9.4 Going To For Plans

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UNIT 9: Grammar Check


Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

9.4 going to for plans 2 Complete the dialogue using the correct form
1 Use the table to complete the sentences with of going to with the verb in brackets or short
the correct form of going to. Use contractions answers. Use contractions where you can.
where you can. Leo: Are you going to buy (buy) a new computer,
Finn Ted and Jo Dad? This one’s so slow!
study at university   1
Dad: Yes, I _______, but not today!
have a holiday soon X X
get a new phone   __________________________ (finish)
learn to play the guitar  X your homework soon? It’s not just the
0 Finn is going to study at university. computer that’s slow!
1 Ted and Jo _________________________ at 3
Leo: Why? __________________________ (use)
university. the computer?
2 Finn _________________________ a holiday 4
Dad: No, I _______. I just want you to hurry up!
soon. 5
Leo: The teacher __________________________
3 Ted and Jo _________________________ a
(not give) me a good mark for this – I don’t
holiday soon.
know how to do it.
4 Finn _________________________ a new
Dad: Which teacher
__________________________ (check) it?
5 Ted and Jo _________________________ new
phones. Leo: Mr Sutcliffe. He
6 Finn _________________________ the guitar. __________________________ (be) really

7 Ted and Jo _________________________ the angry if I don’t get it right.

guitar. Dad: I can help you if you want.

/7 Leo: OK, but I __________________________
(not tell) Mr Sutcliffe that my dad helped me –
he’ll be even angrier!


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