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M. HOURS: 1:20 hrs. M.MARKS : 40

General Instructions:
1. Write in neat and legible handwriting to make Online Correction
Work easier.
2. Follow the prescribed word limit.
3. Submit the paper within the given time frame. Submission beyond
given time limit would not be accepted.
4. Mention page number on each and every sheet used for writing
the answers.
5. E – Mail ID to be used for sending the PDF of the answers:
❖ XI B, D & E -
❖ XI A & C -

1. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow: (8)
1. The sponsored sport events increase the likelihood teenagers
experimenting with teenagers. This has been found to be
particularly so, in the case of the immensely popular cricket events
with adolescence being led to believe that route to mega sporting
success begins with smoking, indeed, that this habit, which has been
medically proved to be injurious, enhances strength and stamina. If
Sachin Tendulkar the most famous name in cricket, smokes the right
brand of cigarette, they believe. If he can do it, so can we. The
tobacco companies have done their homework well. They know that
the world over, teenagers are three time more likely to be
influenced by advertising then adults. So, they have targeted this
impressionable section, convincing them that in order to be with it
and trendy, to break free, to become successful and sought after, all
you need to do is smoke a particular brand of cigarette, Women
constitute the other major section targeted by such advertising.
Unfortunately, this strategy is working all too well.
2. While all this is not to suggest that cigarette advertising should be
banned, it can be examined whether a national time pass like cricket
should be used to bat for a lethal habit . The usual justification for
this is that sporting events are dependent on such sponsorship. This
is not entirely true. In recent years, a number of corporate houses,
eager to cash in on the high visibility of sporting meets, have
entered the fray. They could be pursued to expand the scope of their
involvement even as makers of health products are encouraged to
sponsor sporting events.
3. The State government of Punjab and Maharashtra, have banned
smoking in their offices and have ordered the removal of cigarette
vendors, from the vicinity of schools. Indian Airlines prohibits
smoking on board. More and more people are waking up to the fact
that every year 2, 00, 000 Indians die because of lung cancer, which
is the only one of the fatal diseases linked with smoking. Cigarette
companies are now trying to reverse a potential decline in future
sales by indirectly peddling their wares to newer sections, the
younger the better.
1.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage make notes on it, using
recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Also supply an
appropriate title to it.
1.2 On the basis of your notes and the above passage write a

2. You are Manvi / Manav , Head girl / Head boy of St. Joseph School, New
Delhi. Write a Notice informing the students about Remedial Classes
organized by the school for classes IX-XII. All the students who secured
below average marks in First Terminal Examinations have to wait from
2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. The class will start from 1st November 2020.
On behalf of Department of Electronics and Information Technology,
Govt. of India design a poster creating awareness about the
Government’s Digital India Program.
4. You are Madhav / Madhavi, a resident of Rainwari in Srinagar. The
stone-pelting youths, students and the regular incidents of arson
sabotage and violence in the valley once again bring the issue of National
Integration in the forefront of National politics. The open attacks and
killings of the security forces by the Maoists in Bihar, Jharkhand and
Chattisgarh speak volumes of the inept handling of such complex issues
of National Integration. Write a letter to the Home Minister, Jammu &
Kashmir and suggest your own concrete views to overcome such
subversive activities. {100 – 120 words} (6)
Write a letter seeking detailed enquiries from the General Manager,
Holiday Inn, Kanpur for conducting the wedding reception of your
younger brother at the hotel. Make specific enquiries about the catering
cost per head, service and decoration charges. You can also ask for the
advance amount to be paid. You are Krishna/ Kamini of Kanpur.
{120 – 150 words}

5. You are Mehul/ Megha of Silver Bells School, Mumbai. Your school has
organized a debate competition on “Online Media is responsible for the
breakdown of real -time relationships”. You will be participating from
your school. Prepare your views against or in favour of the motion.
{100 – 120 words} (6)
Keeping in view, the melancholy children had gone through during
Pandemic, address the students on the very prevalent issue- Why there
had been so much panic and fear in response to the coronavirus. Write a
speech to be delivered in the morning assembly as Karan/Kavita, Head
Boy/ Head Girl of the school.
6. Answer any two of the following questions in 30-40 words: {2X2=4)
1. How had Archaeology changed substantially in the modern times?
2. What gives a unique character to that particular laburnum tree?
3. Draw a comparison between village school education and city school
4. How did the narrator (We aren’t afraid to die if we all can be together)
manage to survive through the attacks of subsequent waves?
Answer any one of the following questions in 30-40 words: {1X2=2)
1. What was Einstein’s theory about education? Do you subscribe to
his view?
2. Why and when did the narrator feel an urge to see her mother’s
belongings? How did she feel on seeing those things?
5. Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words: (5)
1. Describe the unique relationship of the grandmother with the dogs and
the sparrows. Do you think it is believable and desirable?
2. What wonderful tale is told about Wu Daozi? What light does it throw
on the Chinese landscape?
6. Answer any one of the following questions in 100-120 words: (5)
The narrator mentioned ‘a crazy streak’ running in his family. Which two
characters showed this streak in their behaviour and words? Write briefly
about them showing how they could be called crazy.
Give a brief account of Ranga’s education, his views on marriage and
finally how he got married.

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