English Plus

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English Plus

Mid-Term Examination

I. Write CS for a complete sentence, SF for a sentence fragment and RO for a run-on sentence.
Write all your answers on your test booklet. NOTE: Erasure means wrong answer.
1. Success comes to those who persevere.
2. The night has a thousand eyes and the day but one.
3. Come to the class on time there will be a quiz.
4. To give her the best I could.
5. Understand all men, help all men, love all men.
6. Before dressing up for the early morning.
7. With all things eventually coming to an end.
8. College being the place where one seeks knowledge.
9. The wind shifted.
10. For actors and actresses the world is probably a stage.

II. For each of the following sentences, state a) the kind of sentence it is, b) the punctuation that
should be used.
1. Can that be made into bread
2. Let us drive to the burger shop
3. May I please know what happened
4. What a nice performance it was
5. Please be careful
6. Do great minds think alike
7. No news is good news
8. Shall be go across that building
9. That can be a good example
10. How did he make is a question

III. Write SS if simple sentence, CS if compound, CX if complex and CCX if compound-complex

1. I find it difficult to leave my home and travel to another place.
2. When I went there, you were not there; when I came here, you were not here.
3. If students only study harder, they are sure to get good grades.
4. I believe that he will be coming today.
5. He stopped schooling because he was offered a good job.
6. He is nervous but he tries not to show it.
7. Standing by the gate is a man of good personality.
8. If you violate any of the rules, you will be reprimanded and eventually you will be
9. The class had been dismissed when the supervisor arrived.
10. Love me or leave me.
11. When I reached school, the bell rang and I was late that caused my professor got angry.
12. I was asked to explain what caused me late then.
13. I need to take the exam early for I need to visit my friend in the hospital who was confined
two weeks ago.
14. Rolly could not understand why he failed in his major subjects.
15. The man whom I met yesterday is here now.

lV. Refer to the above sentences (Test III) and copy the independent clause/s and dependent clause/s
for complex and compound-complex sentences.

Independent Clause : Dependent Clause/s

V. Choose the correct verb from the options in the parentheses and copy the simple subjects to
which the verbs agree.


1. The heart, although weighing less than 12 ounces, (is, are) a muscle about the size of a person’s
2. This muscle in both children and adults (beat, beats) more than 1,00 times each day.
3. The walls of the heart (contact, contacts) forcing blood to rush out.
4. The lungs on either side of the heart (takes, take) oxygen from the air and add it to the blood.
5. A network of tubes (connect, connects) the heart to all the organs in the body.
6. The veins in this network (bring, brings) blood to the heart.
7. Arteries, on the other hand, (carry, carries) the blood away.
8. A system of valves (control, controls) the flow of blood throughout the heart itself.
9. The heart, along with the 100,00 miles of arteries and veins(supply, supplies) the oxygen needed
by all parts of the body.
10. This hollow muscle inside all people (is, are) the most efficient and durable pump ever created.

B. Choose the correct verbs from the parentheses in the paragraph. Then, copy the subject of each

Moby Dick, an exciting story about Captain Ahab and a great whale, 1. (interest, interests)
readers of all ages. The men on Ahab’s ship, the Pequod, 2. (fear, fears) him because of his desire to
destroy the great whale named Moby Dick. Many signs of bad luck 3. (occur, occurs) during the
voyage. But Ahab, with the crew, 4. (continue, continues) to look for Moby Dick. Finally, above the
waves 5. (appear, appears) a seeming mountain of white. Then the sailors of the Pequod 6. (know,
knows) that they have found Moby Dick. Ahab, together with some of the crew, 7. (give, gives) chase.
Two of the small boats 8. (is, are) finally destroyed. The whale, plunging through the waves, 9. (throw,
throws) Ahab’s boat high in the air. The Pequod picks up most of the men, but one of the sailors 10. (is,
are) not found.

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