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MBA – HRM – Quiz 3

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1. KSAs, Personal qualities and traits required for job is stated in

A. job descriptions
B. job design
C. job specifications
D. Both A and C
E. None of the above

2. The final process of a job analysis is the preparation of two statements, namely,
(A) job observation and job description
(B) job specification and job observation
(C) job description and job specification
(D) None of the above

3. What does KSA stand for?

(A) Knowledge, Source, and Abilities
(B) Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
(C) Knowledge, Skills, and Adaptability

4. Which term refers to a written statement that describes the KSA’s of the job?
(A) job specification
(B) job analysis
(C) job report
(D) job description
(E) job context

5. Moving employees from one job to another in a predetermined way is called

(A) job rotation
(B) job redesign
(C) job mapping
(D) job enrichment

6. Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned to a job is called:

(A) job rotation.
(B) job enlargement.
(C) job enrichment.
(D) A & C.

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