Socsci "Pre-Colonial and Hispanic Conquest and Colonization"

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Ababon, Jesstine Ma. Alexandra F. N2-C1 Activity no.


1. How were the pre-historic people able to reach the Philippines?

There are several theories of the ways that pre-historic people were able to reach the

Philippines. The most known is the land bridges that is thought to be a land based connection

between the islands and were present or emerged during the ice age. There is also the Sunda land

where the Philippines were part of mainland Asia which is the Taiwan and Borneo route.

2. How would you compare the early barangays with the barangays today?

The early barangays were disconnected and independent from each other as had their

own chieftains (datu) and council of elders that sets the rules that is only valid for their village.

While in the present, all barangays are interconnected with one another as it under a Municipality

which is under a Province, and then a Region. There is also a President that acts as leader for the

whole country while the Datu is only leader for its own barangay.

3. What were some of the ways by which one would become a slave during the pre-Spanish era?

To become a slave during the pre-spanish era may be caused by being captured by

enemies in war, being sold into slavery, not being able to pay their debt, punishment for a crime

they committed and inheriting the status of a slave.

4. A leading Filipino historian has described the Filipino people as “An Amalgam of Races”. Why

is this so?

As the Philippine history contains of events where the Philippines has been colonized by

other countries or even the fact that there were barter happening from neighboring countries, it is

no surprise that that there are a variety of traditions mixed in the Filipino culture. One of the most

evident that has been influenced is Catholicism which was due to the colonization of Spain. Next

is English as the second language which is from when the Americans colonized Philippines. Even
food, sports and fashion are greatly influenced by other nationalities that the country had spent

years with voluntarily and involuntarily.

5. Why did not Islam become the dominant religion in the Philippines?

One of the reasons why Islam didn’t become the dominant religion in the Philippines is

because the Visayas were led by rajahs and datus’ who strongly resisted Islam due to Muslim

pirates that raid Sugbo. At that time, half of Luzon and the islands of Mindanao were converted to

Islam however the Spanish colonization happened. As it happened, Spain colonized the

Philippines for 333 years where they spread their traditions and religion which is Catholicism

throughout the years. The Spanish colonization is the main reason why Islam did not become the

dominant religion in the Philippines as they introduced their own religion and claimed the land


6. What was the role played by spices in the history of the Philippines and why were spices very

expensive commodities in Europe?

Spices were the reason why the Philippines was an important outpost for trading due to

its geographical location. Spices were considered as luxurious commodities as these items travel

great distances and went through many transactions to get to Europe.

7. Why and how did Spain and Portugal became bitter rivals in the discovery and colonization of

new lands?

The Portuguese were the one’s to first colonize in the 1400s’ across the Atlantic until
Spain rose into power in the 1500s’. There was a stagnant desire to power and money within both
countries. What ignited the desire to discover and colonize for Spain and Portugal was the letter
of Columbus’s (1493) which states the wonderful New World with such expressive and detailed
information that made both power houses want it for themselves. It was because of this that Spain
and Portugal had coveted domination through the colonization of new lands.
8. Do you think it is historically accurate to claim that Magellan discovered the Philippines? Explain

your answer.
If I consider world history, I would say that it is accurate to say that Magellan discovered

the Philippines. It is because he was the first person to ever lead a voyage that proved that

Philippines existed and maybe made Philippines official in the world map at that time which has

evolved into what we are currently using. Europeans were the ones’ that willingly and

successfully voyaged around the world because of their curiosity. I’d give them credit for that

even if it did lead them into doing some horrible things to the natives of the lands they have


9. Characterize the actions of Magellan in connection in the battle of Mactan. Was it wise for

Magellan to do what he did in Mactan? Explain

As I was reading on the events of the battle of Mactan, I would say that the actions of

Magellan weren’t wise. It wasn’t wise of him to set out to attack the natives when they were

outnumbered and the ships couldn’t come close due to the shallow water. The probability of him

winning that day were low and I’m sure there were other ways that would have led them to

victory. The fact that he didn’t know much to who he was fighting gave him a disadvantage of the

fight because he didn’t know how persistent and hot-blooded the natives were. He couldn’t even

give proper orders during the fight, the ammunition they had dwindled to none so fast and the

men that he had weren’t as great as he thought they were. Magellan overestimated himself and

underestimated the natives which is the main reason why he died during that battle.

10. What was the treaty of Zaragoza? Was this treaty both fair to Spain and Portugal? Why?

The Treaty of Zaragoza was a peace treaty between Castile and Portugal of the rulers

Charles V and John III on April 1529, respectively. Politically speaking, no it was not fair for

both opposing powers as they would always fight for what would give them more power and

stability in getting what they want. Each would rather take than give even if the Philippines were

such a small country. One would say that the countries had considered it fair as they had both

agreed to borders they themselves set. But thinking about it, they didn’t act like it was fair.

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