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As an Angelenean who lives by the core values of pagiging mabuti, magaling at may

malasakit sa kapwa, I hereby commit that I complete my academic work with integrity. This
means that I shall accomplish my academic work without receiving or giving unauthorized
assistance. My work also observes scholarly and intellectual standards, rules on proper citation
of sources, and appropriate collection and use of data.

I. Group Details
Course Year and Section: BSA-1A
Complete Name of Group Leader: 1. Arceo, Johanna Marie Q.
Complete Names of Members:
2. Cacdac, Kimberly C. 4. Paras, Erijee D.
3. Canlas, Perlyn Joy G. 5. Samson, Bea Alyana Rae P.

II. Paragraphs

Utilization of Accounting Software in education and business should be

Approved Thesis
implemented to obtain high quality performance such as accuracy,
productivity, and proficiency.

Paragraph 1

         Information Technology (IT) in accounting has become substantial and has been
utilized regularly in the recent years for it simplifies numerous human activities such as
business operations (Thottoli, 2020; Indriantoro, as cited in Sriwidharmanely & Syafrudin,
2012).  Moreover, Kabir, Rahman, Yunus, and Chowdhury (2015) even asserted that entities
switched to computerized systems for the completion of the accounting cycle due to the
growth of their business activities. Hence, firms realized that implementing accounting
software is significant to effectively adapt in the advancements of the world and to manifest
their ambition for prosperity (Chong & Nizam, 2018). On the other hand, Dewi (2010) pointed
out the necessity to integrate a course with accounting software in Accounting Departments so
that the employment prospects of graduate students will be enhanced.

Paragraph 2

         According to Wickramsainghe, et al. (as cited in Chong & Nizam, 2018), accounting
software is a combination of accounting and information technology that was presented to the
world in order to accommodate the growing demand for up-to-date and accurate data.
Furthermore, it is equipped with an efficient and firm tool that assists in organizing the
financial activity of the business and in meeting its extending demands (Semmens & Co., n.d.).
Musa (as cited in Kabir, Rahman, Yunus, & Chowdhury, 2020) believed that faster data entry
and transaction reflection are some of the benefits of accounting software to accountants, and
it is also an efficient way for them to perform the accounting process compared to the
traditional method. In addition, the processing of information through the use of the software
is less time-consuming and at the same time guarantees accuracy unlike in the manual
approach (Sriwidharmanely & Syafrudin, 2012). It reduces the duration of data processing
while obtaining accurate information, thus, boosting an individual’s and an entity’s
performance (Nwosu & Amahi, 2019).

Paragraph 3

Consequently, Imbiri (2015) revealed that educational institutes are challenged to

produce tech-savvy accounting students due to the increasing demand of companies for highly
skilled workers. However, professors argue that students’ knowledge on the basics of
accounting decreases since the software accomplishes most of the work, but in the study of
Boulianne (2014), it was proven that students acquire better understanding with the approach
that consists of both the traditional and software method. In the same way, developing the
professors’ understanding on digital accounting skills are necessary to raise students’
potentials (Nwosu & Amahi, 2019). Once accounting software is implemented, students will
develop essential skills and knowledge that may increase their competence and opportunity to
be employed (Machera & Machera, 2017).

10- Excellent/ Greatly Participated                6- Good/ Participated
8- Very Good/ Sufficiently Participated         4- Needs Improvement/ Little to No Participation

Name of Leader/ Representative Participation Score

1. Arceo, Johanna Marie Q. 10

Names of Members Participation Score

2. Cacdac, Kimberly C. 10

3. Canlas, Perlyn Joy G. 10

4. Paras, Erijee D 10

5. Samson, Bea Alyana Rae P. 6

Note: The scores are obtained through cumulative peer evaluation.

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