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E-mails for Class-VIII

Half Yearly Examination-2020

01. Suppose, you are Kishan and you have a friend named Sudipto. Sudipto has made excellent result in his JSC
exam. Now, send an Email to Sudipto congratulating him on his brilliant success.

To: sudipto_sarker @ hotmail. com

Subject: Congratulating on brilliant success.

Dear Sudipto,
I believe that you are passing a very good time. Because after making such a brilliant result, everybody passes a
wonderful time. I am so happy hearing the news that you have got golden A+ in your JSC examination. Take my
heartiest congratulations on this stunning success. You are really worthy of this result because you study hard from
the very beginning of the year. I have never seen you wasting a moment. You study the texts, make your own notes
and revise them again and again by writing. So, you always cut a good figure in the exam. The result of your JSC
examination bears testimony to your hard work. I expect that you will get scholarship also. My parents are also very
glad to hear about it. However, I am eager to have you amongst us. Please, visit us as soon as you can make time.
Take care, bye.
Ever yours

02. Suppose, you are Tushar Iman and your friend is Hridoy Roy. You are going for a picnic on the next Friday. Now
write an email to your friend inviting him to join the picnic.

To: ridoy_roy @ hotmail. com

Subject: Inviting to join a picnic.

Dear Hridoy,
Hope you are fine. You will be glad to know that we are going to arrange a picnic on the next Friday. We are going to
Sonargaon. So you are cordially invited to join the picnic. I believe that you will enjoy the arrangement very much.
We are about 45 in number and so we have already hired a big and nice bus. We have also managed other necessary
things like- cooks, meat, pots, drinking water and cool drinks. We will cook the lunch reaching the spot. We have
already hired the spot. Our class teacher is helping us in managing these things. Besides, we will arrange a short
cultural programme in the afternoon. We have decided to roam around the place and see the old buildings. So
please, don’t forget to bring your camera and guitar with you. So please, come before the appointed day. No more
now. I am fine but a little busy.
Yours ever

03. Suppose, you are Pinto and you have got promoted to class VIII with a stunning result. Now, send an Email to
your father requesting him to send you some money to buy new books.

To: yusufmia @ hotmail. com

Subject: To send some money

Dear Father,
Hope you are fine by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine by His blessings. You will be glad to know that the result of
my annual exam has come out. I have stood first in my class in order of merit. Very soon our classes of the new
session will begin. But before that I will have to buy some books. Our teachers have prescribed some new books for
us. The books will help me prepare well to fight the upcoming challenge. I will also need to buy two sets of school
uniforms because the old ones have worn out. They cannot be reused this year. Moreover, I will have to buy a pair of
new shoes as the old ones are have already gone. So, I will need tk. 5000 for this purpose. I would like to request you
to send the money as early as possible so that I can go to the market and buy the necessary things before starting the
classes. No more now. Take care, bye.
Yours ever

04. Suppose, you are Mithun Dey and your friend is Amrito Dey whose E-mail address is amritodey @
Now send an E-mail to your friend about your preparation for the JSC examination.

To: amritodey @ yahoo. com

Subject: About the preparation for the JSC examination.

Dear Amrito,
Hope you are keeping fine by the grace of Almighty. You wanted to know about my preparation for the ensuing JSC
examination. You will be glad to know that I have taken fairly a good preparation for the exam. Initially I had some
problems in Mathematics and English. But I have overcome the difficulties regarding these subjects by this time. I
have spent a lot of time and taken the help of my math and English teacher to solve the problems I faced earlier. I am
really confident about other subjects. At present, I am revising them again and again and writing. I have also decided
to sit for some model tests before the exam. If Almighty wishes, I am hopeful of doing well in the upcoming JSC
examination. Please, pray for me so that I can complete all the examinations with sound health. No more now. Write
me about your preparation. Till then keep fine.
Yours ever

05. Imagine, you are Biplob Kabir and your friend is Masud Haque. Masud showed you a great respect when you paid
a visit to his residence last month. Now write an email to your friend thanking him for his hospitality.

To: masud_haque @ yahoo. com

Subject: Thanking for hospitality.

Dear Masud,
Hope you are fine by the blessings of Almighty. I am also fine. However, I would like to thank you from the core of my
heart for your hospitality, care and mildness. Actually, I am spellbound with the hospitality that you showed to me
when I paid a visit to your house. We have been good friends for quite a long time. But never before did I get any
chance to go to your house. During this summer vacation, I took the chance. I spent really some nice moments with
the members of your family. Your mother took me as her own son and your father was also not an exception.
Besides, all the other members of the family were so friendly and amicable to me that I will not forget this memory in
my entire life. Aunty prepared special dishes and I enjoyed them to my heart’s content. In short, it was perfectly a
dreamy time for me. I still cannot believe how people can be so good. No more now. Please, accept my invitation to
pay a visit to my house. Let me know when you are coming.
Yours ever

06. Suppose, you are Hashem Khan and you have a friend in Australia namely Ponting. Ponting is very interested to
visit Bangladesh. Now send an Email to Ponting inviting him to visit Bangladesh.

To: ricky_ponting @ hotmail. om

Subject: Inviting to visit Bangladesh.

Dear Ponting,
Hope you are fine and ok. I am also nice. However, I am glad to know that you are interested to pay a visit to
Bangladesh. I would like to invite you cordially to visit my country. Bangladesh is called the darling child of nature for
her unparallel natural beauty. There are rows of green trees, endless crop fields, rivers, brooks, canals and
mesmerizing sea beach in Cox’s Bazar. There are also small hills in Sylhet and Chittagong that will take you into a
dreamy world. The tea gardens of Sylhet and Chittagong look so beautiful. The natural beauty of Captai Lake will
charm any traveler of the world. In short, it can be said that the entire Bangladesh is a box of beauty. Wherever you
cast your eyes, they will soothe with the splendid beauty of nature. You will certainly like it here. Please, come as
soon as possible. No more now. I look forward to receiving you in the airport. Take care, bye.
Yours ever

07. Suppose, you are Sumon Patwary and your friend is Kalipada Das whose e-mail address is kalipadadas @ Now send an e-mail to your friend thanking him for sending you a nice birthday gift.

To: kalipadadas @ yahoo. com

Subject: Thanking for a nice birthday gift.

Dear Kalipada,
I would have been highly pleased if you attended my birthday party. I know that you could not come due to some
unavoidable reasons. But you sent me the ‘Golpoguchha’ a collection of short stories by Rabindranath Tagore. Accept
my heartiest thanks for your nice gift. Robi Tagore is my most favourite author. His writings give me immense
pleasure and joy. Whenever I get any opportunity to read his writings, I never miss the chance. The short stories are
so well-written that I feel like reading them again and again. The characters of the stories are very realistic. I have got
many gifts from my friends and relatives. But yours one is the best of all. I have noticed one thing that your choice
and mine are almost the same. I am really highly pleased to get such a gift from you. So I would like to thank you
again from the core of my heart. Keep fine, bye.
Ever yours

08. Suppose, you are Nazmul Huda and your friend is Jamil Huda. Now send an email to your friend inviting him to
spend the ensuing summer vacation with you.

To: jamil_huda @ yahoo. com

Subject: Invitation for summer vacation.

Dear Jamil,
Hope you are fine by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine. However, I would like to invite you to spend the ensuing
summer vacation with us in our village home. You know my village is in Rajshahi and summer is the season of fruits. I
am sure, the splendid flavour of the fruits our garden will make you spell-bound. There are many large fishes in our
pond. We will catch fishes from the pond and eat them to our hearts’ content. We have planned to visit a number of
places together. Beside our village there is an old Jaminder Bari. You will be mesmerized to see the old relics of that
palace. Please, don’t forget to bring your camera because we will take a lot of pictures of the place. Besides, we have
a plan to arrange a family picnic during the vacation. But without you, it will not be successful and enjoyable. So,
don’t disappoint me, please. No more now. Write me when you are coming. Keep fine, bye.
Yours ever

09. Suppose, you are Sabrina Ahmed and your friend is Jharna Chawdhury. You are going to celebrate your 15 th
birthday on 15 March. Now write an email to your friend inviting him to attend your birthday party.

To: jharnachawdhury @ hotmail. com

Subject: Invitation to join birthday party.

Dear Jharna,
Hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of Almighty. I am also the same by His blessings. It is pretty a long time I
do not hear from you. However, you will be glad to know that I am going to observe my 15 th birthday on the 15
instant. My parents have decided to arrange a tea party on this occasion. So you are cordially invited to attend the
party. I have also invited some of my other close friends and they have agreed to join the party. If you come, my
pleasure will know no bounds. My parents have also told me to invite you. So please, do come before the appointed
day. Then we will chalk out a plan how to observe the day to maximize our joy. Please, don’t dishearten me. I look
forward to hearing your reply.
Thanks/Yours ever

10. Suppose, you are Ishtiak Naser and your friend is Navid Hassan. The annual sports day of your school was held
yesterday. Now send an email to your friend about the annual sports day.

To: navid_hassan 16 @ hot

Subject: About the annual sports day.

Dear Navid,
Hope you are fine. I am very fine and excited as well. Our annual sports competition was held yesterday. It was a
fantastic arrangement. You will be glad to know that I won three first prizes taking part in three events. The events
were 100 metre race, 200 metre race and long jump. As I was first in all three events, I was also judged champion of
the champions. So, my joys knew no bounds when I received four prizes together. The Principal praised me highly
and encouraged me to go on with these co-curricular activities with same attention. My parents were also equally
pleased with my performance. Never before in my life, was I so excited and happy. I cannot check myself from
sharing my joys with you. Hope you are also happy to learn this. keep fine, by.
Yours ever

11. Suppose, you are Tutul Kibria and your friend is Mamum Haque. Your elder sister’s marriage ceremony is going to
be held on 12 June. Now send an e-mail to your friend inviting him to attend the marriage ceremony of your elder

To: mamumhaque @ hotmail. com

Subject: Invitation to marriage ceremony.

Dear Mamun,
Hope you are fine by the grace of Allah. I am also very fine. However, you will be glad to know that my elder sister’s
marriage ceremony will be held on the 12th June. It will be held in our village residence. You are cordially invited to
join this happy occasion. You know that I am the only son of my parents. I will have to remain busy for the whole
week. There will be an arrangement for about 500 people. So, I will have to look after the sitting arrangement,
dining arrangement and others for the invited guests. If you come two or three days earlier, I will be much
benefited. My parents have also told me to invite you and they want to see you here earlier. So please, don’t
dishearten me. Your presence will make me happy to a great extent.
Yours ever

12. Suppose, you are Enam and your friend is Manam. Manam borrowed a book on English grammar from you a long
time ago. Now write an email to your friend to return your book as early as possible.

To: manamhossain @ hotmail. com

Subject: To return the borrowed book.

Dear Manam,
Hope you are fine by the grace of Almighty. I am also fine by His blessings. However, you borrowed my English
grammar called ‘Advanced Learners’ Communicative English Grammar and Composition’ long time ago. I did not
want it back as I did not need it. But now my exam is knocking at the door and I am badly in need of the book to be
prepared for the exam. I have learnt all the grammatical items with the help of that book. I have also learnt the
composition part from that book. If I cannot revise the items before exams, I will certainly cut a sorry figure in the
exam. As a close friend, you certainly do not want this. If you need, you can take it again and I will not mind giving it.
But I hope you will realize the fact and return my book as early as possible. Keep fine, bye.
Yours ever
13. Suppose, you are Avi Roy and your younger brother is Bivas Roy. Recently you have come to know that Bivas is
not attentive to his studies. Now write an email to your younger brother advising him to be attentive to his studies.

To: bivasroy @ hotmail. com

Subject: Advising to be regular in studies.

Dear Bivas,
Hope you are hale and hearty by the blessings of Almighty. But I am a little bit frustrated after knowing from
mother’s email that you are not attentive to your studies. Bivas, you are a brilliant student from your boyhood. But
in the last annual examination, you have become 10th in your section. It is really disappointing for us. What
happened to you that you did so bad? I think nowadays you are keeping bad company. Listen brother, we need
friends in our life. But those friends should be avoided who lead us to the wrong path. Have you formed some other
bad habits that have snatched your attention from your studies? Without proper attention, it is quiet impossible to
do well. I have confidence on you. So please, be attentive to your studies and start reading with relentless effort. You
will have to prove your worth again. No more now. Convey my best regards to parents. Let me know about your
progress after receiving my letter.
Your elder brother
Avi Roy

14. Suppose, you are Shahriar Zeeshan and your friend is Imran Hossain. Imran wants to know about your aim in life.
Now send an email to Imran telling him about your aim in life.

To: imrab_hossain18 @ hot

Subject: Telling about the aim in life.

Dear Imran,
Hope you are fine. I am now going to tell you about my aim in life as you wanted to know about it. From my very
boyhood I have been cherishing a dream to be a doctor. You know Bangladesh has acute scarcity qualified doctors to
serve her people. The people living in the rural areas are not aware of the healthy habits. Moreover, they are
illiterate, superstitious and poverty-stricken. As a result, they cannot consult a qualified doctor during their illness.
Often they go to the village quacks and receive wrong treatment. Many of them die a premature death. This really
pains me. So, I want to be a doctor and serve these people well. I will treat the poor patients free of cost. I know it is
really tough. But I am determined to reach my goal anyhow. Please, pray for me so that I can succeed. I am fine.
Write me about your aim in life, by.
Yours ever

15. Suppose, you are Jibon Ahmed and your friend is Ibrat Khan. Ibrat has recently lost his father. Now write an
email to Ibrat condoling on his father’s death.

To: ibratkhan @

Subject: Condoling on father’s death.

Dear Ibrat,
The news of your father’s death came to me as a bolt from the blue. I still can’t believe that your father is no more
on this earth. Everybody must die one day. What pains me much is that your father died a premature death. I have
no word to console you in this ocean of grief. In fact, he was a very kind and honest man. He treated me like his own
son. When I visited your home, he made me spell bound with his admirable behaviour and friendly conversation.
But yet, I would like to tell you to strengthen your heart. If you lose yourself, what will be of your younger brother?
So, please don’t be senseless. I’ll visit you as soon as possible. Hope Allah will give you enough strength to bear such
an irreparable loss. May his soul rest in peace.
Ever yours

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