Chronicles of A Teenaged Dad

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Chronicles Of A Teenaged Dad

I remember that day like it was yesterday
The day I knew I would become a father at 18
Everything I thought I was going to achieve I saw it all disappear
How I wish I could rewrite this story
But it’s all true
A young passionate boy
Full of potential
Allows his emotions to be master

I was a trend and everyone had a comment about me

They said
You were such a good boy
How did you get here?
You grew up so quite
Yet you decided to act so dumb
Now I do not know you anymore

Boy didn’t you know what a condom was?

Plus I thought you were intelligent enough to know the effects of sex
Anyway, you’ve already messed up
This is what you get for pretence
It’s what you get for misbehaving
You’ve made a mistake that cannot be fixed

The words
I felt the cuts
The sharpness and the accuracy
To turn my soul to piece
Every word spoken was an instrument of destruction
Eliminating the beauty of social interaction from my life
Because everyone was now a Priest they needed me to make a confession

But my very confession led me to misery

It made people see a square in me when I was circle
I became an alien amongst my own
With immoral as my prime label
I could see the mockery
The crooked smiles that engulfed the faces of these confused images of God
I swear I saw the devil in almost everyone that claimed to be angel

All I wanted was to find peace

The kind that translates broken into mended
Rejected to accepted and lost to found
But all I got was the opposite
It seemed as though my wrong attracted more hate then love
Condemnation was a good morning message
I just wanted to be free from the hate

I knew my actions were uncalled for

But the harsh treatment was not essential
You see
Every word you spoke to me turned to brick
Which I used to build this wall of isolation
And it in this separation were I met depression

But a long lost friend I was still in contact with came to my rescue
Regardless of how many times I ignored His calls
He came to my aid when I deeply needed a shoulder
He broke through the wall
When suicide was just a thought
And abortion an option
His love for me transformed me and made me see the beautiful things over the wall
His word were a healing tool to my soul
And every word He spoke was verb
Because He acted upon it day and night
We were together He never left my side even in the pain

Then I heard Him say

Where are they that condemn you?
Why do they judge you and why do you judge yourself
For I am the perfect judge, my judgment is true and righteous
For I judge out of Love and My mercy triumph’s over judgment
I know you sinned but your sin is why I died
And every part of me that ripped off was to mend your scars
And my blood to wash your sins and make you righteous
Now these holes you see on me are your path to redemption the presence of your
For I do not condemn you, now go sin no more

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