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English l

Final Examination

Test l. Vocabulary Skills

A. Write the correct word for each pronunciation symbol given. Opposite the word, write only
the letter of the meaning that corresponds to your answer.
1. /hwip/ a. physically indisposed
2. /det/ b. thing to hold or cover something
3. /dum/ c. strike; beat
4. /lim/ d. not able to speak
5. /tuf/ e. something owed to another

B. The following sentences contain the commonly used words, as run and round. Give their
meaning as used in each sentence.

1. I am planning to run for a senator this coming election.

2. They saw Johnny run to help his mother.
3. She bought a round-trip ticket.
4. Last Christmass, I and my fiends went to a round of parties.
5. The world champion was knocked out at the end of the 5 th round.

C. Choices were provided for the underlined words in the sentences given. Read them carefully to
get the meaning. Then select from the choices by writing only the letter of your choice.

1. After he had won the prize he went about with his head in the air.
a. there air surrounding his head.
b. feeling proud
c. got a cut on his head
2. She wore a ragged dress, but she had the air of a princess.
a. the air she breathes
b. the manner of a princess
c. has financial incapacity
3. After letting four runs come in, the pitcher went up in the air.
a. he went up in a balloon
b. he climbed up a ladder
c. he became excited and lost control of his pitching
4. The announcer went on the air at nine o’clock.
a. he broadcasted over the radio
b. he went out to take fresh air
c. he took an airplane
5. He drove into the service station for some air.
a. there was better breathing at the service station
b. he wanted his tires pumped up
c. he wanted to listen to the radio

Test ll. Getting Main Idea: Read the short paragraphs that follow. Determine the thought of the
paragraph and select it from the list of choices that follow each paragraph. Write only the letter of your
choce. (2pts each)

1. A good habit is like a jewel. It must constantly be polished. It must be watched closely
to prevent its becoming dull. It’s value can be measured only in the satisfaction and pride it
brings to its owner.
a. the polishing of jewels
b. the value of ahabit
c. the comparing a habit to a jewel
2. The Chinese are people who permit no food to go to waste. They have learned to make
nourishing meals from as little as possible. The left-over of any meal becomes the base
for the next one. These are some of the frugal ways of the thrifty Chinese.
a. nourishing meals
b. the good meals of the Chinese
c. the thrifty ways of the Chinese

3. Wars are very harmful. Thousands of soldiers are killed. Much property is destroyed.
Many innocent women and children suffer unjustly. Wounded and discouraged fighting
men returned home to begin a new and uncertain life.
a. the killing of soldiers
b. the suffering of women and children
c. the harmfulness of war

4. Driving an automobile is not easy as it seems. First, there must be an even and
complete control of the steering wheel. Then there must be the ability to shift gears quickly
and easily. In addition, there must be a thorough knowledge of automobile laws, especially
those dealing with right of way. Finally, there is a need to quick wit and columns to prevent
accidents and injury.
a. knowledge of automobile laws
b. ability to shift gears
c. difficulty of auto driving

5. Tricks that seem hard are sometimes very easy, when you know the secret. I know a
man who could balance a match on his finger. It stood straight on end of his finger and
mystified all of us. One day the secret was discovered when glue was found at the base of
the match.
a. a glass nose
b. a magnetic finger
c. the secret of a hard trick

6. We like nursery rhymes for many reasons. They are extremely pleasant to the ear.
They have much rhythm and swing. Originally they have some meaning and referred to
specific person. Today they are used in popular songs.
a. rhythm and swing
b. popular songs
c. why nursery rhymes are liked

7. Writing a composition is not easy. Sometimes you may think and think without a single
line. You strain your mind in the effort to find the good idea. An outline often helps, but it
is difficult to make up an outline.
a. difficulty of composing
b. useless thought
c. making an outline

8. We saw the smoke and rode towards the fire. The boys could hardly wait until we
arrive there. The heat was terrific. The smoke blinded our eyes. Hundreds of suit-covered
men were throwing streams of water into the flames.
a. impatient boys
b. blinding smoke
c. a large fire

9. First, the blade is sharpened. Then the skin is soaped and creamed. As the head is
moved from side to side, up and down, the keen edge does its work. Finally an antiseptic
liquid is used. And look! Another shave is finished.
a. sharpening a blade
b. an operation
c. taking a fire
Test lll. Changing Key Sentences to Main Topics; Proof Sentences to Sub-Topics.
Direction: Each paragraph below contains the key sentence. Identify by writing it in your test booklet
and change it to main topic. The rest of the sentences are proofs to support the key sentence. Change
them to sub-topics.

1. Water is nature’s most useful gift to man. It quenches his thirst, and cooks his food. It puts
out his fires and, as a liquid or ice, cools him during hot weather. It provides him with power,
cleans his clothing, and offers him many sports.
Key sentence: _________________________ Main Topic: ___________________


2. Bermuda is a coral reef. Thousands of water creatures have built it. Their closely packed
and connected skeletons made a sound solid surface. It is their color that gives the island a
Key Sentence: ____________________________


1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________

3. In union there is strength. A bundle of sticks cannot be broken. Even a few sticks together
are difficult to split. It is easier to snap a single stick.
Key sentence: ___________________ Main Topic: ___________________

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________

Prepared by:

Mrs. Marilyn B. Roa, MAEd.

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