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EDUC3221 Primary Science Assessment 2 Kade Ellis 32008451

Student Name: _________________________ Assessment Rubric: Year 6 Earth and Space Science

Learning Area: Science Date: 23/09/2020

Strand: (ACSSU096) Year Level: 4
Topic: Earthquake Presentation Class: 6.2
Excellent Achievement High Achievement Satisfactory Achievement Limited Achievement
Create a multimodal Creates and presents a Creates and presents an Creates and presents a Creates and presents a
report that highlights the highly engaging engaging multimodal somewhat engaging multimodal presentation
key learning intentions of multimodal presentation presentation highlighting multimodal presentation highlighting the key
the earthquake unit. highlighting the key the key learning intentions highlighting the key learning intentions of the
learning intentions of the of the earthquake unit. learning intentions of the earthquake unit with
earthquake unit. earthquake unit. limited engagement
Describe the key features Describes key features of Describes key features of Describes key features of Describes key features of
in the formation of an the formation of an the formation of an the formation of an the formation of an
earthquake earthquake in great detail. earthquake in detail. earthquake in some detail. earthquake in limited
Recall the appropriate Recalls the appropriate Recalls the appropriate Recalls the appropriate Recalls the appropriate
equipment/people used to equipment and people equipment and people equipment and people equipment and people
measure the intensity and used to measure the used to measure the used to measure the used to measure the
magnitude of an intensity of an earthquake intensity of an earthquake intensity of an earthquake intensity of an earthquake
earthquake. in great detail. in detail. in some detail. in limited detail.
General Comments:

Grade: Signature: K.Ellis Date: 23/09/2020

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