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Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp.

425430, 1995
Copyright 8 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
095&0618/95 $lO.OO+O.OO

Tensile and fatigue behaviour of

glassfibre/epoxy laminates

F. Ellyin and D. Kujawski

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,

Canada T6G 2G8

Received 11 October 1994; accepted 7 July 1995

The behaviour of unidirectional 45”. angle-ply k 45” and multidirectional 1~45”,0”1, fibreglass/epoxy
laminates at room temperature under tensile and fatigue loadings has been investigated. Results
for angle-ply 2 45” laminates show that the rate/frequency effect is significant in both tensile and
fatigue loadings. In the case of tensile loading tests, the rate effect was observed in the stress-strain
response. Fatigue data indicate a considerable accumulated cyclic creep which depends on the
loading condition, i.e. applied load and frequency. The effect of frequency on the fatigue life is
explained in terms of cyclic creep and its detrimental influence on the fatigue resistance. In con-
trast, laminates made of 45” unidirectional and multidirectional [~45”,0”12 show very little frequency

Keywords: composite materials; creep and relaxatibn; rate and frequency effects

It is well recognized that fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) may be reduced due to stress reduction related to relax-
composites have excellent creep and fatigue properties ation effects. In order to better understand these rate/
when loaded in the reinforcement direction. However, frequency-dependent damage processes and to obtain
these observations are of limited value when attempts an insight towards analytical formulation, appropriate
are made to characterize the behaviour of angle-ply experimental data are needed.
construction (laminates) which are used in engineering Figure 1 illustrates the variation in the tensile strength
applications. This is because the angle-ply lay-up signifi- and strain at failure ver.suSangle-ply orientation, & 0, of
cantly alters the load transfer between the viscoelastic symmetric glassfibre/epoxy laminates (fibre content
matrix and relatively stiff elastic fibres due to their mis- - 70% by weight). The figure clearly indicates that there
match orientations’,*. is a characteristic pattern in tensile strength (a single
In general, two major types of failure modes can be sliding curve) and strain at failure (a climbing and slid-
identified for FRP composites, viz. fibre dominated fail- ing curve) variations. Obviously, the maximum strength
ure and matrix dominated failure3-‘. For example, at lOi corresponds to 8 = 0” and the strength decreases with
cycles a typical normalized fatigue resistance, 0,/o, the increasing angle-ply orientation, + 8. On the other
(stress amplitude/tensile .strength) is - 0.3 and - 0.5 for
matrix and fibre dominated composites, respectively.
Laminates with sufficient 0” layers, i.e. layers with fibres
oriented in the load direction, will exhibit fibre domi-
nated failure mode. This type of failure is essentially
independent of the rate/frequency of loading. On the
other hand, the matrix dominated failure mode is a rate/
frequency-dependent phenomenon due to the viscoelas-
tic matrix behaviour. The viscoelastic dependent matrix
behaviour plays an essential role in fatigue performance
of polymeric composites ‘-” . The damage development
associated with the matrix and matrix-fibre interface
cracking involves inelastic resin deformation which is
accompanied by relaxation and creep phenomena.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90’
For load-controlled fatigue tests, a cyclic creep may Angle-ply Orientation, 28 (deg.)
be induced which results in increasing rate of macro-
scopic damage accumulation. On the other hand, in Figure 1 Variation of tensile strength and strain at failure versus
angle-ply orientation measured with respect to the applied load
deformation-controlled situations, damage development direction

Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6 425

Glassfibre/epoxy laminates: F. El/yin and D. Kujawski

hand, the maximum strain at failure coincides with Tensile loading tests
rfr45” lay-up. This large strain is basically inelastic1’,‘2
Testing procedure
and this is of practical importance, since it is associated
with the increased toughness and gives a desirable All tests were carried out at room temperature in an
MTS servo-controlled system using a ramp function
warning before failure. In contrast, the strongest 0”
generator. The load-displacement response was
laminate exhibits a brittle type of failure with a very
recorded by an X-Y plotter. The extension over a
limited warning prior to failure. Therefore, the behav-
gauge length of 25.4 mm was measured by a clip-on
iour of a composite in which the lay-up is ?45” in corn;
extensometer and this measurement was converted to
bination with 0” layers is of practical interest in
engineering strain and strain rate using standard
engineering applications. methods. Engineering stresses based on the original
This paper examines qualitatively the rate and fre- cross-section were used throughout this study.
quency effect on the stress-strain response and fatigue Tensile tests were performed with different rates of
behaviour of angle-ply glassfibre/epoxy laminates. strain and hold time periods to investigate nonlinear
It should be remembered that, for members with multi- rate time-dependent behaviour.
axial stress states and particularly those with varying
principal stress directions, it is difficult to orient fibres Strain-rate controlled test
in the principal directions throughout the cross-section. The effect of strain rate on the stress-strain behaviour
An appropriate representative material for an experi- was studied by changing the strain rate from lOA to
mental investigation of the time-dependent effects 1o-3 s-l.
in matrix dominated composites is the ?45” laminate The data from the strain-rate controlled tests with
with a quasi-ductile behaviour2~4~8~‘0; it provides an relaxation periods” were analysed by determining the
indication of the inelastic behaviour of polymeric com- characteristic stress level for a given strain at different
posite materials when they are loaded in an off-axis strain rates. The results are shown in Figure 2 together
situation. with the corresponding stress-strain curves. Figure 2
indicates that a unique stress-strain curve is associated
with a given strain rate. It is seen that the effect of the
Material and specimens strain rate becomes more pronounced with the decreas-
The material employed in this investigation was sup- ing tangent modulus of the stress-strain curve, i.e. in
plied by the 3-M Company in procured sheet form of the higher stress levels.
unidirectional roll designated as Scotchply Reinforced Figure 3 compares the differences in the tensile stress-
Plastic Type 1003*. The glass fibre used is a continuous strain behaviour of three lay-ups: off-axis 45”, angle-ply
+ 45” and multidirectional [+ 45”, 0’1s glassfibre/epoxy
filament ‘E’ type glass within the epoxy resin (resin con-
laminates at a strain-rate of - lo4 s-‘. It is seen that the
tent 36 ? 3% by weight).
angle-ply laminate exhibits a ductile type behaviour,
Coupon test specimens with nominal dimensions of
whereas multidirectional and off-axis laminates are
200 x 12.7 x 5 mm, were fabricated by a hand cuttings
rather brittle. The tensile fracture strain for the angle-
and lay-up (three specimens at a time) technique in a ply laminate is about an order of magnitude larger than
specially designed mould unit. The angle-ply [+45],, that of the multidirectional or the off-axis one. The cor-
samples consist of a total of 20 layers, each layer being responding tensile strength differs by a factor of two. In
(0.254 mm thick) of alternating + 45” and - 45” fibre
orientations symmetric with respect to the mid-plane.
The samples were then cured in the mould in a pre-
heated oven at 150°C (300°F). An initial pressure to the
mould of about 175 kP was applied by tightening six
bolts. After 12 hours curing at 15O”C, the mould was
allowed to cool in the oven to room temperature. The
void content of the samples was found to be about 3%.
To prevent premature failure in the wedge grips of
the testing machine, aluminium tabs were glued to the
ends of samples before the three monotonic failure
tests were carried out. The average values of the mono-
tonic failure stress, a, and the initial axial elastic mod-
ulus, E,, were: o, = 203 MPa and E, = 10,070 MPa,

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 E
Strain,E (%)
*Structural Products, Industrial Specialities Division/3M, 220-7E 3M
Centre, St Paul, Minnesota 55144, USA. Figure 2 Influence of strain-rate behaviour of 545” laminate

426 Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6

Glassfibre/epoxy laminates: F. El/yin and D. Kujawski

’ + [i45”.0”], Lamimate

I (4
Spulman D3
f=3.6 Hz. N,=6576

i Tl

P ED = 14400 MPa

i45” Lamin,,,


0: .-
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03
0 2 4 6 6 10 12 14 16 Strain, E
Strain, E (%)

Figure 3 Stress-strain behaviour of unidirectional 45”, angle-ply

Spdmw E3
+ 45” and multidirectional [45”, O”]s fibreglass/epoxy laminates fz3.6 Hz. Nt=702964 I

general, unidirectional off-axis laminates show lower

strength than angle-ply laminates, + 0, due to the con-
straint action of fibres in subsequent plies. In the case of
the multidirectional laminate with three ply angle orien-
tations ?45” and O”, the actual tensile strength depends
on the stacking sequence13.

Frequency effects in fatigue tests

Testing procedure I
0.02 0.03
Tension-tension fatigue tests were carried out at room Strain, E
temperature using the same MTS servo-controlled test-
Figure 4 Stress-strain response of f45” laminate under cyclic load-
ing machine. Cycling was between fixed load limits with ing: (a) high stress test, (b) low stress test. Note the accumulation of
a load ratio of R = (min. load/max. load) - 0.05. The creep strain at the minimum applied stress
load was applied in a sinusoidal waveform at two fre-
quencies, i.e. a low frequency of 0.417 Hz, and a high
frequency of 3.6 Hz. For the low frequency tests, a the rise of temperature may affect fatigue life2s4.In the
command signal was provided by the MTS function test reported here no significant heating of the sample
generator and the data from the load cell and a 25.4 was observed.
mm gauge length extensometer were recorded by an
X-Y plotter. In the case of the high frequency tests, an Cyclic creep
IBM PC computer was used to provide a command The development of cyclic creep strain (accumulated
signal and to record the data. In the following sections, strain at minimum load), E, versus life ratio N/N,
test results for the angle-ply +45” are presented. (number of cycles/number of cycles to failure) for the
two investigated frequencies, is shown in Figure 5.
Stress-strain response These curves resemble typical creep curves with an ini-
Typical cyclic stress-strain diagrams obtained at the tial rapid creep which is followed by a secondary and
high frequency tests for two stress levels corresponding tertiary creep behaviour just before final fracture.
to GaX = 97.4 MPa and 65.0 MPa (or 48% and 32% of Computed values of the cyclic creep rate, dEldN,
tensile strength) are shown in Figures 4a and 4b, respec- versus the life ratio, N/N, for both frequencies are
tively. A significant accumulation of cyclic creep and depicted in Figure 6. The rate of cyclic creep is initially
decrease in the specimen stiffness are observed with the high, it then decreases sharply towards an approximately
increasing number of cycles. For specimen D3 subjected steady state, and subsequently increases to a high rate
to a relatively high stress level (48% of tensile strength) just before fracture. At higher stress levels (the upper
the material exhibits a moderate hysteresis loop. The curves in Figure 6) the cyclic creep rate is higher for the
area of this loop represents energy loss for each load fast tests than for the slower ones. On the other hand, at
cycle. Most of this energy is converted into heat and is lower stress levels, this trend is reversed. All the curves
dissipated. At relatively high stresses and frequencies in Figure 6 tend to exhibit a characteristic wide ‘U’

Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6 427

Glassfibre/epoxy laminates: F. El/yin and D. Kujawski

0:2 0:4 : 016 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6

Life Ratiq”~/N, Life Ratio, N/N,

Figure 5 Accumulated cyclic creep strain versus life ratio of f45” laminate: (a) low frequency tests, (b) high frequency tests

f=3.6 Hz f=0.417 Hz

% _Nt=+p_ _ X Nf=2552
L f-J.6 Hz
EB Nf=6576
___-___ 0 Nf=17713

$ Nfd36506
____-__ 0 Nf=62500

* y~=~g~6> 0 Nf=l66100

3c Nf=2613 ‘6
q Nf=6576
$ Nf=136506
* Nf=702964

0.5 I I I I
0.2 0.0

Figure 7 Cyclic degradation of normalized elastic modulus versus life

ratio of * 45” laminate
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 ratio is observed. An initial rapid decay of the apparent
Life Ratio,N/Nf cyclic modulus is noted in the figure. Similar trends in
the degradation of the cyclic moduli were observed for
Figure 6 Variation of cyclic creep rate versus life ratio of +45”
laminate the slow tests with a frequency of 0.417 Hz. It is inter-
esting to note that the rate of degradation of cyclic
moduli, i.e. the slope of the curves in Figure 7, is ini-
shape. This signifies that each specimen is subjected to tially high, and it then decreases gradually towards an
an approximately steady rate of cyclic creep (secondary approximately steady value.
creep) for most of its life. It is seen that, from both Figures 5 and 7, the initial
The degradation of apparent cyclic elastic modulus rapid degradation of cyclic moduli coincides with the
upon reloading, E,, was also investigated. The degrada- primary stage of cyclic creep.
tion in modulus can be related to the combined internal
damage of the material I4715 . In the current investigation, Futigue lijk
the damage which occurred in the laminate was caused Fatigue life data in terms of normalised maximum
by matrix cracking parallel to the fibres and some stress, cr,,J~rversus number of cycles to failure, Nr, are
delamination. The variation of the normalized elastic shown in Figure &I. The normalised maximum stress
modulus versus life ratio is shown in Figure 7 for the versus the steady rate of cyclic creep (calculated at the
fast tests with a frequency of 3.6 Hz. A general trend in secondary stage of cyclic creep) is shown in Figure 8b.
the decay of normalized modulus with increasing life Both sets of lines, i.e. the fatigue life curves and the

428 Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6

Glassfibre/epoxy laminates: F. El/yin and D. Kujawski



Legend Legend
Cl ~=+:s_Y?.
_ 0 !9.6!S_
, ft.417 HZ n f=.417 Hz

lo- I 1 1111”11 ’ “““‘I ’ “m

16’ lo-’ -O 16
Cycles to Failure, N, Cyclic Creep Rate,‘&N

Figure 8 Normalized maximum stress versus: (a) number of cycles to failure; (b) steady rate of cyclic creep of +45” laminate

cyclic creep rate curves corresponding to the slow and paring this figure with Figure 5(b) it can be seen that
fast tests, cross over at approximately the same level. the initial rapid decay of cyclic moduli coincides with
For the normalised maximum stresses below the cross- the primary stage of cyclic creep.
over point the fatigue life decreases and the cyclic creep The challenge in designing polymeric composite com-
rate increases with the reduced loading frequency. In ponents is, therefore, to reduce the creepitime-depen-
contrast, at higher stresses (above the cross-over point) dent behaviour. One way of achieving this is to combine
the fatigue life decreases and the cylic creep rate various ply orientations, so that the major principal
increases with the higher frequency. The detrimental stress component is closely aligned with a fibre orienta-
influence of the cyclic creep on the fatigue life is evident tion during the entire load history. An example of
from examination of Figure 8. reduced time-dependency response is given below.
Figure 9 shows the fatigue test results for the multi-
directional laminate [+45”,0”], for slow and fast frequen-
Discussion of results cies16. The results are plotted in terms of normalized
The results of this study clearly demonstrate that the maximum stress versus the number of cycles to failure.
inelastic deformation of the glassfibre/epoxy laminate In contrast to the angle-ply laminates, no noticeable fre-
with angle-plied fibre orientation of +45” is rate (fre- quency effect on fatigue life is seen, and a single best-fit
quency)-dependent. line appears to describe the results fairly well. In addi-
The strain rate effects on stress-strain behaviour tion and as a result of the constraining action of the 0”
shown in Figure 2 indicate that a unique stress-strain plies, no significant cyclic creep was observed. Thus, it
curve is associated with a given strain rate. Due to the can be concluded that, as there is no cyclic creep there
matrix dominated deformation of this angle-plied lami- is no significant frequency effect in the multidirectional
nate, the rate effects carry over to the fatigue perfor- specimens. However, the fatigue performance of multi-
mance which indicate a significant influence of directional laminates depends on the lay-up sequence
frequency. The frequency effects on the cyclic and stress level. Furthermore, details concerning stack-
stress-strain behaviour, the cyclic creep and the fatigue ing sequence effects on fatigue strength of laminates
life are shown in Figures 4, 5, 6 and 8. The results indi- with three ply angle orientations, 49, - 45” and 0” may
cate that the cyclic creep which depends on the loading be found in Reference 13.
condition, i.e. applied load and frequency has a signifi-
cant effect on the fatigue life. From Figure 8 it is seen
that at low stress levels the fatigue life decreases and the
cyclic creep rate increases with reduced loading fre-
quency. In contrast, at higher stresses the trend is oppo-
site (i.e. the fatigue life decreases and the cyclic creep
rate increases with higher frequency).
It would appear that at high loads an increase in fre- ::
quency will result in an increased cyclic creep due to I
u Legend
local heating and stress heterogeneity. On the other 3 - 0 13.3 Hz
z 0 kO.417 Hz
hand, at low loads more cyclic creep can be developed
slow and fart
with decreasing frequency because the system will be E

under load for a greater period of time for creep to 2

16’ lo’ I , I ,,,1,,
ld I , , , ,111, 18 , , ( I ,,,,,
10’ , , 1, ,,,,,
develop. 10”
Detrimental influence of the cyclic creep on the Cycles to Failure, Nf
damage development is manifested in the degradation Figure 9 Normalized maximum stress versus number of cycles to
of cyclic moduli which is shown in Figure 7. By com- failure for multidirectional laminateI

Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6 429

Glassfibre/epoxy laminates: F. Ellyin and D. Kujawski

essential. The unidirectional 45” laminates exhibit the

poorest performance in both tensile and fatigue loadings.

-2 The research is supported, in part, by the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,
---Y --.__p
grant A-3808 and NSERC CRD grant 120764 with
Imperial Oil Resources Limited of Canada.

V f-J.33 Hz, R=O

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430 Construction and Building Materials 1995 Volume 9 Number 6

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