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I. Executive Summary

Pumpkin Sorbet is cooperative in nature. It is to be run by the students

of themselves. Its initial capital for the first month of operation of
Php 90,000.00 will be coming from the students-owners by means of their
investments as their stocks in the business and from fund-raising activities as
well. It is a food stall located inside the campus. Sorbet as the main product is
to be manufactured by the proponents and to be sold and distributed to the
target markets of 530students daily include the MBHS students, the
elementary pupils undergoing the feeding programs and selected hospitals in
District II. Since the main product is made from pumpkin or squash, it
promotes healthy, affordable and satisfying pumpkin derivative products. The
proponents made an agreement with the MBHS administration on how they
can be of help on the promotion of nutrition and on increasing the agricultural
market especially on “Pagkaing Sapat Program”. They are currently on
negotiation with the Principals of Cupang, Buli and Alabang Elementary
Schools regarding the inclusion of pumpkin sorbet in the dietary supplement
among the students in the school’s feeding program. Since it is a vegetable-
flavoured ice cream, it contains lots of nutrients like beta-carotene and lutein.

Pumpkin Sorbet aims to be the leading producer and provider of

nutritious and affordable home-made ice cream inside the campus of MBHS
and other Elementary schools near the said school. The total population of
MBHS is 3,219 students and based on the registered school nurse, about 60 of
them are malnourished. Estimating 10% of the population will buy the
product. The student owners will be trained and guided before they handle the
business to avoid lapses and misconceptions. They will be supervised by their
Business Education Mentors.

The management and operation of Pumpkin Sorbet starts from inventory

and estimation of the volume of ice cream to be produced daily. Second is
purchasing of the ingredients and raw materials needed to complete the
preparation of the product. Third are production, packaging, and freezing of
the ice cream. Lastly, marketing and selling of the product. As a food stall, it
ensures safety and sanitation of its business structures and cleanliness of the
product itself. It aims to lower the price of the ice cream without sacrificing ist
quality. It has a shelf life of five days .

Since it is new in the business line of MBHS, it initially aims to capture

10% of the existing market shares which is currently dominated by school
canteen’s Kyla’s Ice cream, Creamline Ice Cream and Dan Eric’s Ice Cream
which is located within the Espeleta Street.

Pumpkin Sorbet is highly feasible, doable, and socially desirable. It will

help both the school and the students. This will serve as a learning laboratory
for the students of MBHS especially to the newbie. It will also be the inspiration
for the aspiring business men to be a successful entrepreneur. The proponents
of the business advocates being the leading promoter of agricultural products
specifically squash. This will help increase the demands of pumpkin or squash,
thereby economically promote a livelihood among the squash growing farmers
in the area.

II. Overview of the Business Plan

A. Pumpkin Sorbet
B. Pumpkin Sorbet is both the business name and the name of its
primary products. It is cooperative in nature. Specifically, it will
produce a pumpkin-flavoured ice cream sorbet that will be dressed
with sprinkles, marshmallows and peanuts that will surely fir and
guarantee clientele’s satisfaction. It combines innovativeness and
creativity in product concepts such as ice cream with pumpkin as the
main ingredient. Dominating the existing ice cream businesses in BUli
as well as in Muntinlupa will be its main thrust.

C. It envisions to be the leading provider of high quality but affordable

ice cream in Muntinlupa. Continues innovation of the product will be
processed to supply the needs of Muntinlupeños. Also, it will help
ease the malnutrition inMuntinlupa thrugh the help of pumpkin-
flavoured ice cream and somwhow help the squash farmers in terms
of increasing the consumption and demand of squash in the city.

III. Business Plan

The Needs

A. Most Filipino children are suffering from malnutrition which is

considered as one of the major problems of the country.
Malnutrition is defined as the lack of proper nutrition that is
needed by the body that results to poor academic achievement.
This has been connected with various educational researches
wherein it has found that malnutrition affects the learning
abilities of a child. It is also one of the reasons behind why the
country has an unstable economy. The proponents have
observed that most of the children do not eat vegetables and
parents have a hard time making them eat nutritious foods.
With these assumptions, the proponents came up with an idea
that will satisfy the customers' expectations and at the same
time sustain the nutrients that their body needs for them to be
healthy. It will also provide a huge help in making the parents
together with their children to easily eat nutritious food without
problems. Using squash and malunggay as the main
ingredients, it will boost the agricultural demand for these
vegetables and these would result to the benefit the economy
and the people that engages in agricultural businesses –most
especially the farmers in the country. Lastly, this concept will
help everyone to save money, promote the economy and lessen
imports and be healthy at the same tine.

B. Pumpkin and Malunggay Waffle is a waffle that is made up

mainly of squash and malunggay. This will surely sustain the
nutritional needs of the people, most especially the children.
Children nowadays prefer to eat meat rather than vegetables
making their parents have a hard time to maintain their
nutrition because of this event. Waffles can be served and are
consumed by Filipinos any time of the day: this prompted the
proponents to innovate the usual waffle mixture with the use of
waffle and malunggay as the main ingredients. The product
would have the same fluffiness, softness, and sweetness as the
commercially available waffle that will surely attract the taste of
the children – unaware that they are already consuming
vegetables in their diet.

C. The proponents believe that the market will support and

advocate the product because of its unique concept and flavour.
With this, the pumpkin and malunggay waffles will serve as one
of the instruments in lessening malnutrition cases in the
country. This will also serve as a basis for other entrepreneurs
to innovate and discover more nutritious foods that has
vegetables as its main ingredient other than waffles – bitter
gourd, eggplant, and others. Lastly, the proponents believe that
this will address the health problems of the country and the
agricultural economy as well.

IV. Vision, Mission, Values




________ as a business, commits to give its customers the best

product it can serve. It will maintain its high standard of hard work,
hygiene and sanitation in food preparation and handling and also the
proper grooming and etiquette of the owners and personnel. The dedicated
management will give their best to deliver with full sincerity and honesty
for a better customer service. It will give a prompt , fast, accurate and best
service to its clients. The management also sets to create a support system
for the squash and malunggay growing farmers in order to economically
improve their standard of living.

V. Market Profile

A. Research and Analysis

Today’s sorbet stalls are believed to have little improvement for

customer’s satisfaction. The proponents decided that they must undergo
a careful observation in the business location. The management also
underwent an official interview with the owners of the current ice cream
stalls in Buli. The proponents found out that customers are not satisfied
with the ice cream sold along Espeleta Street and most of the products
are not that nutritious to sustain body needs. The management believes
that action must be taken primarily to make a new twist in preparing
and serving ice creams that has a very huge market in the nation.
The current status of squash growing farmers in the city where the
squash supply are to be taken was also observed and given attention in
order to support them when the business starts its operations.

With these premises, the proponents decided to produce pumpkin-

flavoured ice cream which will answer the needs of the students in the
area. The market will be four (4) Elementary Schools and one (1)
Secondary School. The target students are those whoa re malnourished
and a member of feeding program.

B. Marketing Plan

Table 1
Number of Target Ice Cream Buyers per Customer Group
Feeding Program Members TOTAL
Populace MBHS Alabang Sucat Cupang

Total 3,160 60 87 84 45 68 3,504

Daily 316 36 52 50 27 49 530

Monthly 6,952 792 1,144 1,100 594 1,078 11,660
Yearly 83,424 9,504 13,728 13,200 7,128 12,936 139,200

Based on the given consumer groups, the daily, monthly, and yearly
target buyers are reflected through the assumption that 10% from MBHS group
will buy ice cream from Pumpkin Sorbet and 60% from those feeding program
members will buy every three (3) days. During summer vacation, Pumpkin
Sorbet will only serve their products in different hospitals where we can accure
the sale and can help patient in sustaining their health.

VI. Production / Technical Plan

A. Product Description
_______ is a business that sells squash and malunggay waffles. The
finished product will be placed in a brown paper bag – as the business cares
for the environment. The product as researched was proven nutritious and
palatable. A waffle where you enjoy its delicious taste is a delight; but a waffle
that is made from squash and malunggay is a greater pleasure – for you cannot
notice the nutritious ingredient it contains. ____ made it with a new twist by
means of using vegetable like squash and malunggay as the main ingredients.
The individual finished products will be packaged in a brown paper bag as a
customer purchases. This would be a great help in lessening the use of plastics
and preserving the environment. There will be packaging for wholesale

B. Operating Strategies

The business will produce a pumpkin and malunggway waffle station

with high quality contents and nutritious value as well. __________ will need
raw materials to produce the goods to be sold. These include All-Purpose Flour
Cream, Condensed Milk, Cassava Starch, Cheese, Gelatine Powder, Powdered
Milk, Vanilla Essence, and the main ingredients, Pumpkin. The proponents
will be the one to produce the product. Raw materials will be purchased at
Alabang Market or Llana’s Supermarket where we can assure the quality and
aspects of perish ability. The proponents tried to interview the teachers and
some students by offering them a free taste and made a comment after.
During the operation, the business will think of more ideas on how to create
more appealing and attractive products.

Table 2
Pumpkin Sorbet’s Position in the Market
Competitors Market Share Target
Kyla’s Ice Cream 35% 30%
Dan Eric’s Ice Cream 45% 40%
Cream Line Ice Cream 20% 20%
Pumpkin Sorbet 10%

Based on the table showed, there are three competitors who dominate the
market of Waffles in San Fernando. _________ aims 10% of the market share.
Through creativity, uniqueness and innovation, the management believe that it
will be achieved.

A. Team Members



Figure 1: Organizational Chart

B. Contribution to the Business

Owners – it is responsible for the management and accountability

of the business itself, at the same time they are the ones who
will produce the product.

Sales Personnel - it is responsible for the advertisement, selling,

promotion of the product.


Purchasing of
A. Workflow ingredients and raw
materials needed

Inventory and
estimation of the
number waffles
to be produced

packaging and
baking of the
Delivering and selling waffles
of the product

________ has a very simple operational plan. It starts from inventory and
estimation of the volume of the waffles to be produced daily then the purchase
of ingredients and raw materials. After purchasing, packaging and baking.
Lastly, the marketing or the selling of the product.

B. Monitoring and Evaluation

__________ will produce at least _________of waffles per day. It takes
___________ to prepare the mixtures before baking. The three (3)
proponents divide the work among themselves. The production hour
will be done after classes so that it will not affect their studies. Since
shelf life is about 28 days, the possibility of producing the advanced
demand is highly considered. It will supply (4) Elementary Schools
(gallons each) and a Secondary School that will serve as its main
market (4 gallons)


I. Financial Plan

Pumpkin Sorbet will need at least Php90,000.00 to start its

operation in the market. This will be coming from the investments of the
students who are willing to be involved in entrepreneurial practice like
this., Also, since two of the proponents are Club Presidents and the other
one is MBHS Chorale Leade, they may combine their talents to conduct
fund raising activities to increase the capital investment of the business.
Table 3
Monthly Expenses of Pumpkin Sorbet
Product / Service Unit Price Quantity Total
Fixed Cost of Pumpkin Sorbet:
Rental 1,000.00 1 month 1,000.00
Salaries 5,000.00 3 crews 15,0000.00
Advertising 1,000.00 1 month 1,000.00
Depreciation Account – Freezer 13,000.00 1 Freezer 1,300.00
Depreciation Account – Blender 770,00 2 140.00
Depreciation Account – Tables and 1,800.00 2 sets 300.00
Chairs (per set)
Depreciation Account – Tools and 900.00 2 set of 180.00
Utensils tools &
Utilities and Sanitation 1,500.00 1 month 1,500.00
(A) Total Fixed Cost 20,420.00
Variable Cost:
Raw Materials:
Plastic Spoons 25.00 66 packs 1,650.00
Packaging (Plastic Cups) 50.00/pac 66 packs 3,300.00
All Purpose Cream 38.50 572 tetra 22,022.00
Condensed Milk 36.50 286 cans 10,439.00
Alsa Gulaman 39.50 143 5,648.50
Cassava Flour 25.00 1.5 kilo 37.50
Powdered Milk 41.50 57 packs 2,365.50
Vanilla Essence 14.00 95 1,330.00
Cheese 23.50 95 bars 2,232.50
Electricity 1,000.00 1 month 800.00
Communication Bills 800.00 1 month 600.00
Water Supply 600.00 1 month 400.00
Transportation 300.00 1 month 250.00
Miscellaneous 1,500.00 1 month 500.00
(B) Total Variable Cost Php51,575.00
(A +B) Total Cost of Production Php71,995.00
Table 3 shows the variable and fixed cost in the operation of Pumpkin
Sorbet. This will serve as basis for computing the breakeven point sales price
and volume. Based on the total FC and VC, the business is capable of
producing 286 gallons per month.

Table 4
Projected Projecte
Ice Daily Yearly
Volume d Monthly
Cream Costing Revenue Projected
(in cups) Volume Revenue
Flavor ` Revenue
Daily Monthly
C–5 Php
Pumpkin Php Php
M–2 530 3,710.0 11,660
Sorbet 81,620.00 979,440.00
SP – 7 0

LEGEND: C – Cost M – Mark-Up SP – Sales Price

Table 5
81,620.0 81,620.0 81,620.0 81,620.0
REVENUE 81,620.00 81,620.00
0 0 0 0
71,995.0 71,995.0 71,995.0 71,995.0
COST 71,995.00 71,995.00
0 0 0 0
D 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00


81,620.0 81,620.0 81,620.0 81,620.0 Php
81,620.00 81,620.00
0 0 0 0 979,440.00
71,995.0 71,995.0 71,995.0 71,995.0 Php
71,995.00 71,995.00
0 0 0 0 863,940.00
9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00 9,625.00
***Interest at 5%

Break_Even Guide:
Total revenue (TR) = DFixed Cost (FC) + Variable Cost
When TR is > than FC and VC means the business is earning profit
When TR is < then the FC +VC means the business is losing
When TR = then FC +VC , the business is break even
Table 5 shows the monthly projected cost and revenue. As shown, the
business projected Php 979,440.00 gross sales for a year which is greater than
the cost at Php 863,940.00 thus, a net annual profit of Php 283,500.00. This is
32.81% of the total cost.

Table 6
Projected Cost


Fixed Assets

Equipment Php 6,440.00 Php 15,000.00 Php 21,440.00

TOTAL Php 6,440.00 Php 15,000.00 Php 21,440.00

Other Assets

Rent Deposit Php 3,000.00 00.00 Php 3,000.00

Working Capital (3

Supplies and Php 30,075.00 Php 117,000.00 Php147,075.00

Other Operational Php 7.650.00 0.00 Php 7,650.00
Salaries Php 20,000.00 Php 25,000.00 Php 45,000.00
Rent Php 3,000.00 0.00 Php 3,000.00
Utilities Php 4,500.00 0.00 Php 4,500.00

TOTAL Php 207,225.00

Pre-Operating Php15,000.00 0.00 Php15,000.00

Grand Total (Pesos) Php89,665.00 Php157,000.00 Php246,665.00
II. Social Impact
A. Long-Term Desired Outcomes
Pumpkin Sorbet will supply the feeding program members in
different schools near the location including Alabang Elementary School,
Cupang Elementary School, Buli Elementary School and Sucat
Elementary School. The proponents will also priorities the patients in the
hospital. They are currently on negotiation with the Principals of
Cupang, Buli and Alabang Elementary schools regarding the inclusions
of the pumpkin sorbet in the dietary supplement among the students in
the school’s feeding program. Thus, Pumpkin Sorbet expect that within
three years of operation it can fund its own feeding program and an
advocacy program for squash growing farmers as part of their corporate
social responsibility.

B. Social Impact in the Community

The business will not only help malnourished children in the
community but to help the producers of these goods that will be the
main thrust of the business. It will implement an On-The-Job-Training of
the students inside the Muntinlupa Business High School as a
preparation for their official training in work. The proponents of the
business will also be the educator of the students taking the T.V.E.
(Technical Vocational Education) Food Processing since the school is
implementing this kind of curriculum. This will be a great help for them
in case they are planning to build their own business in the future.
C. Business Impact in the Community
Pumpkin Sorbet believes in co-existing with nature and business
environment. It will increase market demand for pumpkin growers or
squash farmers who produce this agricultural product. This will help the
government prevent importation of the pumpkins from the neighbouring
Asian agricultural countries. Since the main product is made from
pumpkin or squash, it promotes healthy, affordable and satisfying
pumpkin derivative products. The proponents made an agreements with
the MBHS administration on how they can be of help on the promotion of
nutrition and on increasing the agricultural market especially on
“Pagkaing Sapat Program”. The business has the potential to survive in
the market because of its affordability, high nutritional value and have
high social desirability.

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