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Private International Law Bibliography 2009-10: U.S.

and Foreign Sources in English

Source: The American Journal of Comparative Law, Vol. 59, No. 2 (SPRING 2011), pp. 395-410
Published by: American Society of Comparative Law
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Accessed: 14-11-2015 21:46 UTC

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Private International Law Bibliography 2009-10:

U.S. and Foreign Sources in Englishf

Table of Contents

1. General 395 15. Succession 402

2. PIL Codifications 396 16. Jurisdiction and Procedure . 402
3. Torts 396 17. Tribal Jurisdiction 404
4. Contracts 397 18. Class Actions 404
5. Employment Contracts 398
19. Sovereign Immunity 405
6. Commercial Law 398
20. Extraterritoriality 405
7. E-Commerce and Internet ... 399
21. Foreign Affairs 406
8. Intellectual Property 399
22. PIL and International Law . 406
9. Corporations 399
10. Cultural 400 23. Harmonization or
11. PIL and Culture 400 Unification 406
12. Maritime Conflicts 400 24. Foreign Judgments 407
13. Family Law 401 25. Arbitration 408
14. Marital Property 402 26. Miscellaneous 410

1. General International Conflicts: Liber Amicor

um Tibor Varady (2009).
A. Books
Hay (P.), Borchers (P.) & Symeonides
Agrawal (k), Private International Law (S.), Conflict of Laws (5th eds. 2010).
in India (2010). Hoffheimer (M.), Conflict of Laws: Ex
Boele-Woelki (K.), Einhorn (T.), Gir & Explanations (2010).
sberger (D.) & Symeonides (S.) (eds.), and Laws
Nickel (R.), Conflict of Laws
Convergence and Divergence in Private
of Conflict in Europe and Beyond:
International Law: Liber Amicorum
Patterns of Supranational and Trans
Kurt Siehr (2010). national Juridification (2010).
Currie (D.), Kay (H.), Kramer (L.) &
Pitel (S.) & Rafferty (N.), Conflict of
Roosevelt (K.), Conflict of Laws, Laws (2010).
Cases, Comments, Questions (8th ed.
Rafferty (N.), Blom (J.) & Edinger (E.),
Private International Law in Common
Davies (M.), Bell (A.) & Bereton (P.),
Law Canada: Cases, Text, and Materi
Nygh's Conflict of Laws in Australia
als (2010).
Felix Mozingo (J.) & Whitten Roosevelt (K.), Conflict of Laws (2010).
(R), (R.),
American Conflicts Law: Cases and Spillenger (C.), Principles of Conflict of
Materials (5th ed.) (2010). Laws (2010).
Hay (P.), Lajos VfiKAs (L.), Elkana (Y.) Stone (P.), EU Private International
& Dimitrijevic (N.) (eds.), Resolving Law (2d ed. 2010).

* Dean and Alex L. Parks Professor of Law, Willamette Univer

sity College of Law.
This bibliography includes books and articles in journals (but not in books) that
were published in 2010, or earlier but not included in the 2009 bibliography (see 58
L. 307 (2010)). In each subdivision, books are listed first. The subdivi
sions are not arranged in alphabetical order.
t DOI 10.5131/AJCL.2011.0002


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Weintraub (R.), Commentary on the 2. PIL Codifications

Conflict of Laws (6th ed. 2010).
Ansay (T.), The Anatomy of Turkey's
B. Articles New Private International Law Re
gime, 74 RabelsZ 393 (2010).
Bailey (M.), Developments in Private In Erpyleva (N.) & Getman-Pavlova (I.),
ternational Law, 48 Sup. Ct. L. Rev. Russian on Pri
Improving Legislation
267 (2009). vate International 2009 Russ. L.
Basedow (J.), Theory of Choice of Law, Theory & Pract. 204 (2009).
75 RabelsZ 32 (2011). Gray (A.), Reform of Rules of Private In
Brilmayer (L.) & Anglin (R.), Choice of ternational Law in Manitoba: A
Law Theory and the Metaphysics of Comparative Perspective, 2(4) J. Pol.
the Stand-Alone Trigger, 95 Iowa L. & L., 26 (2009).
Rev. 1125 (2010). Nafziger (J.), The Louisiana and Oregon
Einhorn (T.), American Private Interna Codifications of Choice-of-Law Rules in
tional Law, 74 RabelsZ 895 (2010). Context, 58 Am. J. Comp. L. 165 (2010
Forsyth (C.), Certainty Versus Uniform Supp.).
ity: Renvoi in the Context of Movable Opertti BadAn (D.) & Fresnedo de
Property, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L. 637 (2010). Aguirre (C.), The Latest Trends in
George Latin American Private International
(J.), Marshall (S.) & Carroll
Conflict of Laws, 63 SMU L. Rev. Law: The Uruguayan 2009 General
455 (2010). Law on Private International Law, 11
Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 305 (2009).
Hughes (D.), The
Insolubility of Renvoi
Symeonides (S.), Oregon's New Choice
and its Consequences, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L.
of-Law Codification for Tort Conflicts:
195 (2010).
An Exegesis, 88 Or. L. Rev. 963 (2009).
McEleavy (P.) & Perreau-Saussine (L.),
Talpis (J.) & Goldstein (G.), The Influ
Private International Law, 59 Int'l &
ence of Swiss Law on Quebec's 1994
Comp. L. Q. 505 (2010). Codification of Private International
Michaels (R.), After the Revolution B
Law, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 339 (2009).
Decline and Return of U.S. Conflict of
Tu (G.), The Conflict of Laws System in
Laws, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 11 (2009).
Macau, 40 Hong Kong L. J. 85 (2010).
Minow (M.) & Singer (J.), In Favor of
Vassilakakis (E.), Recent Private Inter
Foxes: Pluralism as Fact and Aid to
national Law Codifications, 63 Rev.
the Pursuit of Justice, 90 B.U. L. Rev.
903 (2010). Hellenique Dr. Int'l 103 (2010).
Vlas (P.), On the Development of Private
Oppong (R.), Private International Law International Law in the Netherlands:
Scholarship in Africa (1884-2009): A From Asser's Day to the Codification of
Selected Bibliography, 58 Am. J. Dutch Private International Law, 57
Comp. L. 319 (2010).
Neth. Int'l L. Rev. 167 (2010).
Pitel (S.), Reformulating a Real and Wurdinger (M.), The Principle of Unity
Substantial Connection, 60 U. N. Br. L. in the European Private International
J. 177 (2010). Law and Procedural Law Governing
Reyhan (P.), Conflict of Laws, 60 Syr. L. Contractual and Non-Contractual
Rev. 769 (2010). Obligations: A Methodological Examin
Sloane (R.), Breaking the Genuine Link: ation of the Practical Concordance Be
The Contemporary International Legal tween the Brussels I, Rome I and
Regulation of Nationality, 50 Harv. Rome II Regulations, 75 RabelsZ 102
Int'l L. J. 1 (2009). (2011).
Symeonides (S.), Choice of Law in the
American Courts in 2009: 3. Torts
Third Annual Survey, 58 Am. J. Comp.
L. 227 (2010). A. Books

Symeonides (S.), A Dedication to Profes Brower (A.), Libel Tourism and Foreign
sor P. John Kozyris, 58 Am. J. Comp. Libel Lawsuits (2011).
L. 221 (2010).
B. Articles
Symeonides (S.), Private International
Law Bibliography 2008-09: U.S. and Arons (T.), 'All Roads Lead to Rome': Be
Foreign Sources in English, 58 Am. J. ware of the Consequences! The Law
Comp. L. 307 (2010). Applicable to Prospectus Liability

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Claims under the Rome II Regulation, tions Arising out of Acts of Unfair
2008 Nederl. IPR. 481 (2008). Competition and Acts Restricting Free
Borchers Punitive Fo Competition under Article 6 Rome II
(P.), Damages,
rum and the Conflict of Regulation, 2008 Nederl. IPR. 435
Laws, 70 La. L. Rev.529 (2010). (2008).
Cohen Patients with Schoeman (E.), Rome II and the Sub
Medical Tourism and the stance-Procedure Dichotomy: Crossing
Patient-Protective 95 Iowa the Rubicon, 2010 Lloyd's Marit. &
L. Rev. 1467 (2010).
Comm. L. Q. 81 (2010).
Cortez (N.), Recalibrating the Legal
Schwartze (A.), A European Regime on

of Cross-Border Health 10 International Product Liability: Article

Risks Care,
J. Health & Ethics 1 5 Rome II Regulation, 2008 Nederl.
Yale Pol'y (L.)
(2010). IPR. 430 (2008).
Siehr (K.), The Rome II Regulation and
De Boer (T.), The Purpose of Uniform
Specific Maritime Torts: Product Lia
Choice-of-Law Rules: The Rome II Reg
bility, Environmental Damage,
ulation, 56 Neth. Int'l L. Rev. 295
Industrial Action, 74 RabelsZ 139
Tourism' and
Hartley (T.), 'Libel Con
Taylor (D.), Libel Tourism: Protecting
flict of Laws, 59 Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 25
Authors and Preserving Comity, 99
Geo. L. J. 189 (2010).
He (Q.), Recent Developments with Re
Thoma (I.), Culpa in Contrahendo in the
gards to Choice of Law in Tort in
Rome II Regulation, 61 Rev. Hellenique
China, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 211 (2009).
Dr. Int'l 669 (2008).
Heinze (C.), Industrial Action in the
Volders (B.), Culpa in Contrahendo in
Conflict of Laws, 73 RabelsZ 770
the Conflict of Laws: A First Appraisal
(2009). of Article 12 of the Rome II Regulation,
Kadner Graziano (T.), The Rome II Reg 2008 Nederl. IPR. 464 (2008).
ulation andthe Hague Conventions on
Wadlow (C.), The New Private Interna
Traffic Accidents and Product Liabil
tional Law of Unfair Competition and
ity—Interaction, Conflicts and Future
the 'Rome II' Regulation, 4 J. Intell.
Perspectives, 2008 Nederl. IPR. 425
Prop. L. & Prac. 789 (2009).
(2008). Wilderspin The Rome II
(M.), Regula
Kaminsky (C.), The Rome II Regulation: 2008
tion: Some Policy Observations,
A Comparative Perspective on Federal IPR.
Nederl. 408 (2008).
izing Choice of Law, 85 Tul. L. Rev. 55
(2010). 4. Contracts
Keyes (M.), Substance and Procedure in
Multistate Tort Litigation, 18 Torts L.
A. Books
J. 201 (2010).
Kramer The Rome
(X.), II Regulation on KERSTIN (S.), Application of Mandatory
the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Rules in the Private International Law

Obligations: The European Private In of Contracts (2010).

ternational Law Tradition Continued.
B. Articles
Introductory Observations, Scope, Sys
tem, and General Rules, 2008 Nederl. Al-Emadi Stabilization Clauses in
IPR. 414 (2008). International Joint Venture Agree
Nagy (C.),The Rome II Regulation and ments, 3 Int'l Energy L. 54 (2010).
Traffic Accidents: Uniform Conflict of Law in Interna
Albornoz (M.), Choice
Rules with Some Room for Forum tional Contracts in Latin American
- How So?, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L. L. 23
Shopping Legal Systems, 6 J. Priv. Int'l
93 (2010). (2010).
Pitel (S.), Choice of Law for Unjust En Bierman (B.) & Struycken (T.), Rome I
richment: Rome II and the Common on Contracts Concluded Within Multi
Law, 2008 Nederl. IPR. 456 (2008). lateral Systems, 2009 Nederl. IPR. 416
Requejo (M.), Punitive
Isidro Damages (2009).
from a Private International Law Per Bogdan (M.), The Rome I Regulation on
spective, 25 Tort & Ins. L. 237 (2009). the Law Applicable to Contractual Ob
Rosenkranz (T.) & Rohde (E.), The Law ligations and the Choice of Law by the

Applicable to Non-Contractual Obliga Parties, 2009 Nederl. IPR. 407 (2009).

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Bridge (M.), The Proprietary Aspects of Walsh (C.), The Uses and Abuses of
Assignment and Choice of Law, 125 L. Party Autonomy in International Con
Q. Rev. 671 (2009). tracts, 60 U. N. Br. L. J. 12 (2010).
De Lisle (J.) & Thujillo (E.), Consumer Wolff (L.), Hong Kong's Conflict of Con
Protection in Transnational Contexts, tract Laws: Quo Vadis?, 6 J. Priv. Int'l
58 Am. J. Comp. L. 135 (2010 Supp.). L. 465 (2010).
Eisenberg (T.) & Miller (G.), The Flight Xiao (Y.) & Long (W.), Contractual Party
to New York: An Empirical Study of Autonomy in Chinese Private Interna
Choice of Law of Forum Clauses in tional Law, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 193
Publicly-Held 'Companies' Contracts, (2009).
30 Cardozo L. Rev. 1475 (2009). Yeo (T.), Breach of Agreements on
Fernandez Arroyo Current Choice of Law, 2010 Lloyd's Marit. &
(D.), Ap
Towards Harmonization of Comm. L. Q. 194 (2010).
Consumer Private International Law
in the Americas, 58 Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 5. Employment Contracts
411 (2009). Goulding & Vinall The En
(P.) (M.),
Heinze (C.), Insurance Contracts under glish Approach to Jurisdiction and
the Rome I Regulation, 2009 Nederl. Choice of Law
in Employment Cove
Int'l Priv. 445 (2009). nants Not to Compete, 31 Comp. Lab.
Hill (J.), Article 6 of the Rome I Regula L. & Pol'y 375 (2010).
tion: Much Ado About Nothing, 2009 Lester (G.) & Ryan (E.), Choice of Law
Nederl. IPR. 437 (2009). and Employee Restrictive Covenants:
Kuipers (J.), Party Autonomy in the An American Perspective, 31 Comp.
Brussels I Regulation and Rome I Reg Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 389 (2010).
ulation and the European Court of Mahnhold (T.), Choice of Law Provisions
Justice, 10 German L. J. 1055 (2009). in Contractual Covenants Not to Com
Maultzsch (F.), Choice of Law and I us pete: The German Approach, 31 Comp.
Cogens in Conflict of Laws for Contrac Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 331 (2010).
tual Obligations, 75 RabelsZ 60 (2011). Menegatti (E.), The Choice of Law in
O'Connor (G.), When in Rome: An Ex Employment Contracts: Covenants
amination of Article 4 of the Rome Not to Compete under the Italian Leg
on the Governing Law of Inter islation, 31 Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J.
national Contracts, 9 Hibernian L. J. 799 (2010).
39 (2010). Stewart (A.) & Greene (J.), Choice of
Papassiopi-Passia Law and
the Enforcement of Post-Em
(Z.), Consumer Protec
tion in Greek Private International ployment Restraints in Australia, 31

Law, 63 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l 79 Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 305 (2010).
(2010). Yamakawa (R.), Transnational Dimen
PauknerovA sion of Japanese Labor and Employ
(M.), Law Applicable to Ob
in the European Union: Some ment Laws: New Choice of Law Rules
on the Borderline and Determination of Geographical
Questions (Procedu
ral and Unilateral 61 Reach, 31 Comp. Lab. L. & Pol'y J. 347
Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l 531 (2008). (2010).
Rohl (G.), The Problem of International
6. Commercial Law
Transactions: Conflict of Laws Revis
ited, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L. 59 (2010). A. Books
Symeonides (S.), Party Autonomy in
Hill (J.) & Chong (A.), International
Rome I and II: An Outsider's Perspec
Commercial Disputes: Commercial
tive, 2009 Nederl. IPR. 191 (2010).
Conflict of Laws in English Courts (4th
Takahashi (K.), for Breach of a
Damages ed. 2010).
Choice-of-Court Agreement: Remain
Sigman (H.) & Kieninger (E-M.), Cross
ing Issues, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 73
Border Security over Receivables
Tang (Z.), Private International Law in
Consumer Contracts: A European Per B. Articles

spective, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L. 225 (2010). Druzin Commercial Law:

(B.), Buying
Verhagen (H.) & van Dongen (S.), Cross Choice of Law, Choice of Forum, and
-Border Assignments under Rome I, 6 Network Externalities, 18 Tul. J. Int'l
J. Priv. Int'l L. 1 (2010). & Comp. L. 131 (2009).

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Schobel (T.), Telos Versus Unilateral Fawcett (J.) & Torremans (P.), Intellec
ism: Cross-Border Banking Business tual Property and Private Inter
and the International Applicability of national Law (2d ed. 2011).
Domestic Banking Law, 63 Con. Fin. L.
B. Articles
Q. Rep. 177 (2009).
Bariatti (S.), The Law Applicable to Se
curity Interests in Intellectual
7. E-Commerce and Internet
Property Rights, 6 J. Priv. Int'l L. 395
A, Books
Dinwoodie (G.), Developing a Private In
Collins (M.), The Law of Defamation ternational Intellectual Property Law:
and the Internet (3d ed. 2011). The Demise of Territoriality?, 51 Wm.
European Directorate & M. L. Rev. 711 (2009).
General for Research, The Impact of La Belle (M.), Patent Litigation, Per
Private International Law on E-Com sonal Jurisdiction, and the Public
merce: Problems Raised by Introducing Good, 18 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 43 (2010).
the Country of Destination Principle Okuda, (Y.), Initial Ownership of Copy
(2010). right in a
Cinematographic Work
Spindler (G.) & BOrner (F.), E-Com under Japanese Private International
merce Law in Europe and the USA Law, 11 Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 375 (2009).
(2010). Perraki (M.), Patent Infringement and
Tang (Z.), Electronic Consumer Contracts Private International Law Issues in
in the Conflict of Laws (2009). Greece, 62 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l 413
Wang (F.), Internet Jurisdiction and (2009).
Choice of Law: Legal Practices in the Reichman (J.), Rethinking the Role of
EU, US and China (2010). Clinical Trial Data in International In
tellectual Property Law: The Case for a
B. Articles Public Goods Approach, 2009 Marq. In
tel. Prop. Rev. 1 (2009).
Kuner (C.), Data Protection Law and In
Ubertazzi (B.), Intellectual Property and
ternational Jurisdiction on the
State Immunity from Jurisdiction in
Internet (Part 2), 18 Int'l J. Law & Inf.
the New York Convention of 2004, 11
Tech. 227 (2010).
Ybk Priv. Int'l L. 1 (2009).
Janger (E.), Virtual Territoriality, 48
Van Engelen (D.), Rome II and Intellec
Col. J. Transn'l L. 401 (2010).
tual Property Rights: Choice of Law
Maier (B.), How Has the Law Attempted
Brought to a Standstill, 2008 Nederl.
to Tackle the Borderless Nature of the
IPR. 440 (2008).
Internet?, 18 Int'l J. L. & Inf. Tech. 142
Woodhouse (M.), Shop Til You Drop: Im
(2010). Federal Rules of Patent
Monteiro (F.), Internet Sales and Con
Litigation Procedure to Wear out Fo
flicts, 2010 New Zealand L. J. 49
rum Shopping Patent Plaintiffs, 99
(2010). Geo. L. J. 227 (2010).
Munoz-LOpez (J.), Internet Conflict of
Laws: A Space of Opportunities for 9. Corporations
ODR, 14 Rev. Colomb. Der. Int'l 163
Borg-Barthet (J.), New Approach to the
Governing Law of Companies in the
EU: A Legislative Proposal, 6 J. Priv.
8. Intellectual Property
Int'l L. 589 (2010).
Borg-Barthet (J.), European Private In
A. Books
ternational Law of Companies after

Bariatti Intellectual Cartesio, 58 Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 1020

(S.) (ed.), Litigating
Property Rights Disputes Cross-Border: (2009).
EU Regulations, ALI Principles, CLIP Buxbaum (R.), Is There a Place for a Eu

(2010). ropean Delaware in the Corporate

Conflict of Laws?, 74 RabelsZ 1 (2010).
Basedow (J.), Kono (T.) & Metzger (A.)
Intellectual in the Dutta (A.), The Death of the Share
(eds.), Property
Global Arena: holder in the Conflict of Laws, 73
Jurisdiction, Applicable
and the of Judg RabelsZ 727 (2009).
Law, Recognition
ments in Europe, Japan and the US Erk (N.), The Cross-Border Transfer of
(2010). Seat in European Company Law: A De

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liberation about the Status Quo and 11. PIL and Culture
the Fate of the Real Seat Doctrine, Basedow (J.), Multiculturalism, Global
2010 Eur. Bus. L. Rev. 413 (2010).
ization and the Law of the Open
Gerner-Beuerle (C.) & Schillig (M.), Society, 62 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l
The Mysteries of Freedom of Establish 715 (2009).
ment after Cartesio, 59 Int'l & Comp. Grammaticaki-Alexiou Multicul
L. Q. 303 (2010). turalism: Does it Affect Contemporary
Hartley (T.), Multinational International Transactions?, 62 Rev.
tions and the Third World: A Conflict Hellenique Dr. Int'l 553 (2009).
of-Laws Analysis, 62 Rev. Hellenique Kamenova (T.), Different Legal Cultures
Dr. Int'l 657 (2009). and Global Judicialization at the End
of the 20th and the Beginning of the
Jacobs (J.), The Reach of State Corpo
21st Century, 62 Rev. Hellenique Dr.
rate Law Beyond State Borders:
Int'l 617 (2009).
Reflections upon Federalism, 84
Kreuzer (K.), Clash of Civilizations and
N.Y.U. L. Rev. 1149 (2009).
Conflict of Laws, 62 Rev. Hellenique
Kahan (M.) & Rock (E.), How to Prevent
Dr. Int' I 629 (2009).
Hard Cases from
Making Bad Law:
Kronke (H.), From International to
Bear Stearns, Delaware, and the Stra
Transnational Commercial Law: The
tegic Use of Comity, 58 Emory L. J.
Impact of Diversities of Cultures, 62
713 (2009). Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l 705 (2009).
Kuipers (J.), Cartesio and Grunkin Paul: Michaels Global
(R.), Legal Pluralism,
Mutual Recognition as a Vested Rights 2009(5) Ann. Rev. L. Soc. Sci. 14.1
Theory Based on Party Autonomy in (2009).
Private Law, 2 Eur. J. Leg. Stud. 66 Rossolillo Personal at a
(G.), Identity
(2009). Crossroads Between Private Interna
Martin (D.) & Pracchia (D.), Company tional Law, International Protection of
Mobility Through Cross-Border Trans Human Rights and EU Law, 11 Ybk
fers of Registered Offices Within the Priv. Int'l L. 143 (2009).
European Union—A New Challenge Van Loon (H.), Legal Diversity in a Flat,
for French Law, 2010 Clunet 327 Crowded World: The Role of the Hague
(2010). Conference, 62 Rev. Hellenique Dr.
Int'l 495 (2009).

10. Cultural Property 12. Maritime Conflicts

A. Books
Bazyler (M.) & Gerber (S.), Litigating
the Pillage of Cultural Property in Von Ziegler (A.), Zunarelli (S.) &
American Courts: Chabad v. Russian Schelin (J.) (eds.), The Rotterdam
Federation and Lessons Learned, 32 Rules 2008: Commentary to the United
Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L. Rev. 45 Nations Convention on Contracts for
(2010). the International Carriage of Goods
Demarsin Wholly or Partly by Sea (2010).
(B.), The Third Time Is Not Al
ways a
Charm: The Troublesome B. Articles
Legacy of a Dutch Art Dealer—The
Basedow (J.), Rome II at Sea—General
Limitation and Act of State Defenses
Aspects of Maritime Torts, 74 RabelsZ
in Looted Art Cases, 28 Cardozo Arts
118 (2010).
& Ent. L.J. 255 (2010).
Berlingieri (F.), Freedom of Contract
Frigo (M.), Ethical Rules and Codes of under the Rotterdam 14 Unif. L.
Honor Related to Museum Activities: A Rev. 831 (2009).
Complementary Support to the Private
Fresnedo de Aguirre (C.), The Rotter
International Law Approach Concern
dam Rules from the Perspective of a
ing the Circulation of Cultural
Country that is a Consumer of Ship
Property, 2009 Int'l J. Cult. Prop. 49
ping Services, 14 Unif. L. Rev. 869
(2009). (2009).
Totcharova (P.), The 2003 Unesco Con Gaskell (N.), The Bunker Pollution Con
vention for the Safeguarding of the vention 2001 and Limitations of
Intangible Cultural Heritage, 62 Rev. 2009 J. Int'l Mar. L. 477
Hellenique Dr. Int'l 609 (2009). (2009).

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Harris (J.), Opting out of Admiralty Cumings-Peterson (D.), Out-of-State

Law? Uniformity vs. Freedom of Con Civil Unions in Iowa after Varnum v.
tract in the Selection of State Choice of Brien: Why the State of Iowa Should
Law, 34 Tul. Mar. L. J. 167 (2009). Recognize Civil Unions as Marriages,
Jones (J.), Forum and Venue Selection 96 Iowa L. Rev. 297 (2010).
Clauses in Seamen's Employment Con Estin (A.), Families Across Borders: The
tracts: Can Contractual Stipulations Children's Conventions and the
Be Used to Defeat a Seaman's Choice Case for International Law in
of Forum or Venue in a Jones Act the United 62 Fla. L. Rev. 47
Claim?, 85 Tul. L. Rev. 519 (2010). (2010).
Meidanis (H.), Sale and Purchase of Ves
Fessas (A.), Regulation of Same-Sex
sels Before Greek Courts: How Safe is
Marriage, 63 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l
the Choice of Foreign Law Made by the 53 (2010).
Parties?, 61 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l
Fiorini the Law Appli
455 (2008). (A.), Harmonizing
cable to Divorce and Legal Separation:
Morris (R.), Conflicts of Limitation Laws
Enhanced Cooperation as the Way For
in the United States and the United
ward?, 59 Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 1143
Kingdom: Solving the Riddle of Nor
walk 34 Tul. Mar. L. J. 303
(2009). Fotschl (A.), The Common Optional
Ortiz What in Interna Matrimonial Property Regime of Ger
(R.), Changes
tional Law after the many and France—Epoch-Making in
Rotterdam 14 Unif. L. Rev. 893 the Unification of Law, 11 Ybk Priv.
Int'l L. 395 (2009).
Papavizas (C.) & Morrissey (G.), Does Fournier (P.), Flirting with God in West
the Jones Act Apply to Offshore Alter ern Secular Courts: Mahr in the West,
native 34 Tul. Mar. 2010 Int'l J. L. Pol'y & Fam. 67 (2010).
Energy Projects?,
L. J. 377 (2010). Harvey (K), The Rights of Divorced Les
Tan (A.), The EU Ship-Source Pollution bians: Interstate Recognition of Child
Directive and Coastal State Jurisdic Custody Judgments in the Context of
tion over Ships, 2010 Lloyd's Marit. & Same-Sex Divorce, 78 Fordham L. Rev.
Comm. L. Q. 469 (2010). 1379 (2009).
Tebbens (H.), The European Union and Hill (D.), The Hague Convention on the
the Athens Convention on Maritime International Protection of Adults, 58
Carriers' Liability for Passengers in Int'l & Comp. L. Q. 469 (2009).
Case of Accidents: An Incorporation Joslin (C.), Interstate Recognition of
Adventure, 61 Rev. Hellenique Dr. Int'l
Parentage in a Time of Disharmony:
653 (2008). Same-Sex Parent Families and Be
yond, 70 Ohio St. L. J. 563 (2009).
13. Family Law
Kjrby (M.), Children Caught in Conflict
B The Child Abduction Convention in
A. Books
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