Ccivil Registration

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2020 Хэвлэх хувилбар

An unoff c al translat on


June 21, 2018 Government Palace, Ulaanbaatar

Th s Law shall come nto force on the effect ve date of

the General Law on State Reg strat on /Rev sed Ed t on/.


/Rev sed Ed t on/



Art cle 1. Purpose of the Law

1.1. The purpose of th s Law s to regulate relat ons w th respect to state reg strat on of foundat on,
reorgan zat on and d ssolut on of legal ent t es, changes n the r nformat on, ssuance of references to c t zens,
legal ent t es, competent author t es and off c als, as well as ma ntenance of state reg strat on of legal ent t es.

Art cle 2. Leg slat on on State Reg strat on of Legal Ent t es

2.1. Leg slat on on state reg strat on of legal ent t es shall cons st of the Const tut on of Mongol a[1],
C v l Code[2], General Law on State Reg strat on[3], th s Law[4] and other leg slat ve acts ssued n conform ty
therew th.

2.2. If an nternat onal treaty of Mongol a s ncons stent w th th s Law, then the prov s ons of the
nternat onal treaty shall preva l.

Art cle 3. Scope of the Law

3.1. Th s Law shall regulate relat ons ar s ng n connect on w th state reg strat on of legal ent ty, the c v l
legal capab l ty of wh ch starts w th ts reg strat on n state reg strat on and ends w th ts d ssolut on or exclus on
from state reg strat on n accordance w th the procedure def ned by laws, regardless of types and forms of legal
ent ty.

Art cle 4. Def n t ons of Terms of the Law

4.1. The follow ng terms used n th s Law shall be understood as follows:

4.1.1. “Legal ent ty” refers to an organ zat onal un t possess ng the character st cs spec f ed n
Paragraph 25.1 of the C v l Code; nt/15589 1/14

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4.1.2. ”Legal ent ty’s name” refers to a name determ ned n Art cle 27 of the C v l code and used
to d st ngu sh a legal ent ty from other legal ent t es;

4.1.3. ”State reg strat on of legal ent ty” (here nafter referred to as “state reg strat on”) refers to
the prov s on of Paragraph 3.1.3 of the General Law on State Reg strat on;

4.1.4. ”Legal ent ty’s f le” refers to a set of the nformat on n paper and electron c forms def ned
n Art cle 10 of th s Law;

4.1.5. “Const tuent document” refers to a dec s on of competent author ty on foundat on of legal
ent ty, charter of legal ent ty and, f requ red by laws, agreement on ts foundat on;

4.1.6. ”Legal ent ty’s nformat on” refers to the nformat on determ ned n Paragraph 10.1 of th s
Law and other nformat on conta ned n legal ent ty’s f le;

4.1.7. ”State reg strat on author ty” refers to a state adm n strat ve organ n charge of state
reg strat on of legal ent t es, ts local bod es and state reg strars, referred n th s Law;

4.1.8. ”State reg strat on database” refers to a set of arch ve and electron c database of source
documents of the state reg strat ons spec f ed n Art cle 7 of the General Law on State Reg strat on;

4.1.9. ”Onl ne reg strat on” refers to approach ng state reg strat on author ty through electron c
network for state reg strat on;

4.1.10. “State reg strat on cert f cate” refers to a document n paper or electron c form ssued by
state reg strat on author ty to author zed person to ver fy that a legal ent ty s reg stered n state reg strat on;

4.1.11. “Benef c al owner” refers to the prov s on of Paragraph 3.1.6 of the Law on Combat ng
Money Launder ng and Terror sm F nanc ng[5].

Art cle 5. Grounds for Acqu s t on of C v l Legal Capab l ty by Legal Ent ty

5.1. C v l legal capab l ty of a legal ent ty shall start w th ts reg strat on n state reg strat on.

5.2. Legal ent ty shall be proh b ted to part c pate n c v l legal relat ons pr or ts reg strat on n state
reg strat on.

Art cle 6. Forms of State Reg strat on Serv ce

6.1. State reg strat on serv ce may be prov ded n paper and electron c forms n accordance w th th s



Art cle 7. Legal Ent t es to Be Reg stered n State Reg strat on

7.1. State reg strat on author ty shall reg ster the follow ng legal ent t es, the r branches and
representat ve off ces:

7.1.1. Partnersh ps;

7.1.2. Compan es;

7.1.3. Assoc at ons /non-governmental organ zat ons/; nt/15589 2/14

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7.1.4. Foundat ons;

7.1.5. Cooperat ves;

7.1.6. Rel g ous organ zat ons;

7.1.7. Legal ent t es of publ c law;

7.1.8. State organ zat ons and off ces;

7.1.9. State-funded enterpr ses;

7.1.10. Self-f nanc ng enterpr ses.

7.2. State reg strat on author ty shall reg ster representat ve off ces of fore gn legal ent t es /compan es
and partnersh ps/ and the relevant procedure shall be approved by a Government member n charge of state
reg strat on.

7.3. State reg strat on author ty shall reg ster nter-governmental organ zat ons founded under
nternat onal treat es and the r representat ve off ces and the relevant procedure shall be approved jo ntly by
Government members n charge of state reg strat on and fore gn affa rs.

7.4. The jur sd ct on of reg ster ng legal ent t es not referred n Paragraphs 7.2 and 7.3 of th s Law shall
be determ ned accord ng to the procedure prov ded n Paragraph 8.4 of th s Law.

7.5. Internat onal organ zat ons, state spec al funds, comm ss ons, comm ttees and nat onal counc ls shall
not be subject to Paragraphs 7.1.8 and 7.1.9 of th s Law and shall not be reg stered n state reg strat on.

7.6. The Supreme Court shall reg ster pol t cal part es n accordance w th th s Law and other laws.

Art cle 8. Funct ons of State Reg strat on Author ty

8.1. State reg strat on author ty shall perform the follow ng funct ons:

8.1.1. To ma nta n the state reg strat on w th n the framework of types of state reg strat on def ned
n Art cle 7 of the General Law on State Reg strat on and to publ c ze t through webs te n accordance w th

8.1.2. To pr nt the relevant nformat on of each legal ent ty from state reg strat on database, to
enclose t to legal ent ty’s f le and to store t n arch ve;

8.1.3. To ma nta n legal ent t es’ f les n accordance w th Paragraph 9.5 of th s Law;

8.1.4. To ssue references from legal ent t es’ f les n accordance w th the procedure prov ded by
th s Law;

8.1.5. To ma nta n a database of names of legal ent t es and to ssue references from t;

8.1.6. To exchange nformat on w th state and other organ zat ons on matters of state reg strat on;

8.1.7. To take measures to mplement the leg slat on on state reg strat on and other dec s ons
adopted by competent author t es, to mon tor the r mplementat on and to offer recommendat ons to the relevant
author t es on the r mprovement;

8.1.8. To prov de and nval date a control number of seal or stamp and to ssue references; nt/15589 3/14

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8.1.9. To ma nta n a state reg strat on of representat ve off ces of fore gn legal ent t es, legal
ent t es w th fore gn nvestment and the r owners, shares and act v t es, to prepare and subm t the r sem -annual
and annual nformat on to state adm n strat ve organ n charge of nvestment;

8.1.10. To support a court dec s on enforcement author ty n mplementat on of coerc ve measures

to exclude and d ssolve legal ent ty, and to reg ster the relevant nformat on n state reg strat on.

8.2. If a court dec s on or arb tral award s taken on matters of state reg strat on of legal ent ty, state
reg strat on shall be based on the legally effect ve court dec s on.

8.3. Branch and representat ve off ce of the legal ent t es spec f ed n Paragraph 7.1 of th s Law shall be
reg stered by state reg strat on author ty respons ble for the terr tory n wh ch the branch or representat ve off ce

8.4. Procedure on state reg strat on of legal ent t es, the r branches and representat ve off ces shall be
approved by a Government member n charge of state reg strat on.

8.5. Templates, forms, gu del nes and type ndexes of legal ent t es to be used for state reg strat on n
accordance w th Paragraph 8.4 of th s Law shall be approved by a head of state adm n strat ve organ n charge of
state reg strat on.

8.6. State reg strat on author ty shall not fy the publ c through ts off c al webs te of reg strat on
nformat on unless otherw se proh b ted by appl cable laws.

8.7. Informat on placed on the webs te referred to n Paragraph 8.6 of th s Law shall be cons dered the
off c al nformat on of state reg strat on author ty.

8.8. State reg strat on cert f cate and control number of seal or stamp shall be re- ssued on the follow ng

8.8.1. Cert f cate or seal or stamp s worn out or damaged becom ng unusable;

8.8.2. Request to change a color, des gn and shape of seal or stamp s made;

8.8.3. Request for recert f cat on s made w th respect to changes n legal ent ty’s nformat on;

8.8.4. Cert f cate or seal or stamp s lost;

8.8.5. Cert f cate or seal or stamp s destroyed;

8.8.6. Cert f cate or seal or stamp cannot be used as state reg strat on s cons dered nval d;

8.9. If a seal or stamp s destroyed or lost, ts control number shall be cons dered nval d on the bas s of
an assessment of state superv s on nspector, and state reg strar shall re- ssue the control number w th n 2
work ng days.

8.10. In other cases not spec f ed n Paragraph 8.9 of th s Law, state reg strar shall re- ssue a cert f cate
and control number of seal or stamp w th n 2 work ng days.

8.11. Procedure on control and nterrogat on of seal and stamp mak ng and ssuance of references shall
be approved by a Government member n charge of state reg strat on.


LEGAL ENTITY’S FILE nt/15589 4/14

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Art cle 9. Pr nc ples and Forms of Ma ntenance of Legal Ent ty’s F le

9.1. Pr nc ples and forms of ma ntenance of legal ent t es’ f les shall have un form ty.

9.2. Ma nta n ng legal ent t es’ f les n state reg strat on electron c database shall be gu ded by the
pr nc ples of coord nat on and prompt exchange of nformat on w th other nat onal nformat on systems and

9.3. Legal ent ty’s f le shall be recorded n paper and electron c forms and ma nta ned n state reg strat on

9.4. When legal ent ty’s f le s recorded n paper form, the relevant documents shall be numbered and
stored n a way to avo d any alterat on.

9.5. Procedure on ma nta n ng legal ent t es’ f les shall be approved by a head of state adm n strat ve
organ n charge of state reg strat on.

Art cle 10. Content of Legal Ent ty’s F le

10.1. Legal ent ty’s f le shall conta n the follow ng nformat on:

10.1.1. Name, reg strat on number and f le number of legal ent ty;

10.1.2. Type and form of legal ent ty and type of ts act v ty;

10.1.3. Off c al address of legal ent ty’s headquarters or, f legal ent ty does not have permanent
headquarters, res dent al address of person author zed to represent legal ent ty w thout trust;

10.1.4. Informat on on foundat on or reorgan zat on or d ssolut on of legal ent ty;

10.1.5. Informat on on founders;

10.1.6. Const tuent document;

10.1.7. Informat on on success on of each legal ent ty that s created through reorgan zat on or
whose act v ty s term nated;

10.1.8. Informat on on changes n legal ent ty’s nformat on and date of the r reg strat on;

10.1.9. Amount of equ ty spec f ed n const tuent document of company;

10.1.10. Fam ly name, surname, g ven name and copy of c t zen dent ty card of an execut ve
off c al of legal ent ty, or copy of passport n case of fore gn c t zen;

10.1.11. If legal ent ty has branch or representat ve off ce, off c al address of ts res dence and
copy of c t zen dent ty card of ts author zed person;

10.1.12. Dec s on of founder or m nutes of meet ng of founders on select on or change of

members of govern ng body of legal ent ty;

10.1.13. Document on the ban or cancellat on of state reg strat on of legal ent ty by dec s on of
state competent author ty as well as assessment of state superv s on nspector and penalty sheet;

10.1.14. Informat on on benef c al owner of legal ent ty hold ng a m n ng l cense, h s share,

nterest and vot ng r ght and cert f ed copy of the m n ng l cense. nt/15589 5/14

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10.2. In case of mak ng changes to nformat on conta ned n legal ent ty’s f le, or g nal documents and
nformat on on prev ous changes shall be reta ned.

10.3. Unless otherw se prov ded by th s Law, a dec s on to make changes to the nformat on spec f ed n
Paragraph 10.1 of th s Law and other documents shall be del vered by concerned legal ent ty to state reg strat on
author ty w th n 15 work ng days.

10.4. If reg strat on of changes requ res perm ss on of competent state author ty, a dec s on of the
part cular author ty on grant ng perm ss on shall be del vered to state reg strat on author ty w th n the per od
spec f ed n Paragraph 10.3 of th s Law after the date of ts rece pt.

10.5. Legal ent ty may have ts l cense for operat on and ts val d ty date recorded on state reg strat on
cert f cate.

10.6. In case that the nformat on on benef c al owner spec f ed n Paragraph 10.1.14 of th s Law s
changed, state reg strat on author ty shall reg ster th s change on the bas s of tax author ty’s statement on the
relevant tax payment.

Art cle 11. Issu ng References from Legal Ent ty’s F le

11.1. State reg strat on author ty shall ssue references to concerned persons w th n 3 work ng days from
the rece pt of request for references from legal ent ty’s f le.

11.2. References from legal ent t es’ f les shall be ssued n the follow ng forms:

11.2.1. Paper or electron c form;

11.2.2. Copy of relevant documents, f cons dered necessary.

11.3. Paragraph 21.1 of the General Law on State Reg strat on shall not apply to references ssued at
off c al request of competent state author ty and off c al.



Art cle 12. Reg strat on Per od for State Reg strat on

12.1. Unless otherw se prov ded by laws, state reg strat on author ty shall dec de whether to reg ster legal
ent t es w th fore gn nvestment w th n 5 work ng days and other legal ent t es w th n 2 work ng days after the
rece pt of the documents spec f ed n Paragraphs 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 of th s Law, and shall send appl cant a
not f cat on n paper or electron c form.

12.2. If state reg strat on author ty den es to reg ster legal ent ty n accordance w th Paragraph 12.1 of
th s Law, the grounds for deny ng shall be nd cated In the not f cat on.

12.3. Appl cant may re-apply for state reg strat on after the grounds for deny ng reg ster ng n state
reg strat on spec f ed n Paragraph 12.2 of th s Law have been rect f ed.

12.4. Onl ne appl cant shall subm t the necessary or g nal documents spec f ed n Paragraphs 16.1, 16.2
and 16.3 of th s Law to state reg strat on author ty w th n 5 work ng days after the date of rece pt of the
not f cat on on state reg strat on n accordance w th Paragraph 12.1 of th s Law.

Art cle 13. Conf rmat on of Legal Ent ty’s Name nt/15589 6/14

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13.1. In case of foundat on or reorgan zat on or change of legal ent ty’s name, a founder, govern ng body
of legal ent ty or other person author zed by trust shall apply to state reg strat on author ty w th request to
conf rm a name, regardless of ts terr tor al jur sd ct on.

13.2. The person referred to n Paragraph 13.1 of th s Law may personally or electron cally apply w th
request to conf rm a name.

13.3. State reg strat on author ty shall conf rm a legal ent ty’s name wh ch meets the follow ng general
requ rements n add t on to those set forth by the procedure referred n Art cle 27 of the C v l Code and
Paragraph 13.7 of th s Law:

13.3.1. Name should be expressed n Cyr ll c alphabet;

13.3.2. Name should not be proh b ted by other laws.

13.4. Appl cat on to reg ster a newly founded or reorgan zed legal ent ty shall be subm tted by appl cant
to state reg strat on author ty w th n 30 days from the date of conf rmat on of legal ent ty’s name.

13.5. The per od prov ded n Paragraph 13.4 of th s Law may be extended up to 60 days.

13.6. If an appl cat on to reg ster legal ent ty has not been subm tted w th n the per od spec f ed n
Paragraphs 13.4 and 13.5 of th s Law, the conf rmat on of legal ent ty’s name shall become nval d, and n th s
case a name request for legal ent ty may be re-appl ed n accordance w th th s Law.

13.7. Procedures on apply ng w th request by c t zens and legal ent t es to conf rm legal ent ty’s name
and ts requ rements, restr ct ons and name conf rmat on shall be approved by the Government on the bas s of
the proposal of a Government member n charge of state reg strat on.

13.8. After 30 days s nce state reg strat on of d ssolut on or change of legal ent ty’s name, the relevant
name shall be prov ded to c t zen and legal ent ty that appl ed w th request to conf rm a name.

Art cle 14. Appl cat on to Reg ster a Newly Founded Legal Ent ty n State reg strat on

14.1. Appl cant shall subm t an appl cat on to reg ster a newly founded legal ent ty to state reg strat on
author ty.

14.2. Appl cat on shall conta n the follow ng nformat on:

14.2.1. Date of appl cat on;

14.2.2. Legal ent ty’s name;

14.2.3. Type of legal ent ty spec f ed n Paragraph 7.1 of th s Law;

14.2.4. Legal ent ty’s address;

14.2.5. Informat on on founders of legal ent ty;

14.2.6. Amount of equ ty;

14.2.7. Type of act v ty;

14.2.8. Per od of legal ent ty’s operat on;

14.2.9. Informat on about appl cant; nt/15589 7/14

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14.2.10. For legal ent ty hold ng a m n ng l cense, nformat on on benef c al owner, h s share,
nterest and vot ng r ght and cert f ed copy of the m n ng l cense.

14.3. The appl cant referred to n Paragraph 15.1 of th s Law shall subm t an appl cat on n accordance
w th the form spec f ed n Paragraph 8.5 of th s Law and conf rm t by h s s gnature, and an onl ne appl cat on
shall be conf rmed by electron c s gnature.

Art cle 15. Persons Ent tled To Subm t Appl cat on

15.1. Appl cat on to reg ster n state reg strat on may be subm tted by one of the follow ng persons:

15.1.1. Execut ve body of legal ent ty;

15.1.2. Founder of legal ent ty;

15.1.3. Off c al ent tled to represent legal ent ty w thout trust;

15.1.4. In case of d ssolut on of legal ent ty, cha rperson of the d ssolut on comm ss on and
ass gnee;

15.1.5. Other persons author zed w th trust.

Art cle 16. Documents Requ red for State Reg strat on

16.1. Appl cant shall subm t the follow ng documents for reg ster ng a newly founded legal ent ty n state
reg strat on:

16.1.1. Conf rmat on of legal ent ty’s name;

16.1.2. Appl cat on f lled n accordance w th the approved form;

16.1.3. Const tuent document or dec s on /resolut on/ on foundat on of legal ent ty, charter and, f
requ red by laws, agreement on foundat on;

16.1.4. Trust, f requ red;

16.1.5. Rece pt of payment of state stamp dut es;

16.1.6. Ver f cat on document, f there s equ ty;

16.1.7. Ver f cat on document of legal ent ty’s address.

16.2. Legal ent ty w th fore gn nvestment shall subm t the follow ng documents n add t on to those
spec f ed n Paragraph 16.1 of th s Law:

16.2.1. Dec s on of competent author ty on approval of fore gn nvestment, f a fore gn state-

owned legal ent ty part c pates as a founder n accordance w th Paragraph 21.1 of the Law on Investment[6];

16.2.2. Agreement between shareholders, f two or more persons are jo nt founders;

16.2.3. If an nvestor of bus ness ent ty w th fore gn nvestment s a fore gn c t zen, a passport or
ts subst tute or, f a legal ent ty, a copy of fore gn reg strat on cert f cate of the legal ent ty;

16.2.4. Bank statement, account statement, customs declarat on and ver f cat on document ssued
by competent author ty, wh ch ev dence the transfer of monetary asset from fore gn country to a fore gn nvestor
who nvests n monetary asset, cash, movable property and ntellectual property. nt/15589 8/14

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16.3. L m ted l ab l ty partnersh p w th fore gn nvestment engaged n profess onal legal act v t es n
accordance w th Paragraph 4 of Art cle 29 of the Law on Partnersh p[7], shall subm t the follow ng documents
n add t on to those spec f ed n Paragraphs 16.1 and 16.2 of th s Law:

16.3.1. Reg strat on cert f cate ssued by state central adm n strat ve organ n charge of legal
affa rs to each member of a l m ted l ab l ty partnersh p w th fore gn nvestment;

16.3.2. In case of operat ng on behalf of legal ent ty n fore gn country, a perm ss on of the
part cular ent ty and reference letter ev denc ng that the appl cant s an author zed member of that ent ty;

16.3.3. Reference letter of competent author ty ev denc ng that the legal ent ty spec f ed n
Paragraph 16.3 of th s Law has been founded and operates w th n the jur sd ct on of respect ve country or a copy
of reg strat on cert f cate of legal ent ty.

16.4. If the documents referred to n Paragraphs 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 of th s Law are n fore gn language,
the Mongol an translat on shall be enclosed.

16.5. Unless otherw se prov ded by laws, state reg strat on author ty shall not requ re from the appl cant
documents other than those spec f ed n Paragraphs 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 of th s Law.

16.6. If state reg strat on author ty rece ves an appl cat on n wr tten or electron c form, the appl cant
shall be not f ed n wr tten or electron c form.

Art cle 17. Reg ster ng a Newly Founded Legal Ent ty

17.1. The dec s on spec f ed n Paragraph 12.1 of th s Law shall become the grounds for reg ster ng a
legal ent ty n state reg strat on database and prov d ng a reg strat on number and f le number of legal ent ty.

17.2. In case of subm tt ng an onl ne appl cat on, state reg strat on author ty shall check and rev ew
or g nal documents subm tted n accordance w th Paragraph 12.4 of th s Law aga nst electron c documents, and
then shall enter them to state reg strat on database by pr nt ng a conf rmat on stamp nd cat ng legal ent ty’s f le
number and the date on the f rst page and a state reg strar’s stamp on other pages of const tuent document of
legal ent ty, and the legal ent ty shall be cons dered reg stered n state reg strat on.

17.3. In case of subm tt ng a wr tten appl cat on, state reg strat on author ty shall enter or g nal
documents to state reg strat on database by pr nt ng a conf rmat on stamp nd cat ng legal ent ty’s f le number
and the date on the f rst page and a state reg strar’s stamp on other pages of const tuent document of legal ent ty,
and the legal ent ty shall be cons dered reg stered n the state reg strat on.

17.4. State reg strat on author ty may place n electron c database a pr ntable electron c state reg strat on
cert f cate that conf rms the state reg strat on of legal ent ty.

17.5. At request of an appl cant, state reg strat on author ty shall pr nt a state reg strat on cert f cate on
secur ty paper, and formal ze and ssue t.

17.6. Template of state reg strat on cert f cate shall be approved by a state n charge of state reg strat on.

Art cle 18. Den al to Reg ster

18.1. State reg strat on author ty shall deny reg ster ng a foundat on or reorgan zat on or d ssolut on of
legal ent ty and changes to ts nformat on n state reg strat on n the follow ng cases:

18.1.1. Incomplete documents are subm tted for state reg strat on;

18.1.2. Const tuent document does not comply w th the requ rements set forth n th s Law and
other leg slat ons; nt/15589 9/14
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18.1.3. Appl cant forged the documents spec f ed n leg slat ons.

18.2. Appl cant may re-apply for state reg strat on after rect fy ng the nfr ngements spec f ed n
Paragraphs 18.1.1 and 18.1.2 of th s Law, wh ch led to the den al to reg ster n state reg strat on.

18.3. If the forged documentat on referred n Paragraph 18.1.3 of th s Law s cons dered to be cr m nal n
nature, t shall be transferred to competent author ty for nvest gat on.

18.4. If appl cant cons ders the dec s on to deny to reg ster a legal ent ty n state reg strat on as
groundless, h s compla nt may be f led n accordance w th the procedures set forth n the General Adm n strat ve



Art cle 19. Appl cat on to Reg ster a Reorgan zed Legal Ent ty

19.1. Reorgan zed legal ent ty shall subm t an appl cat on for state reg strat on n accordance w th
Paragraphs 12.4, 14.1 and 15.1 of th s Law.

19.2. Appl cat on shall conta n, n add t on to those spec f ed n Paragraph 14.2 of th s Law, nformat on
on a legal ent ty, operat on of wh ch was suspended.

Art cle 20. Documents Requ red for State Reg strat on of a Reorgan zed Legal Ent ty

20.1. The follow ng documents shall be subm tted for state reg strat on of a reorgan zed legal ent ty:

20.1.1. Conf rmat on of legal ent ty’s name;

20.1.2. Appl cat on f lled n accordance w th the approved form;

20.1.3. Const tuent document or dec s on (resolut on) on reorgan zat on, updated charter or, f
requ red by laws, agreement on reorgan zat on;

20.1.4. Rece pt of payment of state stamp dut es;

20.1.5. Trust, f requ red;

20.1.6. Const tuent document conta n ng a change n the success on referred n Paragraph 10.1.7
of th s Law;

20.1.7. Dec s on of competent author ty on approval of fore gn nvestment spec f ed n Paragraph

21.1 of the Law on Investment;

20.1.8. F nanc al statement and balance sheet at the moment of reorgan zat on;

20.1.9. State reg strat on cert f cate;

20.1.10. In case of consol dat on or ncorporat on, the assessment of state adm n strat ve organ n
charge of compet t on referred n Paragraph 8.1 of the Law on Compet t on[9];

20.1.11. In case of reorgan zat on of a foundat on, dec s on of the relevant author ty on the
transfer of assets pursuant to Paragraph 38.3 of the C v l Code. nt/15589 10/14

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20.2. Unless otherw se prov ded by laws, state reg strat on author ty shall not requ re from the appl cant
documents other than those spec f ed n Paragraph 20.1 of th s Law.

Art cle 21. Reg ster ng a Reorgan zed Legal Ent ty n State Reg strat on

21.1. In case of reorgan zat on through consol dat on of legal ent t es, each legal ent ty shall be
cons dered term nated and excluded from state reg strat on, and the nformat on on a consol dated legal ent ty
shall be reg stered n state reg strat on database.

21.2. In case of reorgan zat on through ncorporat on of legal ent t es, each legal ent ty shall be
cons dered term nated and excluded from state reg strat on, and the changes to nformat on on a ncorporat ng
legal ent ty shall be reg stered n state reg strat on database.

21.3. In case of reorgan zat on through d v s on, the legal ent ty to be d v ded shall be cons dered
term nated and excluded from state reg strat on, and the nformat on on each newly founded legal ent ty shall be
reg stered n state reg strat on database.

21.4. In case of reorgan zat on through separat on, the nformat on on each newly founded legal ent ty
shall be reg stered n state reg strat on database.

21.5. In case of mak ng a change to the form of a legal ent ty, the operat on of legal ent ty shall be
cons dered term nated and the nformat on on a new legal ent ty shall be reg stered n state reg strat on database.

21.6. Unless otherw se prov ded by laws, state reg strat on author ty shall dec de whether to reg ster legal
ent t es w th fore gn nvestment w th n 10 work ng days and other legal ent t es w th n 2 work ng days after the
rece pt of the documents spec f ed n Paragraph 20.1 of th s Law, and shall nform the appl cant n wr tten or
electron c form.



Art cle 22. Documents Requ red for State Reg strat on of Changes n Legal Ent ty’s Informat on

22.1. For state reg strat on of changes n legal ent ty’s nformat on, the follow ng documents shall be
subm tted:

22.1.1. Conf rmat on of a new name and ts announcement n da ly newspaper, n case of name

22.1.2. Appl cat on f lled n accordance w th the approved form;

22.1.3. Dec s on /resolut on/ or m nutes of meet ng of founders or competent author ty to make
changes to const tuent document;

22.1.4. Changes made to const tuent document;

22.1.5. Trust, f requ red;

22.1.6. Rece pt of payment of state stamp dut es;

22.1.7. Aud ted f nanc al statement and balance sheet n case of mak ng changes to equ ty;

22.1.8. Ver f cat on document of legal ent ty’s address;

22.1.9. State reg strat on cert f cate. nt/15589 11/14
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22.2. Unless otherw se prov ded by laws, state reg strat on author ty shall not requ re from the appl cant
documents other than those spec f ed n Paragraphs 22.1 and 22.3 of th s Law.

22.3. For state reg strat on of changes n the transfer of r ghts of legal ent ty, the follow ng documents
shall be subm tted:

22.3.1. Appl cat on f lled n accordance w th the approved form;

22.3.2. Dec s on /resolut on/ or m nutes of meet ng of founders on the transfer of r ghts;

22.3.3. Amendments to the charter;

22.3.4. Relevant agreement or cert f cate of success on spec f ed n the C v l Code;

22.3.5. Rece pt of payment of state stamp dut es;

22.3.6. State reg strat on cert f cate.

22.4. Appl cat on for state reg strat on of changes n legal ent ty’s nformat on shall be subm tted n
accordance w th Paragraphs 12.4, 14.1 and 15.1 of th s Law, and state reg strat on author ty shall dec de whether
to reg ster and respond w th n the per od set forth n Paragraph 21.6 of th s Law.



Art cle 23. Not fy ng D ssolut on of Legal Ent ty to State Reg strat on Author ty

23.1. Competent author ty that took a dec s on to d ssolve a legal ent ty shall not fy n wr tten to state
reg strat on author ty w th n 15 work ng days, and the or g nal dec s on on d ssolut on shall be enclosed to the
not ce.

23.2. In accordance w th Paragraph 32.3 of the C v l Code, the d ssolut on comm ss on shall, w th n the
per od not less than two months and not more than s x months follow ng the publ c not ce of the d ssolut on of
legal ent ty, comp le the relevant documents on complet on of the d ssolut on of legal ent ty and del ver them to
state reg strat on author ty.

23.3. Based on the documents spec f ed n Paragraph 24.1 of th s Law, state reg strat on author ty shall
reg ster the d ssolut on of legal ent ty w th n 3 work ng days n state reg strat on database.

23.4. Legal ent ty’s nformat on shall not be changed after the reg strat on of the nformat on on
d ssolut on of legal ent ty n state reg strat on.

Art cle 24. Documents Requ red for State Reg strat on of D ssolut on of Legal Ent ty

24.1. The d ssolut on comm ss on and the ass gnee referred to n Paragraph 32.2 of the C v l Code shall
comp le the follow ng documents for state reg strat on of d ssolut on of legal ent ty:

24.1.1. Appl cat on f lled n accordance w th the approved form;

24.1.2. Dec s on /resolut on/ of competent author ty on d ssolut on;

24.1.3. Report of term nat on;

24.1.4. Rece pt of payment of state stamp dut es; nt/15589 12/14

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24.1.5. Taxpayer exclus on card;

24.1.6. Debt nqu ry of court dec s on enforcement author ty;

24.1.7. Announcement about the d ssolut on n da ly newspaper;

24.1.8. Other documents spec f ed by laws.

24.2. Appl cat on for reg strat on of the d ssolut on of legal ent ty shall be f led n accordance w th
Paragraphs 12.4, 14.1 and 15.1 of th s Law.

24.3. Court dec s on on bankruptcy and d ssolut on of legal ent ty shall be subm tted to state reg strat on
author ty w th n the t me per od spec f ed n Paragraph 23.1 of th s Law.

Art cle 25. Reg ster ng a D ssolut on of Legal Ent ty

25.1. Legal ent ty shall be cons dered excluded from state reg strat on when state reg strat on author ty
enters the nformat on on d ssolut on of a legal ent ty n state reg strat on database.

25.2. State reg strat on author ty shall publ cly announce the exclus on of a legal ent ty from state
reg strat on through ts webs te n accordance w th Paragraph 32.11 of the C v l Code.



Art cle 26. Exclus on of a Legal Ent ty from State Reg strat on

26.1. State reg strat on author ty shall publ cly announce n ts webs te the proposal of state central
adm n strat ve organ n charge of f nance and budget to exclude from state reg strat on a legal ent ty that has not
subm tted and aud ted f nanc al statements by ts correspond ng f nanc al organ for e ght or more quarters, and
shall exclude the legal ent ty from state reg strat on f no wr tten offer and compla nt have been subm tted, no
bankruptcy case has been f led, no f nanc al statement has been subm tted and no debt has been def ned by court
w th n 6 months from the announcement.

26.2. Person author zed by legal ent ty shall be respons ble for the consequences ar sen from exclud ng a
legal ent ty from state reg strat on n accordance w th Paragraph 26.1 of th s Law.

26.3. Legal ent ty’s name that s excluded from state reg strat on shall not be prov ded to any other
person or legal ent ty w th n one year after the exclus on.

Art cle 27. L ab l t es for V olat ng the Law

27.1. If an act by an off c al n breach of th s Law s not a cr m nal n nature, l ab l t es spec f ed

n the Law on C v l Serv ce[10] shall be mposed.

27.2. A person or legal ent ty that v olates th s Law shall be subject to l ab l t es under the Cr m nal
code[11] or the Law on v olat on[12].

Art cle 28. Effect ve Date of the Law

28.1.Paragraph 8.3 of th s Law shall come nto force on August 1, 2019.

28.2. Th s Law shall come nto force on the effect ve date of the General Law on State Reg strat on
/Rev sed Ed t on/. nt/15589 13/14

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[1] The Const tut on of Mongol a, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.1, 1992.

[2] The C v l Code of Mongol a, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.7, 2002.

[3] The General Law on State Reg strat on, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.28,

[4] The Law on State Reg strat on of Legal Ent t es, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n),
Vol.30, 2018.

[5] The Law on Combat ng Money Launder ng and Terror sm F nanc ng, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel”
(The State Bullet n), Vol.24, 2013.

[6] The Law on Investment, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.44, 2013.

[7] The Law on Partnersh p, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.8,9, 1995.

[8] The General Adm n strat ve Law, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.28, 2015.

[9] The Law on Compet t on, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.28, 2010

[10] The Law on C v l Serv ce, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.28, 2002

[11] The Cr m nal Code, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.7, 2016

[12] The Law on V olat on, publ shed n “Tor n Medeelel” (The State Bullet n), Vol.24, 207 nt/15589 14/14

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