Job Analysis - Edited

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Types of Jobs Analysis

The task-based analysis method refers to the duties of the job. In contrast, competency-

based analysis refers to the knowledge, skills, and behaviors that an employee should have in the

specified position. These job analyses are used for different purposes and different jobs. For

example, the task-based analysis can be used for a receptionist, while the competency-based can

be used for a political leader aspirant. In the task-based analysis, the specific tasks are listed and

are clear. In the task-based analysis, an organization may use different methods of obtaining job

duties such as questionnaires and interviews. Some significant information required in the task-

based analysis include the employee's information such as job title, level of education and

experience, specific skills needed to do the job, decision making and problem-solving,

certifications to perform the job, and physical demand of the job such as the ability to see, hear

or lift weights.

The competency-based analysis emphasizes a person's character that can enable him /her

to perform the job. The characters are usually observable and measurable. It emphasizes what an

employee must be capable of doing rather than a list of duties they must perform. (Jayne 2) The
most targeted competencies include communication skills, collegiality, coachability, efficiency,

compliance, and initiative.

The task-based analysis may be preferred because it clearly states the tasks and duties

required of an employee in a particular job. This makes the employee answerable to his master

when he fails to perform the expected duties.

On the other hand, the competency-based analysis may be preferred because it helps the

employer know what kind of an employee he/she is employing. He/she can see whether he can

accommodate the employee regarding his character.

The choice of either the task-based analysis or the competency-based analysis depends on

the job's different purpose and type. It is also possible and much better to apply both of them

Work Cited

Thompson, J. (n.d.). Competency vs. Traditional job descriptions. Work -


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