What Is Staphylococcus Aureus

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What is Staphylococcus aureus ?

Staphylococcus aureus is the most dangerous of all of the many common

staphylococcal bacteria.

Staphylococcus aureus is present in the nose of adults (temporarily in 60% and

permanently in 20 to 30%) and sometimes on the skin.

The bacteria can spread from person to person by direct contact, through
contaminated objects (such as computers with keyboard and
mouse,telephones, door knobs, television remote controls, or elevator buttons),
or, less often, by inhalation of infected droplets dispersed by sneezing or

All staphylococcal skin infections are very contagious disease spreads by

people touching each other.

Staphylococcus aureus infections range from mild to life threatening. The

bacteria tend to infect the skin .

People can help prevent the spread of these bacteria by always thoroughly
washing their hands with soap and water or with antibacterial hand sanitizer
gels or Using T*Power product specially.

Did You Know...

 Staphylococcal infections may be difficult to treat because many of the

bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics.
 The bacteria that cause a particularly dangerous streptococcal infection
called necrotizing fasciitis are sometimes described as flesh eating.
What is Rouleau Effect of Red blood ?

Red blood cells in the Rouleau formation. Red blood cells are often stacked
together because of their shape and the way they pass through tiny capillaries

The rouleau effect shows that the red blood cells are clumped together and
stacked like coins. Rouleau affects proper oxygenation because the red blood
cells do not circulate well enough to deliver oxygen where it is needed. The
condition also favors the growth of unhealthy organisms that can survive in a
milieu that is less oxygen rich.

Blood is the carrier of life giving oxygen and nutrients. If there are problems with
your body, telltale signs will show up in your blood. If there are problems with
your red blood cells (RBCs), then the vital oxygen and nutrients needed for life
and health cannot be transported properly throughout your body.

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