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Case Reading / Preparation / Analysis Tips

Dear Students,

There are many ways to read / prepare and crack the case study. Over the years, I have
tried almost ALL the techniques and on the basis of the learning techniques, I have
developed a simple but very effective one to read / prepare and do the analysis of the case.

Possible Issues / Reasons of the Suggestion

issues / about the issues’
Introduction Problems / problems / alternative Final Possible
about the Case challenges solution Solution(s)
(on the basis of
data / evidence
from the case)
In this column Type of What could be Your analysis of
we collect basic conflicts/ issues done differently the issues
data from the we may find in or better to avoid happened and Your Final Three
case about the the case….e.g, the conflicts / suggestions to (3) Solutions of
company on communication issues take place solve the the issues /
which the case is barrier, lack of in the org…. conflicts or problems..Please
written and the commitment what alternative issues do the Pros /
characters in the from managers things could be Cons analysis of
case…E.g, or employees, done in the case your solutions
company Name, top-down to abstain from and on the basis
CEO, established decision making the conflicts of that, give the
on, type of approach in the priority of your
business, Public/ company, lack of solutions like :
Private or NGO accountability,
Sector, Market training issues 1.The Best
Share, standing etc. etc.
in the industry, 2.The 2nd Best
role of people in
the case etc. etc. 3.The Third Best.

Ideal you need to

choose the best

one to defend
your Case
analysis and
apply the
possible solution

Note: Please remember, You need to put y yourself in those character (decision maker)
shoes, and then do the analysis of the situations, conflicts and problems and “Make the
Final Decision”.

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