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PLAN Teacher RUBEN R. DE ASIS, M.Ed. – English Learning Area ORAL COMMUNICATION
Time Frame 10:20 – 11:10 AM and 2:00 – 5:00 PM Quarter 1ST

7:50 8:40 AM 8:40 – 9:30 AM 9:30 – 10:20 AM 1:00 – 2:00 PM 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Cookery B Cookery A EPAS/GA EIM A EIM B

a. Summarize and evaluate learnings on the topics discussed;

b. Identify competencies which need to be reinforced; and

c. Answer a 50 – item test within the allotted time.


Nature and Elements of Communication
1. Definition
2. The Process of Communication
3. Communication Models
4. Five Elements of Communication
o Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
5. Effective Communication Skills
6. Intercultural Communication

Functions Of Communication
 Regulation/Control
Communicative Competence Strategies In Various Speech Situations
 Social Interaction
A. Types of Speech context
 Motivation
1. Intrapersonal
 Information
2. Interpersonal
 Emotional Expression
a.1 Dyad
a.2 Small group
3. Public
B. Types of Speech Style
1. Intimate





DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not among the functions of communication?

a. Emotional expression b. social interaction c. information dissemination d. noisy environment

2. Which type of speech context in which only one participant acts as both the sender and the receiver of the
a. Intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. mass communication d. public communication
3. Which speech style is used in formal situations where there is only one-way communication?
a. Formal b. frozen c. consultative d. casual
4. The following are the three turn-taking acts, except . . . .
a. keep-turn b. end-turn c. release-turn, d. take-turn
5. __________ communication requires you to deliver or send a message before or in front of a group.
a. Intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. mass communication d. public communication
6. Which of the following communication models presents communication as a one-way activity in which
information flows from the sender to the receiver?
a. Linear model b. Interactive model c. Transactional model d. circular model
7. The geometry teacher lectures about mathematical concepts. The function of the statement is to ___________.
a. Motivate b. express emotion c. disseminate information d. interact
8. A student talking to a teacher uses which of the following speech styles?
a. Formal b. frozen c. consultative d. casual
9. Requesting, ordering, challenging, daring, commanding, pleading, and asking (someone to perform an action) are
examples of which of the following illocutionary acts?
a. Assertive b. directive c. commissive d. expressive
10. “Could you please buy me some food?” The statement is an example of which illocutionary act?
a. Assertive b. directive c. commissive d. expressive
11. Which of the following will help two people with different backgrounds sustain a conversation?
a. Adopt a common language c. Use an interpreter
b. Stick to each of their own language d. terminate the conversation
12. Which of the following strategies should you do to keep a conversation going?
a. Keep focused
b. Talk at the same time
c. Take a call while having a conversation
d. Respond inappropriately
13. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler. What is the function of communication in the statement?
a. Information dissemination b. motivation c. emotional expression d. social interaction
14. Jane expressed that she was happy through the use a nonverbal expression. Which of the following did she do?
a. She smiled
b. She stated that she was happy
c. She slammed the door
d. She looked fiercely
15. In a personality test, the following questions were asked:

Do you trust reason rather than feelings?

Do you find it difficult to get excited?

Do you usually plan your actions in advance?

To answer the test, what type of speech context should a respondent engage in?

a. Intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. mass communication d. public communication

16. Which of the following does not illustrate intrapersonal communication?

a. Deciding on yourself which course to take in Senior High School
b. Thinking and analyzing why your friends do not trust you
c. Thinking and reflecting on why your teacher appreciated your project
d. Talking to a friend about your summer vacation in Baguio.
17. Buong katapatang nanunumpa
Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag
Na may dangal, katarungan, at kalayaan
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, at Makabansa.
The article above is an example of which of the given speech style?
a. Formal b. frozen c. consultative d. casual
18. What is the speaker’s intention in making the following statement: “Please, listen to what I say”.
a. Assertive b. directive c. expressive d. declaration
19. Which is true about release-turn?
a. Calling someone to answer a question
b. Using the word “additionally” when talking
c. Continuing to speak and not entertaining other speakers
d. Raising a hand to show that a participant wants to speak
20. Which of the following does not illustrate intrapersonal communication?
a. Deciding on yourself which course to take in Senior High School
b. Thinking and analyzing why your friends do not trust you
c. Thinking and reflecting on why your teacher appreciated your project
d. Talking to a friend about your summer vacation in Baguio.
21. Ms. Santos is listening to her student's question. What element of communication is she?
a. Sender b. channel c. feedback d. receiver
22. Which element of communication are common to all the models presented in the lesson?
a. Sender/receiver b. feedback c. concept of noise d. field of experience
23. Which of the following statements about gender and communication is not true?
a. Men and women in general differ in the way they express themselves or in how they communicate with
b. In men-only conversations, some tend to dominate the conversation, and they seldom talk about their
private lives.
c. In women-only conversations, they usually allow everyone to participate, and they often talk about their
personal relationships.
d. It is unnecessary to consider gender differences in communication styles.
24. The students brainstorm about the effects of social media in the modern world. The function of the statement is
to ___________.
a. Motivate b. express emotion c. disseminate information d. interact
25. Which of the following shows verbal communication?
a. smiling b. embracing/hugging c. calling/texting d. laughing
26. Which of the following utterances is not an example of a directive illocutionary act?
a. Go! And fetch me some water. c. I promise to avoid misbehaving in class from now on.
b. Hand over my bag, please. d. Write your name on a piece of paper and pass it to the
27. All of the following are examples of public speech context, except ___________.
a. delivering a SONA c. giving a lecture at a conference
b. talking with friends d. delivering campaign speech
28. Identify the type of speech style used in this statement:
“Oh well, I s’pose you can’t have ‘em all, yeah?”
a. casual b. consultative c. intimate d. formal

29. Anna: Kate? Do you think someday we can be like them?

Kate: Like what? With families and a home?
Anna: Yeah, with a mom and a dad, a permanent roof over our heads . . . If only that accident didn’t . . . Oh, I
wish they were still alive.
Kate: Me, too. But at least we still have each other, right? I’ll always be here for you, kiddo.
Anna: I know. I don’t know what I’ll do without you.
Kate: You’ll never have to worry about that.

What speech style is involved in the dialogue and what relationship do the participants have?
a. Casual/friends c. intimate/mother-daughter
b. b. consultative/employer-employee d. formal/ friends
30. One of the students immediately shared his insight without letting the teacher finish the question. The violation
committed is described as _______________.
a. Grabbing the floor b. overlapping c. hogging the floor d. dead air
31. Which of the following processes best illustrates the linear model of communication?
a. The message is encoded by the sender and is sent through a channel and then decoded by the receiver.
b. The message starts with the sender and is sent through a channel. The receiver after decoding the
message gives his/her feedback.
c. The sender encodes the message and is sent through a channel. He/she then waits for the receiver to
receive the message and respond before creating another message.
d. The message is created by the sender was not received and decode by the receiver.
32. Which of the following is not true about communication?
a. Communication breakdown occurs when the message is not transmitted or understood by the receiver.
b. Verbal communication is better than nonverbal communication.
c. Effective use of nonverbal communication can strengthen our message.
d. There are certain words that are only appropriate at certain times and places.
33. Which of the following is not true about intercultural communication?
a. A good intercultural communicator is flexible and adaptable.
b. Stereotyping should be avoided in intercultural communication.
c. Intercultural communication happens only between or among persons from different nationalities.
d. Being polite is one of the characteristics of a competent intercultural communicator.
34. Communication implies the use of simple and specific words to express ideas. It is also achieved when the
speaker focuses only on the single objective on his/her speech so as not to confuse the audience. Which of the
following features of communication is described by the statement?
a. Clearness b. conciseness c. concreteness d. correctness
35. In which of the following situations is nonverbal communication unnecessary?
a. When talking to a friend about your experiences during your vacation
b. When delivering a speech in front of an audience
c. When talking to someone over the phone
d. When telling your crush about what you feel for him/her
36. When can we consider communication to be effective?
a. When the information is shared and mutually understood.
b. When the message is received by the receiver
c. When the message received is misunderstood
d. When the feedback deviates from the thought the sender intends to convey
37. “The principal announced the suspension of classes due to the bad weather”. This form of communication is
a. Intrapersonal b. dyad c. small group d. public communication

38. Read the dialogue below between husband and wife.

Kim: Papsy?
Edgar: Yes? 
Kim: Do you love me? 
Edgar: (after a split second) Of course!
Kim: Aha! Why did it take you too long to respond? I can’t believe you don’t love me anymore.
Edgar: No, Mamsy. I didn’t say that. You know I’ll always be your wedding singer, right?
Kim: Yeah . . . I love you too, Papsy dapski.
The conversation between Kim and Edgar shows which of the following speech styles?
a. Intimate b. casual c. frozen d. consultative
39. Which of the following should a lower authority practice in a conversation?
a. Wait for his turn before speaking
b. Take the floor immediately after a speaker stops speaking
c. Call someone to talk after he finishes speaking
d. Restrict someone from talking or sharing his/her ideas

40. Read the conversation below among three friends.

Allan: Dude! Are you guys free on Friday night?
Jay: What d’ya have in mind?
Allan: How about goin’ to the mall to see Star Wars?
Ryan: Yeah! That’d be awesome! I’m in!
Jay: I’d want to . . . but my parents . . .
Allan: Dude, c’mon! You’re what, 18 now?! Just tell them you’re with me.
Ryan: And me!
Jay: OK. I’ll try . . . But no promises, OK?
Allan: Fine, bro. Just lemme know. Gotta go! See ya! Bye!
Which of the following speech style did Allan, Jay and Ryan used in their conversation?
e. Intimate b. casual c. frozen d. consultative
40. Which of the following is not true about communication?
a. It is a process.
b. It occurs between two or more people.
c. It can be expressed through written or spoken words, actions, or both spoken words and nonverbal
actions at the same time.
d. It can happen in only one context.
41. Which of the following is the best way to avoid communication breakdown in the following situation?
“You sit in a meeting or class where you think the speaker is boring.”
a. Recognize this kind of attitude, reset, and reflect on how you can be interested in what the speaker is
pointing out.
b. Tell the speaker to shift to a more interesting topic.
c. Do not listen to the speaker. Instead, search for his topic on the internet and read it to yourself.
d. Leave the room and look for someone else to talk to.
42. To avoid bias when communicating with other people, which of the following should be avoided?
a. Be sensitive to the religious practices of others.
b. Be polite at all times.
c. Respect younger people and the elderly.
d. Make generalized comments about a certain group.
43. The members of the Science Club are having a meeting for the upcoming Science Week celebration. Mark has
many ideas for their science booth. He wishes to take the floor, but he does not want to interrupt the speaker.
What can Mark do to signal that he has something to say?
a. Raise his hand
b. Talk to his friend beside him
c. Make some noise
d. Leave the meeting
44. Monica shares her personal frustrations with Chandler. What is the function of communication in the statement?
a. Information dissemination b. motivation c. emotional expression d. social interaction
45. Which of the following is not a way to achieve effective communication?
a. Prejudging b. having self-confidence c. listening attentively d. respecting cultural
46. All of the following are examples of public speech context except ___________.
a. delivering a SONA
b. talking with friends
c. giving a lecture at a conference
d. delivering campaign speech
47. Study the following dialogue and identify the cause(s) of communication breakdown.

(Mr. Flores is talking to his assistant Liza in his office.)

Mr. Flores: Liza, I just got off the phone with Ms. Garcia. She said that she didn’t receive the documents for
signing yesterday.
Liza: I remember you saying something about the documents. But, I don’t recall that they need to be delivered
Mr. Flores: I can’t believe this. I told you yesterday to send the documents to Ms. Garcia, so I can forward them
to the Accounting department today.
Liza: I’m sorry, but I didn’t get that part. I had so many things going on at the time you were talking to me about
it. You were also giving me many different instructions at the same time.

What caused the communication breakdown?

a. lack of attention and information overload

b. prejudging
c. physical barriers
d. cultural barriers
48. President Rodrigo Duterte is hosting a state dinner at the Malacañang Palace in honor of the visiting US President
Donald Trump. Which of the following speech styles must be used on the occasion?
a. Casual b. consultative c. intimate d. formal
49. John was watching TV when his mother arrived from the market. Upon entering the door, she says, “These bags
are so heavy!” What do you think should be the perlocutionary act for the speech act to be successful?
a. John will ignore his mother and continue watching TV.
b. John will help his mother with her bags.
c. John will pretend to be sleeping.
d. John will wait for his mother to tell him to carry the bags for her.
50. In an interview, Sheila always interrupts the interviewer even if the interviewer is not yet done with what he or
she is saying. Which of the following should you advise Sheila to do?
a. She must continue talking or interrupting to show how smart she is.
b. She must let the interviewer finish first what he/she wants to say before she say something.
c. She must not listen to what the interviewer says.
d. She must stop the conversation and leave right away.


Distribution of Test Materials/ Giving

of Instructions TEST I Total Time Allotted

5 Minutes 50 minutes 55 minutes

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