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Impacts of Global Warming

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Impacts of Global Warming

Global warming refers to the rising earth temperature generated by the impact of green

housing. It is thought to be due to the increased release into the atmosphere of gassed items,

including carbon dioxide ( co2), methane and nitrous oxides, along with the degradation of

the ozone layer mostly created by human activity (Remeny T. 2007). Human-induced global

warming has only emerged as a severe issue in the past few decades, by climatologist has

evidence that humans are slowly changing the earth's climate and environment. Although so

far is not rapid, scientists expect it to begin accelerating.

Methane from rice pad, carbon oxide from the burry of fossils fuel, and chlofluoro

carbon from industry tend to concentrate in the atmosphere and trap the radiated energy from

the earth's surface; as a result, the radiant energy fails to leave the body. This warming (global

warming) observed locally, regionally, and globally can impact the environment and human

ecological system, as explained here below.

The eruption of diseases: In the case of conditions that cause agents and animals, in particular

mosquitoes and rodents, higher temperature accelerates maturation. As already observed in

Canada, high temperatures can also lengthen the seasons of active mosquitoes. Global

warming has been related to the sudden uptick in high altitude regions in Columbia, Mexico,

and Rwanda of tropical diseases, including malaria, dengue, and yellow fever. But also

condition like skin cancer is caused by high temperature as sunray penetrate directly to human

skin. Global warming contributes to ice melting, especially in the Polar Regions, temperature

rise in the planets Polar Regions like in the arctic, and the vast glacial belts. The majority of

the world’s glaciers are melting faster.

Global warming leads to the rise of the sea level. Sea level has increased due to

temperature rise. Temperature increase causes the glaciers to thaw Permafrost and eventually

freeze the early break-up of ice in rivers and streams, prolonging growing seasons from mid to

high latitude, the pole shore the attitude of plants and animals. The consequences of sea level

rising are a threat to the coastal community's saltwater intrusion. Global warming affects

agriculture production: As the temperature increases due to ozone layer depletion, land tends

to be drier and can not support crop growth. The inability of land to keep crops affects

livestock keeping due to the absence of pastures and crop cultivation due to the ground

(Simms, 2005). Also, the increase in temperature affects the rate of plant growth and animal as


Changing ecosystem: As the earth warms under the influence of global warming, it

affects an ecosystem in many cases, such as a change in the hydrological cycle with increased

evaporation that results in drought. As the temperature increases, vegetation dries out.

Therefore areas become drier. Under this condition, some species become suspicious of that

condition and tend to migrate to colder regions where there is a balanced ecosystem (Casper,

2010). Migration and conflicts: Global warming has led to migration and disputes with local

communities. The rising ethnic conflicts may be linked to completion over natural resources

that are increasingly scarce due to climate change. United Nations Environmental Program

(UNEP) stated that the consequences of climate change for water availability, food security,

the prevalence of diseases, coastal boundaries, and population distribution might further

aggregate existing tensions and generate new conflicts.


Apart from the movement of species due to unfavorable conditions resulting from the

increase of temperature, numerous species may also diminish (die). Plants and animal species

do survive in conducive conditions. If it happens abruptly, standard conditions disappear that

lead species to die.



Casper K. J (2010). Changing ecosystems: Effects of global warming. New York Infobase


Remenyi T. (2007). The Europe and conference on games based leaning. Academic

Conferences, United Kingdom9UK).

Simms, A. (2005). Africa up in smoke? The second report from the working group on climate

change and development. London, new economic foundation.

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