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Perception of Selected Third Year Students of Lyceum of

the Philippines University Manila on the Beautification

Projects undertaken by the City of Manila within the
periphery of City Hall


Dela Cruz, Anjelica

Galido, Colleen

Lactaotao, Chrystal

Oberas, Almond

Sevilla, Princess

The Problem and its Background


In the past decades, numerous elected Mayors was given a chance in governing

the Philippines Capital, Manila City. It was used to be alluring before but as time goes

by, people abused and forget its significance. The City of Manila was neglected resulting

to have few developments in the area and to its local people. However, in the present

time, the City of Manila is already in the progress of making it more appealing to the

people through the Beautification Projects that was headed by the current City Mayor

Isko Moreno. The purpose of this project is to improve places and attractions in Manila

to bring back its glory and beauty. Furthermore, a lot of people were benefited from the

said projects in different ways. Since Manila is surrounded by a bunch of universities,

the beautification projects brought a huge impact on the student particularly the feeling

of being safe and secured whenever passing by in the vicinity of City Hall.

This study aims to determine what could be the possible perceptions of the third

year students of LPU Manila towards the beautification Projects undertaken by the City

of Manila within the periphery of City Hall. With this, people would be knowledgeable

and enlightened on each other’s thoughts and understandings. This study could also

help to improve the beautification projects in the future run.

At this point how do you, as an individual perceives the Beautification Projects

undertaken by the City of Manila? Undoubtedly for the residents of Manila it’s worthy

because they are the one who lives there but for you who is not a resident of Manila

how does it affect your life?

Background of the Study

Manila City as the capital and second largest city in the Philippines has a

population of 1.78 million in 2016 and according to a website World Population Review,

Manila has grown by 1,063,394 every year since then and expected to reach 12 million

as of 2020. Due to an uncontrolled population growth in Metro Manila every spot in

different places is a home for dozens of families. In the year 2019 when Isko Moreno

became the Mayor of the City of Manila he brought with him his idea of a “New Manila”.

As he started in June 2019, Mayor Moreno handed down a multiple executive order that

would help the city to achieve its goal of becoming the New Manila. One of his executive

order is the Cleanup Drive Service then comes the Bonifacio Shrine rehabilitation near

the Manila City Hall and now the recently finished Lagusnilad Underpass and other

infrastructures that were rehabilitated.

According to a study of Francis, K. “Awakening Aphrodite: Bringing Beauty into

Awareness through the Impact Interior Environments Have on People” The connection

of a person to beauty is known to create an uplifting experience, to bring meaning to life,

and to broaden the capacity with which to endure difficulties. It is discovered that many

influential psychotherapists view beauty as an essential element intrinsic to the

experience of psychological health. To which proves that there is a positive effect to the

people living in the City of Manila the beautification of the places in the City especially

the Lagusnilad Underpass, Bonifacio Shrine, and William A. Jones Bridge.

The construction of William A. Jones Memorial Bridge started in 1919 and was

inaugurated in 1921. It was designed by Juan M. Arellano using an inspiration from a

neoclassical architecture. The bridge that connects Quintin Paredes Road at the

Binondo district to Padre Burgos Avenue at the Ermita district was built to replace the
Puente de España or Bridge of Spain which was built since 1630’s and was destroyed

during World War II. Furthermore, it was named after William Atkinsons Jones who

served and help our country achieved its independence.

Moreover, Lagusnilad Underpass was built in 1960’s by the City of Manila under

Mayor Antonio Villegas which is connected to Intramuros and Manila City Hall. It is for

people’s safety and to avoid passing where vehicles pass by. Moreover, the Bonifacio

Shrine or the Katipunan Revolution Monument was designed by sculptor Eduardo

Castrillo and was showed to the public in 1998. This monument was created to honor

Andres Bonifacio and the members who joined the revolution and fought for freedom

and independence from Spanish colonization.

Observing the Jones Memorial Bridge, Lagusnilad Underpass and the Bonifacio

Shrine in terms of safety, security and management before Mayor Moreno was elected

numerous people were living in these places that threaten the safety and security of the

people passing by and the aesthetics of the place. Due to its unsafe and unreliable

structural stability the place vibes out negative energy and atmosphere and especially

during rainy season. As thousands of people pass through in these places and not

being taken care of the previous government it ended up polluted and aesthetically


In the end of August 2020 Lagusnilad Underpass became a popular story in

different social media platforms and news program as it is brought back to life with

murals and new finished floors, walls and ceiling. Just after the reopening of the

Bonifacio Shrine in the previous months and the polished William A. Jones Bridge.

These projects of Mayor Moreno brought a lot of positive feedbacks by the people who

were accustomed to the former look and the ones who passes through it in their

everyday life.
In this study the perceptions of the selected third year students of Lyceum of the

Philippines University Manila to the Beautification Projects undertaken by the City of

Manila within the periphery of City Hall will be determined and examined thoroughly.

Thus the people along with all the students would value highly the beautification projects

of Manila.
Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of the selected Third-year

students of Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila on the Beautification Projects

undertaken by the City of Manila within the periphery of City Hall. Specifically, this study

seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Sex

B. Age

2. What are the impressions of the Third-year students of LPU Manila towards

the beautification projects undertaken by the City of Manila within the

periphery of City Hall?

3. How does the Beautification Projects of Manila affect the Third-year students

of LPU Manila?

4. How does the Third-year students can help to maintain the new beauty of

Manila within the periphery of City Hall?

5. Does the Beautification Project of Manila within the periphery of City Hall

affects the safety and security of the Third-year students of LPU Manila?
Objectives of the Study

 To investigate the changes happened to the Beautification projects of Manila

within the periphery of City Hall

 To determine the impressions of the respondents toward the Beautification

projects undertaken by the City of Manila within periphery of City Hall

 To know the benefits of the beautification projects of Manila to the respondents.

 To identify the advantages of having a clean and beautiful surroundings for the
Conceptual Framework


Perception of Third
Year Students of
 Age
The researchers will Lyceum of the
 Gender
administer survey
Social Environment questionnaire to the Philippines-Manila
selected BSITTM
Setup Third-year students of on the Beautification
Lyceum of the
Philippines University Projects undertaken
 Impact
 Effectiveness by the City of Manila
 Safeness
within the periphery

of City Hall.

Figure 1

The Figure above shows the paradigm of the study. It concerns with the input
data which includes the respondents' profile, the social environment setup that consists
of impact, effectiveness and safeness of the After conceptually examining the situation
and the details needed for the research, the thorough gathering of the data would be
done through survey questionnaire. If done accomplished, the output will be the
perception of third year students of Lyceum of the Philippines-Manila on the
beautification projects undertaken by the City of Manila within the periphery of City Hall
which would be used to formulate conclusions and recommendations about the study.
Significance of the Study

The Participants of this study were selected among the Third year Students of
Lyceum of the Philippines University Manila, but the findings are deemed significant
not only to the respondents but also to the general public, all the students of Manila,
their parents, other Municipal Leaders and lastly the Future Researchers.

To the General Public , for the people to have depth understanding on the
beautification projects undertaken by the City of Manila

To all the Students of Manila, knowing the benefits of the beautification project of
Manila to the Third Year Students of LPU will also benefits the other students. This
will give them awareness on what's happening to the periphery of city hall.

To other Municipal leaders, the findings of this research might help them to do
better and for them to improve their projects for the sake of their people.

To the Parents: This might help them to be updated to the situation of their
Children's School and be aware on its effect to their children.

To the Future Researchers, for them to use the study as their basis in order to build
new knowledge and gain efficient learning that they might apply to their own research or
Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focuses mainly on determining the perceptions of selected Third year

students regarding the beautification project of Manila within the vicinity of Manila City

Hall specifically at Lagusnilad Underpass, Bonifacio Monument, and William A. Jones

Bridge. Respondents chosen in this research were selected BSITTM third-year students

(AY.2020-2021) of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Manila who mostly passby on

the vicinity. The data gathered would be the basis to analyze the results on how the

beautification project affected the students.

Definition of Terms

1. Alluring – It is having a strongly attractive or enticing quality

2. Beautification – It is the process of improving the appearance of someone or


3. Impression – It is an idea or opinion of what something or someone is like

4. Paradigm – It is a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school

or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments

performed in support of them are formulated.

5. Perception – It is a belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on

how things seem. It is a way of conceiving something.


1. LPU – Lyceum of the Philippines University

2. BSITTM – Bachelor of Science in International Travel and Tourism Management

3. AY – Academic Year

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