new-born baby
care. Just think is not enough, so we carry a survey on how mother plays an important role in
new-born baby care. If majority of the responders also agree to my point of view, this prove
that 2 years of paid maternity leaves does help a lot in supporting the mothers to carry out
their role in new-born baby care.

Firstly, prolong paid maternity leave can strengthen the mother infant bond. 24 responders
out of 44 responders strongly agree that mother-infant bond can be strengthen through 2
years of paid maternity leave. There is also 17 responders who agree to this statement too.
Out of the 54 responders, there are only 2 responders who are strongly disagree and the only
1 responder who is partially disagree. We can conclude that approximate 94% of the
responders agree that longer period of paid maternity leave can strengthen the mother-infant
Longer period of paid maternity leave can ensure the development of infant’s organ through
drinking breast milk provided by their mother. Breast milk only available after the mother
give birth to their baby. Almost all of the responders which are 40 out of 44 agree that breast
feeding can help in development of infant’s organ. 25 of them are strongly agree meanwhile
15 of them are partially agree to this statement. 9% of the responders which are make up of 4
responders partially disagree that breast-feeding helps in ensuring the growth of infant’s

Thirdly, longer period of maternity leave also help in developing the infants’ attitudes and
character. According to the survey carried out, 5 responders partially disagree meanwhile 16
responders partially agree to this statement. The rest of the responders which are 23
responders strongly agree that longer period of maternity leave does give effect in developing
the infants’ attitudes and character. Responders who are strongly agree takes up 52%,
partially agree takes up 36% and only 12% of the responders partially disagree.

Lastly, infants intelligence also can be improved benefiting from longer period of paid
maternity leave. There are 8 responders who are disagree to this statement. Out of 8
responders, 3 of them strongly disagree and 5 of them partially disagree. Total of 36
responders which make up of 81% of the responders agree to this statement. 19 of them
which are the highest among others partially agree and only 17 of them strongly agree that
longer period of paid maternity leave helps in improving the infants’ intelligence.

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