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Trans. Inst.


Sudeepta Adhikari, Patna, Bihar, India

Geopolitics had emerged as a rare combination of the Ratzellean heritage of natural
sciences, and the Kjellenean lineage of political science in the late nineteenth century as a
discourse to conceptualize politics as a territorial practice for space and power. Mackinder’s
spatialization of the world politics through his global strategic views further enhanced
the objectivity of geopolitical discourse. The history of modern world politics has been
structured and conditioned by spatial practices and representations of space, based on a
set of understanding about the way the world looks and works, which together constitute the
elements of modern geopolitical imagination. The spatialization of the world politics through
spatial practices and representations of space is the crux of the modern geopolitics, which
is now being greatly challenged / frayed by the informational technological revolutions,
which have problematized and pluralized the world politics in a way as to render the modern
geopolitics redundant, with the post-Modern geopolitics replacing it. The post-Modern
the telemetrical visualization of the world politics, with geo-graphing being replaced by
info-graphing. The present paper holds a critical review and assessment of both Modern and
post-Modern geopolitics in the light of the spatialized impact of informational technological
revolution on the world politics.
.H\ZRUGV Spatialization, spatial practices, representations of space, informationalization,
telemetrical visualization, world politics.

Geopolitics, taken to mean the statist, Euro- nineteenth century, by a Swede Professor of
centric, balance of power conception of Political Science of the Upasala University,
world politics that dominated much of the Sweden, Rudolf kjellen, was intrinsically
twentieth century, was earlier closely bound EDVHG RQ )ULHGULFK 5DW]HO¶V FODVVLFDO
up with, both, professional and academic H[HPSODU 3ROLWLVFKH *HRJUDSKLH  
geography. It goes back to the birth of self- in which he (Ratzel) developed the idea of
consciously geographical analysis in the lebensraum (living space) that foregrounded
nationalism, colonialism, and imperialism the philosophy of social Darwinism,
RIWKH¿QGHVLHFOH(XURSH:KDWGHYHORSHG together with the idea of endless struggle
was geopolitik, particularly during its among political units for space, power,
embryonic stage towards the close of the UHVRXUFHVDQGKHJHPRQ\,QMXVWRQH
nineteenth century. year after the publication of the Politische
introduced to the north European academic Geopolitik as the ‘study of the state as an
world during the closing years of the RUJDQLVP LQ WKH VSDFH¶ .MHOOHQ¶V ERRN
Staten sam Lifsform appeared at the height JHRSROLWLFDO VWXG\ ZDV RSHQHG DW 0XQLFK
language. The popularity of the book Karl Haushofer as its Director. A journal,
went beyond the boundaries of Sweden to in the name of Zeitschrift fur Geopolitik
northern and central Europe, particularly in ZDV VWDUWHG 2WWR 0DXOO WKH GLVFLSOH RI
Germany, and in the following year, it was .DUO +DXVKRIHU GH¿QHG JHRSROLWN DV RQH
WUDQVODWHGLQWR*HUPDQODQJXDJH'HU6WDDW ‘that concerns itself with the state, not as a
DOV/HEHQIRUP  *HRSROLWLNHPHUJHG static concept, but as a living being……it
as a rare combination of Ratzellean heritage investigates the state primarily in relation to
of natural sciences and Kjellenean lineage its environment…its space….and attempts
of political science, and developed into an to solve all problems resulting from spatial
objective science of the art of statecraftship. relationships…..geopolitik is concerned
)URP WKH EHJLQQLQJ JHRSROLWLN ZDV with the spatial requirements of a state
closely bound up with the competitive while political geography examines only
ambitions of European states for space, its space conditions. In putting geography
power and hegemony (Strausz-Hupe, at the service of space-conscious politics,
 3DUNHU   5DW]HO¶V LGHDV RI geopolitics devotes itself to question of
Lebensaum grew out of the widespread future. It is a discipline that weights and
anxiety about the position of Germany evaluates a given situation and by its
in the European politics, and the British conclusion seeks to guide practical politics
YLVjYLVWKHKHDUWODQGPRGHOUHÀHFWHGWKH It is believed that the crisis that led to
same anxiety in Great Britain. Geopolitik, the outbreak of the World War II was mainly
LQIDFWKDGSURPLVHGDSULYLOHJHGVFLHQWL¿F due to the testing and applicability of the
perspective on the world affairs, and principles of geopolitik by the Germans to
conceptualized politics as a territorial DFKLHYH PDVWHU\ RYHU 0DFNLQGHU¶V :RUOG
practice in which states and nations naturally Island through military conquests (Strausz-
struggled for power. It, thus, seemed to be +XSH 6RRQDIWHUWKHHQGRIWKH:RUOG
an objective science, at detached ‘god’s War II, geopolitik was banned from the
eye’ view of the world affairs (O’ Tuathail, intellectual world, but its notions survived
 *HRSROLWLFVZDVGHVLJQHGWRMXVWLI\ as applied political geography (Kasperson
interstate rivalry for space and power  0LQJKL  7KH GHPLVH DQG ULVH RI
throughout the twentieth century (Agnew, geopolitics since the World War II has been
$WNLQVRQ 'RGGV  quite remarkable.
Academic geography lost its relevance The revival of geopolitics has taken
in the face the increasing practical relevance WKUHH GLVWLQFW IRUPV JHRSROLWLFV EHFDPH
of geopolitik, as Europe drew closer to a most popular term for describing
the World War II. In Germany geography JOREDO ULYDOULHV LQ ZRUOG SROLWLFV UH
was forced-replaced by geopolitik, and in conceptualization, re-evaluation, and
the late 20s, and 30s, it got an association UHDVVHVVPHQW RI LWV DFDGHPLF YDOXH DQG
with the intellectual apparatus of the Third the rise of critical geopolitics with post-
Reich. In Germany, itself an institute for structural interpretations of geopolitical

36 | Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013

SUDFWLFHV 7D\ORU )OLQW *HRSROLWLFV set of understanding about the way the world
is concerned with rivalry between states, looks and works that together constitute
and describes rivalry relations between the elements of modern geopolitical
them. The Cold War geopolitics had ‘east- imagination. The geopolitical imagination,
west’ spatial pattern, while the modern with its beginning in the sixteenth century
geopolitics stands across the ‘north-south’ Europe, has structured and conditioned
VSDWLDOSDWWHUQ0DQ\RIWKHFRQWHPSRUDU\ world politics ever since. Though the balance
problems in the world politics are on the of power between the dominant world
threshold of the ‘north-south’ spatial pattern powers has changed down the centuries,
RIFRQÀLFWXDOLW\ as has the nature of international economy,
Geopolitics had produced many the modern geopolitical imagination still
analyses of the complicity of geography and remains prevalent in framing the conduct
geographers in colonialism, imperialism, RIZRUOGSROLWLFV $JQHZ 
and nationalism, and later on the Cold War 0RGHUQ JHRSROLWLFV DQG JHRSROLWLFDO
these early analyses had historical relevance. Geopolitics in the late twentieth century
0RVW RI WKHP WUDFHG WKH JHRSROLWLFDO and in the early present century became
theorizing to the emergence of European D ZLGHO\ XVHG VLJQL¿HU IRU WKH VSDWLDOLW\
geopolitical imagination during the period of world politics. Agnew and Corbridge
of Renaissance and the Age of Exploration.   KDYH JLYHQ WKH FRQFHSW RI PRGHUQ
They showed how geopolitical thought- geopolitics some form of clarity and
the god’s view of the world as a structured VSHFL¿FLW\RIIHULQJZKDWLVSHUKDSVWKHPRVW
whole that can be captured and managed comprehensive historical and materialistic
from the European point of view-emerged as WKHRU\RIPRGHUQJHRSROLWLFV$JQHZ  
a part and of parcel of European exploration provided a general theory of geopolitics that
and colonialism. treats it both as practices and ideas, as the
The earlier geopolitical analyses had materialist world order, and as a discursive
sought to highlight those many of the key set of understandings and enframing
territorial assumptions of international UXOHV E\ EOHQGLQJ WRJHWKHU WKH 0DU[LDQ
politics, which have European origin-often political economy, the idiosyncratic writings
PRUH VSHFL¿FDOO\ QRUWK (XURSHDQ RULJLQV on space, and the anti-textualist critical
The history of geopolitics shows the ways geopolitics. A new word geopolitical
how the concepts were made to impose economy has been (geopolitics and political
inside and outside Europe, particularly its economy taken together) introduced, and
illuminating role of geographical knowledge which became increasingly associated with
in legitimizing the balance-of-power politics the modern geopolitics.
of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Spatial practices and the representations
+ROGHU*UHJRU\2¶7XDWKDLO of space are the two extremes of the
  continuum that characterize the modern
The history of modern world politics geopolitical imagination. Spatial practices
has been structured by practices based on a are the everyday material practices across

Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013 | 37

space that help in the consolidation of the The first three geopolitical orders
global orders of political economy, while DQG JHRSROLWLFDO GLVFRXUVHV DUH UHÀHFWLYH
the representations of space involve all the of three relatively stable and sweeping
concepts, naming practices, and geopolitical historical modes of spatial practices and
codes, used to talk about and understand representations of space. The fourth one, i. e.
spatial practices. Spatial practices are transnational liberalism of the contemporary
a pre-discursive materiality, while the SHULRG LV VWLOO ÀXLG \HW WR EH VWDEOH 7KH
representations of space are ideology and contemporary period is characterized by
GLVFRXUVH $JQHZ  &RUEULGJH   the continuous expansion and extension
)XQGDPHQWDO WR VSDWLDO SUDFWLFHV DQG WKH of the US-induced market democracies
representations of space are the geopolitical through the process of globalization, and
RUGHU DQG JHRSROLWLFDO GLVFRXUVH ± WKH therefore the representations of space has
former is related to the political economy been termed as enlargement geopolitics. In
of spatial practices and the later is a all cases, the practical geopolitical reasoning
congealed hegemonic organization of the of political elites is the link between the
representations of space. The term ‘order’ dominant representations of space, and
refers to routinized rules, institutions, the geopolitical order of dominant spatial
activities, and strategies through which the SUDFWLFHV $JQHZ 
international political economy has operated It is said that the beginnings of modern
in different historical periods. Geopolitical geopolitical discourse could be traced back
order is always conceived in terms of space to the encounters between the Europeans
and time. Geopolitical order cannot be and the non-European Others during the
conceived without a hegemon (dominant Age of Exploration. The earlier European
state). Geopolitical order is hegemony. empires and social orders had notions of
Geopolitical discourse is the discourse Otherness, and the singular trait of modern
by which intellectuals of statecraft, both geopolitical discourse can be said to be its
formal theorists and practioneres spatialize representations of Others as backward or
ZRUOG SROLWLFV$JQHZ   LGHQWLILHG permanently disadvantaged if they remained
three major geopolitical orders with DVWKH\DUH(XURSH¶V2WKHUVZHUH¿[HGIRU
corresponding three major geopolitical all time in a state of inferiority to Europe

6SDWLDOSUDFWLFHV Representations of space

%ULWLVKJHRSROLWLFDORUGHU Civilizational geopolitics
,QWHULPSHULDOULYDOU\ Naturalized geopolitics
&ROG:DUJHRSROLWLFDORUGHU Ideological geopolitics
7UDQVQDWLRQDOOLEHUDOLVP" Enlargement geopolitics
&KDUDFWHULVWLFV RI PRGHUQ JHRSROLWLFDO geopolitical order gives its own particular
LPDJLQDWLRQ meaning value to these terms. Hegemonic
$JQHZ   KDV LGHQWL¿HG IRXU PDMRU states become the laboratories of modernity
meta-theoretical characteristics of modern producing hegemonic vision of modern
JHRSROLWLFDOLPDJLQDWLRQ politics, economy, culture and ordinary
everyday comfort. They project an idealized
vision of their present to the rest of the world
• 7LPHEHLQJWXUQHGLQWRVSDFH as its future. The Cold War divisions of the
• State-centered approach to world world into three worlds and Walt Rostow’s
SROLWLFVDQG modernization-as-development theories
• Pursuit of primacy by dominant on the stages of economic growth were
states. mainly the latest manifestation of this long
It is the global visualization that makes standing feature of the modern geopolitical
the world politics possible. The development LPDJLQDWLRQ 2¶7XDWKDLO 
of philosophy and cartographic techniques The state-centered representation of
of global visualization in Europe from the global space is underpinned by three
sixteenth century onwards made geopolitics DVVXPSWLRQV L WKDWVWDWHVKDYHDQH[FOXVLYH
possible, for it enabled the seeing the world power within their territories as represented
as a unitary, albeit still incomplete, whole. E\ WKH FRQFHSW RI VRYHUHLJQW\ LL  WKDW
The technical invention of perspective made domestic and foreign affairs are essentially
possible the consideration of the world-as-a- separate realms in which different rules
picture from a single eye vantage point. This REWDLQDQG LLL WKDWWKHERXQGDULHVRIWKH
homogeneous whole led to it differentiation that the later is ‘contained’ by the former. All
by Europeans into horizontal hierarchy these assumptions, however, function in
of places (a departure from the traditional the practice of everyday statecraft to give
medieval conception of space as a part of world politics a geopolitical segmentarity
sacred vertically hierarchical order). Ancient DQGWHUULWRULDOO\GH¿QHGERXQGDULHV7KHVH
binary geographies and hierarchies were identities are reinforced by a complex state
recycled to differentiate the globe into the of institutions, international organizations
Blocks of spaces are isolated and labeled The states in modern inter-state system,
with essential attributes of different time- though equal in terms of sovereign status
periods relative to the idealized historical or equal sovereign entities, are in reality
experience of one of the blocks. This spatial radically different from each other in
mode of representing the modern generates geographic location, territorial extent
those binary geographies, which have been or size, natural resource endowment,
persistently part of geopolitics since the demographic attributes and characteristics,
5HQDLVVDQFH GHYHORSHG DQG EDFNZDUG social organization, political leadership and
modern and traditional, West and East, the power potentials. These differences have
Occident and the Orient. Each hegemonic long been classified and conceptualized

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within the context of relative struggle spaces of destiny, it helped to colonize the
for power between states. The pursuit of globe with networks of communication,
primacy, at the local, regional, and global logistics of war, and ethnocentric modes
level, by the dominant states has generated RIWHUULWRULDORUJDQL]DWLRQ 0DWHOODUW 
discourses which have sought to explain The modern geopolitical imagination is
and justify the state militarism, territorial a legacy of the imposition of European
expansion, overseas imperialism and territorial forms across the globe from
warfare as inevitable consequences of the sixteenth century, an order of power
uneven distribution of power across the over the Earth that sought to discipline
globe and timeless ‘law’ of competition LWVLQ¿QLWHVSDFHV±LQWHUQDODQGH[WHUQDO
between states under conditions of anarchy PRXQWDLQ DQG YDOOH\ DQG VHD ± DURXQG
IRU¿QLWHUHVRXUFHV sovereign presence and immanent logos.
Global space was stamped by essential
presence (absence), organized into natural
suggested a framework to develop a
regions and hierarchies, graded for its
historically sensitive geopolitics that can
inherent value and worth value, and marked
transcend national biases. They defined
as the destined property of providential
modern geopolitics as particular form of
reasoning that values and orders places
in terms of the security of a single state However, the modern world, now, lives
RU JURXS RI VWDWHV 7KLV EURDG GH¿QLWLRQ in complicated and confusing times, spaces
allowed them to identify two basic types WUDYHUVHG E\ JOREDO ÀRZV DQG ZDUSHG E\
RI JHRSROLWLFDO UHDVRQLQJ WKH SUDFWLFDO the intensity and speed of information
geopolitical reasoning, which is the function technologies. The conventional and classical
of the state elites, both military and civilian. geopolitical imagination that maps the world
Their task is to evaluate places beyond the in terms of spatial blocks, territorial presence
borders of the states as potential threats to DQG ¿[HG LGHQWLWLHV GRHV QRW VHHP WR EH
their national security. Places were, thus, adequate in a world where space appears
reduced to security commodities. Second is to be left behind pace, where territoriality
is replaced by telemetricality, and where
the formal geopolitical reasoning, where the
simple settled identities are blurring into
practical ideas are organized into theories
networks of complex unsettled hybridity.
These developments, with impacts on the
geopolitical reasoning divides up the world
world map and politics, have made the
and argues for differential valuing of the
modern geopolitics more precarious than
resulting parts.
before, and to some, these developments
Geopolitics, particularly the practical mean the end of the modern (geopolitics).
geopolitics has always been conceived, and Or, in other words, the modern geopolitics
nurtured in the capitals of the great powers, is being frayed with the global life slipping
their learned academics, in the map, and territorial bonds, accelerating beyond
war rooms of ambitious expansionist modern map, prompting the declaration of
states. A parochial imperialist gaze that the end of the modern, and the beginning of
represented lands beyond the horizon as the post-modern.

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3RVWPRGHUQJHRSROLWLFV time-space compression hitting modern
The end of the modern (geopolitics) seems scales into each other and generating post-
to have been conditioned by the relative PRGHUQJOREDOORFDOIXVLRQWKDWPD\EH
decline of the American hegemony in world WHUPHG µJORFDOL]DWULRQ¶ 5REHUWVRQ 
politics. The steady rise of China relative $JQHZ  &RUEULGJH $SSDGXUDL
to the US, and Russia, and to an extent   7KH HPHUJHQFH RI QHZ IRUPV RI
India also, create conditions, which appear imagining of global space in the condition
to problematize and unsettle the modern of post-modernity, and new modes of
geopolitical map of the world, eroding the representation through flows, networks
LQKHULWHGRQWRORJLHVDQG¿[HGLPDJLQDWLRQ and webs have conditioned the fusion of
of ‘how the world works’. The changing global and local into glocalization, which
intensity of economic globalization, a might cause the ‘implosion of geopolitics’
phenomenon that is hardly new rather /XNH *OREDOZHEVDUHWKHHPHUJHQW
centuries’-old, beginning with the Age of economic geometry of the contemporary
Exploration, in the sixteenth century, has epoch of post-modernity.
substantially caused profound structural The threads of global webs are the
change in the contemporary political computers, facsimile machines, satellites,
economy away from a predominantly statist KLJK UHVROXWLRQ PRQLWRUV DQG PRGHP ±
international political economy toward a all of them linking designers, engineers,
deterritorialized global economy (Kofman contractors, licensees, and dealers
<RXQJ  worldwide. Thus, the contemporary
The ever-increasing diffusion of new information technologies have become
information technologies throughout the fundamental to the new geometry of power.
interstices of societies, economics, and A new network system has come into being,
politics have led to the development of together with a new social morphology,
facsimile machines, satellite technologies, which are making new types of spatial
personal computers, cable television, and in practices and representations of space.
recent years, networked computer, wireless The science of geography, of mapping,
communication, and the internet (Tapscott, measuring and triangulating physical space
All these three major developments proximity, distance, and scale, based on the
together with the increasing ease physical measurement, now appears useless.
of transportation and mass travel, the Proximity, distance, and scale are, however,
consolidation of transnational media GH¿QHG E\ WKH FRQQHFWLYLW\ RI D QHWZRUN
empires, and transnational migration have The notion of a network helps to lift the
caused or conditioned the de-embedding of W\UDQQ\ RI JHRJUDSKHUV LQ GH¿QLQJ VSDFH
societies from their normal territorial roots, and offers a notion which is nether social
the shrinkage and collapse of traditional QRUUHDOEXWDVVRFLDWLRQV /DWRXU2¶
of life. In a world, where traditional /XNH LQ KLV VXFFHVVLYH VWXGLHV 
centers no longer hold their traditional     KDV SURYLGHG D WKUHHVWDJH
characteristics, with the technologies of JHRSROLWLFDO QDUUDWLYHV 7DEOH   IRU

Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013 | 41

conceptualizing the shifting relationship how cultural and technological changes
between humans and nature in the time- have caused transformative environments
space perspective, and has attempted to show and orders.

7DEOH Three-stage geopolitical narrative

Agrarian antiquity 0RGHUQLQGXVWULDOFDSLWDOLVP Post-modern informational capitalism
Natural biosphere $UWL¿FLDOWHFKQRVSKHUH Information cybersphere
Earth and Gods 0DSDQGFORFN Television and computers
Organic spatiality Engineered spatiality Cybernetic spatiality
Terrestriality Territoriality Telemetricality
Geoscape Plutoscape 0HGLDVFDSH

The first nature is expressive of the complexes of railways, steamships, hard

pre-modern geopolitical narrative, which surface roads, canals, electrical grids,
had a social order, primarily based on telegraph and telephone system. It was the
primordial communities with rudimentary classical era of territorial geopolitics.
spatial organization, was organized by Luke’s second nature, however, appears
terrestrial vision and practices, and that to coincide with Agnew and Corbridge’s
existed before the invention and foundation three geopolitical orders and discourses
of the urban culture and state-building. 7DEOH   WKH %ULWLVK JHRSROLWLFDO RUGHU
The second nature narrative started with ZLWKFLYLOL]DWLRQDOJHRSROLWLFV  
the beginning of the industrial capitalism the inter-imperial rivalry with naturalized
from the eighteenth century onward when
the Europeans moved beyond Europe
War geopolitical order with ideological
in search of overseas territories, and
began colonizing new territories in Africa
and Asia. It was the period of industrial Luke’s third nature of geopolitical
revolution, discoveries, inventions of narrative is characterized by the domain
machines, migration, urbanization, building of informational cyberspace, its electric
of cities, and states, transformation of landscape, infoscape, and mediascape of
the primordial societies into peoples and post-modern informational capitalism.
nations with ethnic identities. The period Territoriality has been replaced by
also witnessed the beginning of nationalism, the telemetricality, and as a result, the
urbanism, colonialism, and imperialism, informationalization has pluralized the
and interstate rivalries for space and power spatialized operational potentialities of
within and outside Europe in Asia and existing cultures and societies, with the
Africa. The natural, biosphere was replaced modern geo-graphing becoming post-modern
E\WKHDUWL¿FLDOWHFKQRVSKHUH7KHVSDFHZDV info-graphing. The traditional divisions of
mastered by states, nations, and hardware the space between local, regional, national,

42 | Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013

and global appear to have become weakened 2¶ 7XDWKDLO   KDV VRXJKW WR
IROORZLQJWKHTXLFNHQLQJRIWKHVSDFHÀRZV distinguish between the modern geopolitics
7KRXJK 2¶ 7XDWKDLO   KDV FDOOHG and the post-modern geopolitics with the
Luke’s schema as too abstract, sweeping, help of Agnew and Corbridge’s modern
and intellectually isomorphic, but at the geopolitical discourse and Luke’s schema of
same time, he found some usefulness in the the three-stage geopolitical narrative.
schema in clarifying immanent tendencies
in contemporary world politics.


Perspective theater Post-perspective simulation
Territorial power Telemetrical power
Hardware ascendant Software ascendant
Territorial enemies De-territorialized dangers
Geopolitical man Cyborg collectives

geopolitics since the last decade of the The post-modern geopolitics is increasingly
twentieth century has been conceived of FKDUDFWHUL]HG E\ WKH JURZLQJ VLJQL¿FDQFH
being the expressions in the practices of of the telemetrical visualization of the
the great and powerful nations’ strategic contemporary world politics. This is largely
complexes of institutions, intellectuals, because of the telemetrical simulation
and actor-networks. The United States of ± D PRGHO WKDW PDNHV D SKHQRPHQRQ RI
America is suitably situated in this respect, GLVSXWH RU FRQÀLFW WR ORRN PRUH UHDO WKDQ
but China is not far behind the US, as it the real phenomenon of the dispute. The
is striving hard to gain a suitable position displacement of modern cartographic
to counter the US monopoly in the world representation of global space by the
politics. There is no doubt to India’s post-modern telemetrical simulation is
ascendance in the field of information UHÀHFWLYHRIDPXFKEURDGHUWHFKQRFXOWXUDO
technology, but it is far behind China so transformation in how the world politics
far as its strategic power, strength and is imagined and visually represented in
imperatives, and foreign policy practices are the contemporary scenario. It has made
concerned in the light of its informational the world politics to be turned into an
capability. information spectacle. It is now a hyper-

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reality of television spectacles and military reaction, the rally to fundamentalist myths,
simulations, a universe of information moral absolutes, and rock-like certainties
that encompasses and overwhelms all. in a boundary-collapsing world. Jihad is a
Visions are eclipsed by vertigo (O’ Tuathail, dangerous disease of transition, and has the
  7KH VSHHG TXDOLW\ DQG LQWHQVLW\ potential of causing destruction to humanity,
of information problematize the very and designed to reverse the accelerating
possibility of foreign policy as deliberative destiny of the contemporary world. The
the post-modern global space is imagined of globalization, leading to the diffusion of
In the post-modern condition of Utopia of free markets across the globe.
GHWHUULWRULDOL]DWLRQFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRISHRSOH In the assessment of power potentials,
place, and heritage have lost all semblance WKHVLJQL¿FDQFHRILQIRUPDWLRQWHFKQRORJ\
of isomorphism. The contemporary cultural HGXFDWLRQ DQG LQVWLWXWLRQDO ÀH[LELOLW\ KDV
forms are fundamentally fractal, that is, increased enormously at the expense of
as possessing no Euclidian boundaries, JHRJUDSK\SRSXODWLRQDQGUHVRXUFHVUDZ
structures, or regularities. The question materials, whose relevance has fallen. The
that is needed to be asked in ‘a world of role of intelligence collection, surveillance,
GLVMXQFWLYHJOREDOÀRZV¶ZKLFK$SSDGXUDL and reconnaissance, besides command,
VXJJHVWVµVKRXOGUHO\RQLPDJHVRIÀRZDQG control, communication, computer-
uncertainty, hence chaos, rather than older processing, and intelligence has increased
images of order, stability, and systematicness to the extent as to decide the world politics.
that the world politics has necessarily the country with a powerful information
transcended the imaginary of the territorial technology, and consistent innovations
state rather it is to admit the disintegration in this sector would be more powerful
of its traditional mythic Euclidian forms than the country with low information
and to acknowledge the strange new capability and potentials. The country with
(con)fusions of delocalized trans-nations, the potential ability to collect, process, act
simulated sovereignty, post-modern war, upon, and disseminate information will
deterritorialized currency, and a glocalized always maintain an information edge over
networked economy of production and the others. This information edge is a force
FRQVXPSWLRQ *UD\%XUWRQ  multiplier as it gives greater potency to hard
The post-modern global space is divided military power and its soft economic and
into essential blocks with identity and ideological power. Software power turns the
GLIIHUHQFH7KLVLVH[HPSOL¿HGRUUHYHDOHG existing hard and soft power into power plus.
by the existence of the post-spatial binaries The country which has informatioaliozed
OLNH -LKDG DQG 0F:RUOG %DUEHU   its battlescape knowledge, together with
The post-spatial binaries have replaced its foreign policy practices is always in a
the traditional binary conception of space position to play proactive role in the world
as modern versus backward, East versus politics. Informationalization of the world
West, and the three-world of the Cold politics, however, tends to deconstruct the
War. Jihad represents the primodialist’s solid state presence and old-styled frontiers

44 | Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013

- cyberspace is, therefore, the latest frontier making new type of spatial practices
SUROLIHUDWLQJIUHHGRP 5RFKOLQ  possible in the world politics. Being a
Since the end of the Cold War, the part of a network, a set of interconnected
meaning of security is essentially contested nodes, is crucial to the exercise of power in
and threats are increasingly represented WKHLQIRUPDWLRQDJH±µWKHSRZHURIÀRZV
as emanating not only simply from the WDNHVSUHFHGHQFHRYHUWKHÀRZVRISRZHU¶
territorial enemies, where containment &DVWHOOV 
imperatives remain in force, but from a With the collectives and cyborgs,
plethora of deterritorialized dangers, which being the part of the theorization and
include stateless terrorism, cybernetic practice of geopolitics at the end of the
crime and sabotage, narco-terrorism, global twentieth century and at the beginning
corruption, proliferation of weapons of mass of the present century, the contrast is
destruction, humanitarian crisis, infectious foregrounded by the question, how are the
diseases, and environmental degradation. PDMRUDFWRUVVKDSLQJJHRSROLWLFVLGHQWL¿HG
7KH -LKDG YHUVXV 0F:RUOG FRQIOLFW  and conceptualized, but that appears to be
dichotomy has made most of the iconic an unacknowledged and an un-theorized
structures of different civilizational realm one. Critical geopoliticians need to begin to
of the Occident and the Orient vulnerable recognize the pervasive yet unproblematized
or susceptible to destruction. Threats to presence and anonymous functioning of
KXPDQLW\ QRZ KDYH QR VSHFL¿F ORFDWLRQ collectives of humans and non-humans in
or site rather it can happen any time at any the world politics. Contemporary geopolitics
site or location. Anywhere on the globe is obviously gives life and sustenance to
QRZDSRWHQWLDOEDWWOH¿HOG7KLVLVKRZWKH military collectives and their networks, but
global threats are spatialized and strategic do the networks of every day collectives
of response is conceptualized. Therefore, it KDYH VHFUHW JHRSROLWLFDO OLYHV" 0DQ\
needs strategic mobilization and mobility, UHFHQW ZDUV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW LQ ZKLFK
speed and flexibility fundamental to its the United States was a major participant,
operation. simply revealed the involvement of many
The world is made up of collectives geopolitical quasi-objects and quasi-subjects
of humans and non-humans, and it is best with the collectives of actor-networks.
described as consisting of actor-networks, Actor-networks do have geopolitical
which are more than technical or social lives, and it is time to acknowledge and
networks. The information age is inducing theorize these rather than chronicle the
a new network society, and the information VWRULHVRI*HRSROLWLFDO0DQWKH0DFNLQGHU
technology is providing the material bases OLNH RU 6S\NPDQOLNH )LJ WKDW YLHZV WKH
for its pervasive expansion throughout the globe and divines the secrets necessary for
entire social structure. Networks constitute mastering it. Agency in geopolitics is now
the new social morphology of the societies, with the thoroughly cyborgenized networks
and the diffusion of networking logic and not with the geopoliticians. The new
VXEVWDQWLDOO\ PRGL¿HV WKH RSHUDWLRQ DQG cybor-organized forms of geopolitical life
outcome of processes of production and are perpetually being conceived by the
experience, power and culture. They are proliferating networks, expressing the fears

Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013 | 45

and fantasies of competing and cooperating by conjunctural congealment of geopolitical
FROOHFWLYHV 2¶7XDWKDLO  theories and practices that are points of entry
As the technical knowledge enhances, into the visual techniques, transportational
so enhances the capability, speed and technologies, communicational capabilities,
intensity, which together sustain persistent war logistics, political economy, state
change and continuity in every day life forms, global crises, spatial ontologies, and
and in the world politics as well. With pervasive anxieties….while the categories
the informationalization, following the of modern and post-modern geopolitics
technical revolution, the spatial structure have pedagogic merit, we should always
of the world politics has been thoroughly be cognizant of how the density, hybridity,
cyborenized, enabling the ruling elites and impurity of contemporary socio-spatial
RI WKH SRZHUIXO QDWLRQV WR FUHDWH ÀH[LEOH and socio-temporal practices often escape
decision time in dromological crisis the grasp of our theory….we struggle
situations. This is what may be called the to untangle and describe the (con)fused,
continuity and change in the geopolitical IUDJPHQWHGDQGIUDFWDOSRVWQRQPRGHUQ
discourses and practices. JHRSROLWLFVRIWKHWZHQW\¿UVWFHQWXU\¶
the dialectical interplay of spatial practices
and representations of space, the modern Geopolitics, which was earlier, spelt like
geopolitical imagination….while having Geopolitik, has structured and conditioned
an essential continuity…one can identify the world politics, since its beginning in
distinctive epochs in which geographical the sixteenth century, though the term
representations and practices implicit in the was coined in the late nineteenth century.
world politics have undergone important Basically, geopolitics was a Euro-centric
shifts. The theme of continuity and change, balance of power conception, between the
however, manifests a certain wisdom that dominant world powers, vying for space and
sometimes eludes schematic theorizing about power, justifying the raison de etre of the
modern and post-modern. In designating
Though, the balance power conception
the modern and its transformation into the
has changed down the centuries, but the
post-modern, there is often an irresistible
geopolitical imagination still remains
urge to branding and ordering the messy
prevalent, and holds its relevance in the
complexities of human history into clean
world politics. Geopolitics has become, in
and precise categories’. Nevertheless, mess
the late twentieth century, and in the early
is a characteristic of human society past,
present and, may be in the future also.
for the spatiality of the world politics.
The human societies consist of multiple,
Spatial practices and the representations of
entwined networks of interaction operating space are the two extremes of the continuum
DWDYDULHW\RIVFDOHV 6KHQN  that characterize the modern geopolitical
On modern and the post-modern imagination, the former is a pre-discursive
JHRSROLWLFV2¶7XDWKDLO  ZULWHVµ:H materiality, involving different kinds of
do not live in a world constituted essentially flows, interactions and movements that
by modern or post-modern geopolitics, but characterize features of production and

46 | Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013

reproduction, while the later is ideology DQG WKH 0F:RUOG DQG WKH LQFUHDVLQJ UROH
and discourse, including all the concepts, of the actor-networks combination in
naming practices, and geographical codes shaping the destiny of the world politics, are
WR XQGHUVWDQG WKH SUDFWLFHV )XQGDPHQWDO some of the relevant manifestations of the
to the spatial practices and representations spatialization of the world politics, through
of space are the geopolitical order and the informationalization, and cyborgenization
geopolitical discourse, the former is related which necessarily condition the post-
to the political economy of spatial practices, modernity in geopolitics.
and the later is a congealed hegemonic
organization of representations of space.
The modern geopolitical imagination is References
characterized by the global visualization $JQHZ -   *HRSROLWLFV 59LVLRQLQJ
of space over time, state-centric approach $JQHZ-DQG&RUEULGJH6  0DVWHULQJ
to world politics, and the struggle for 6SDFH/RQGRQ5RXWOHGJH
dominance in the world politics. $SSDGXUDL $  0RGHUQLW\ DW /DUJH
However, the world since in the late Cultural Dimensions of Globalization.
twentieth century, particularly since the 0LQQHDSROLV8QLYHUVLW\RI0LQQHVRWD
end of the Cold War has been witnessing $WNLQVRQ'DQG'RGGV.  ,QWURGXFWLRQ
relative decline in the US hegemony JHRSROLWLFDO WUDGLWLRQV D FHQWXU\ RI
in the global affairs, followed by a de- geopolitical thought, in K. Dodds and D.
territorialized or re-territorialized global $WNLQVRQ HGV *HRSROLWLFDO7UDGLWLRQV$
economy, ever-increasing diffusion of &HQWXU\RI*HRSROLWLFDO7KRXJKW/RQGRQ
information technologies, and the dis- Routledge.
embedding of societies from their normal %DUEHU%  -LKDGYV0F:RUOG1HZ<RUN
territorial roots, the shrinkage and collapse Ballantine.
of the traditional conceptions of scale, and %XUWRQ'  7KHEUDYHQHZZLUHGZRUOG
life. The modern geopolitics is being frayed &DVWHOOV 0  7KH 5LVH RI WKH 1HWZRUN
with the daily practice of global life slipping Society. Oxford. Blackwell.
territorial bounds, and accelerating beyond
the modern, a situation, thus, created is
referred to the ‘end of the modern, and the
beginning of the post-modern conditions *UD\&+  3RVWPRGHUQ:DU7KH1HZ
in the global geopolitics’. The increasing 3ROLWLFVRI&RQÀLFW1HZ<RUN*XLOIRUG
of the contemporary world politics, the Oxford. Blackwell.
losing semblance of isomorphic features +ROGHU6  7KHLGHDOVWDWHDQGSRZHURI
of people, place, and heritage, state, nation JHRJUDSK\WKHOLIHZRUNRI5XGROI.MHOOHQ
as a result of de-territorialization or re- 3ROLWLFDO*HRJUDSK\
territorialization, the replacement of the .DVSHUVRQ5(DQG0LQJKL-9 HGV 
traditional binary conception of space by The Structure of Political Geography.
the post-spatial binaries such as the Jihad Chicago. Aldine Publishing Co.

Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013 | 47

Globalization Theory and Practice. London. 0LQQHDSROLV 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 0LQQHVRWD
Pinter. Press. Routledge.
politics of global and local in the New World The modern geopolitical imagination and
2UGHU6RFLHW\DQG6SDFH beyond, in S. Dalby and G. O’Tuathail
HGV *OREDO0RGHUQLWLHV/RQGRQ6DJH reasoning in American foreign policy.
post-modern time-space compression, in )XWXUH/RQGRQ3LQWHU
‘America’ in an accelerating world, in 5RFKOLQ *   7UDSSHG LQ WKH 1HW
A. Herod, G. O’ Tuathail, and S. Robert The Unanticipated Consequences of
(eds.) An Unruly World? Globalization, &RPSXWHUL]DWLRQ3ULQFHWRQ1-3ULQFHWRQ
the writings of Paul Virilio, in P. Crang and
Routledge. G. P. Putnam’s Sons.


DV SROLWLFDOWHUULWRULDO LGHDO KLVWRULFDO Promise and Peril in the Age of Nerworked
and contemporary considerations, in T. ,QWHOOLJHQFH1HZ<RUN0F*UDZ+LOO
Biersteker and C. Weber (eds.) State :HEHU &   6LPXODWLQJ 6RYHUHLJQW\
Cambridge University Press.
DJH)RUHLJQ$IIDLUV Professor of Geography,
2WWR0DXO  'DV:HVHQGHU*HRSROLWLN Department of Geography
/HLS]LJ  DV TXRWHG LQ 7KH :RUOG RI Bihar, Patna University, Patna
General Haushofe (authored by) Andreas

48 | Transactions | Vol. 35, No. 1, 2013

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