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Home work: You want to organize a family trip to Europe .

Visit a Travel
Agent’s office to collect information and details.
( Cost, mode of transport, tourist attractions, stay, food, weather, shopping,
currency etc). Write a situational dialogue of 20 excahnges.

Look at this example. Rent-A-Car

This is a sample conversation between you and a clerk.

— Good morning. May I help you?

— ...
— Okay. Full-size, mid-size or compact, ma´am?
— ...
— 2000/-Rs a day with unlimited mileage.
— ...
— Is there an additional driver?
— ...
— If you want full coverage insurance, it will be 2500/- Rs per day. It
includes collision damage waiver and personal accident insurance.
— ...
— Here is our brochure, ma´am. Err... full-size... OK. Please choose a
model in this section.
— ...
— All right. How many days would you like to use it?
— ...
— May I see your driver´s license and credit card please?
— ...
— Yes, it is.
Thank you. Please fill in this form. Can you check this box, and put
your initials here, and again here.

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