Bomb Calorimetry, Orsat Analysis and Properties of Solid Fuels

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Gokongwei College of Engineering

Chemical Engineering Department

Engineering Thermodynamics Laboratory

Final Laboratory Report

Experiment # 9
Bomb Calorimetry, Orsat Analysis and Properties of Solid Fuels

Group Name N3P Section EA1


1. Cellona, Kimberley B. Content (50%)
2. Dar, Lloyd Ross M. Presentation (25%)

3. Javier, Mona Lyndsay C. Relevance (25%)

4. Lopez, Maristela Ann F. Total (100%)

5. Soriano, Elijah Jeremie D. Percentage Equivalent

24 July 2018 31 July 2018

Date of performance Date of Submission

Dr. Lawrence P. Belo

Engineering Thermodynamics Laboratory

Bomb Calorimetry, Orsat Analysis and

Properties of Solid Fuels
Kimberley B. Cellona, Lloyd Ross M. Dar, Mona Lyndsay C. Javier,
Maristela Ann F. Lopez, Elijah Jeremie D. Soriano
Department of Chemical Engineering, Gokongwei College of Engineering, De La Salle University,
2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 1004, Philippines


AY 2017–2018 | Term 3 Fuels come in various forms, gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels, and requires extensive
knowledge to correctly identify what the proper type of fuel is to be used that
Final Laboratory Report
Experiment # 9 provides that most economical and efficient performance Coal is one of the
Date Performed: July 24, 2018 commonly used valuable sources of energy for steam or electric generation and its
Date Submitted: July 31, 2018 quality is determined by its carbon content. High levels of carbon produce more heat
when the coal is heated. The objectives of this two-part experiment are to determine
Bomb calorimetry, orsat analysis, the solid fuels’ proximate analysis and heating value and to identify the heat capacity
calorific value of a bomb calorimeter as well as to successfully operate the bomb calorimeter under
a constant volume reaction in order to determine the heat of combustion of an
unknown solid fuel. The fuel was observed to have a high heating value for the
reason that it contained mostly volatile matter, which is found to be 38.18%.
Meanwhile, in the second part, the heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter was
calculated to be 18, 515.94 J/℃ against the theoretical value of 20,920 J/℃ .

I. INTRODUCTION unknown solid fuel.

Fuels are essential in many different processes, both 1.1 Analysis and Heating Value of Solid Fuels
in the everyday functions of humans, and in specific
usages, such as in industries and manufacturing plants. There are different types of solid fuels, some of
Fuels come in various forms, gaseous, liquid, and solid which are wood and wastes, particularly agricultural
fuels, and requires extensive knowledge to correctly wastes. The most commonly used solid fuel is coal,
identify what the proper type of fuel is to be used that mainly consisting of compact plant debris, formed
provides the most economical and efficient performance. through biochemical action of both pressure and heat,
Solid fuels are commonly used for cooking and in power which accumulated over a long span of time. Coal are
generation but is also used as rocket engine fuels and in further classified into ranks, which depends on the
internal combustion engines. However, these uses of amount of change it has undergone, type of carbon it
solid fuels do not specifically correlate to a better contains, and amount of heat it produces. Based on this,
performance, since at times the engine parts get damaged peat, having the lowest heating value is ranked at the
when the abrasive action of the fuel’s particles gets into bottom, while anthracite, having the highest heating
contact with those parts [1]. value, is ranked at the top [1,2].
In this two-part experiment, the students are tasked to The analysis of coal can be done in two ways, the
determine the solid fuels’ proximate analysis and heating proximate analysis and ultimate analysis. The proximate
value. Similarly, the students are required to identify the analysis is based on the volatilization characteristics of
heat capacity of a bomb calorimeter, under a constant coal and is much simpler to accomplish. In this analysis,
volume reaction, and successfully operate the bomb moisture content, volatile combustible matter or the
calorimeter to determine the heat of combustion of an released gases upon heating, ash or impurities, and fixed
carbon are determined. On the other hand, the ultimate ∆ H =∆ U + ∆ ( PV )=∆ U +(∆ n) RT (1)
analysis is a more precise identification of the six basic where P is the pressure, V being the volume of the
components of coal, particularly carbon, hydrogen, system, ∆n is the change in moles in the reaction, R is the
sulfur, nitrogen, ash, and oxygen [1,2]. gas constant and T is the temperature [4].
Other properties are also essential for coal. Caking On the other hand, to calculate for Qv, the following
properties, which is uniquely found in bituminous coals. expression is used:
Coals that don’t cake produce non to weakly coherent Qv =(C ¿¿ v )(∆ T )¿ (2)
characteristics, while successful cokes should be strong where Cv is the heat capacity of the calorimeter and
while not being powdery. The coal’s grindability is also ∆T is the temperature rise of the water.
essential, since reducing its particle size would require
sufficient work and time, hindering the combustion
Before calculation of Qv, Cv must first be determined.
process to immediately occur [1].
This is done by using a substance of known heat of
combustion; then, solving the corresponding heat
1.2 Bomb Calorimetry and Heat of Combustion capacity of the calorimeter, by using both Equations 1
and 2. To validate the calculated Cv, benzoic acid and a
Calorimetry is used to measure the quantities of heat fuse wire, whose weights are both known, are introduced
evolved or absorbed in a particular physical or chemical in the calorimeter. The obtained heats of combustion are
process or reaction. Calorimeters may either operate at then compared with theoretical values given below [1]:
constant pressure, in which the measured heat is
equivalent to the change in enthalpy, or at constant ∆ Hc of benzoic acid=−26425
∆ Hc of fuse wire=−5858
g g
volume, in which the measured heat is equivalent to the
change in internal energy of the system [1]. Generally,
the use of a coffee-cup calorimeter is often used, since it
operates easier than the bomb calorimeter. Nevertheless,
bomb calorimeters are preferred, whenever more
2.1 Materials and Reagents
accurate measurements are required, and whenever the
For the first part of the experiment, a weighing
heat evolved in a combustion reaction is needed to be
balance was used to accurately measure the mass of
determined [3]. The invention of the bomb calorimeter
the solid fuel. A porcelain crucible, clay triangle,
dates back to 1881, when Berthelot devised the
stand was used for the heating setup. For the second
equipment, based on the idea that numerous substances,
part of the experiment, a 2000 mL graduated
including hydrocarbons, readily reacts with oxygen
cylinder or beaker was used, a stopwatch, an oxygen
found in the atmosphere.
cylinder was used for the calorimetric process.
The typical bomb calorimeter consists of the
Similarly, benzoic acid was the sample used for the
following: steel bomb, containing the reactants, steel
bomb calorimeter.
bucket, containing the known amount of water,
thermometer and the bomb, a motorized stirrer, and the
2.2 Equipment
outer jacket for insulation [1,3].
In experiment 9A, a Meker burner was used to heat,
Bomb calorimeters operate in a high-pressure
the sample continuously until the formation of ash.
oxygen, which is done inside a stainless-steel container,
Figure 1 shows the setup for the Meker burner.
surrounded by a known amount of water. This water
absorbs the heat evolved from the reaction, and by
determining its temperature change, the heat evolved, or
Qv is calculated. Since bomb calorimeters function in a
constant volume system, the heat is considered to be the
change in internal energy or ΔU [1]. To calculate for the
change in enthalpy for this process, the First Law of
Thermodynamics is applied, and is mathematically stated
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
of moisture present initially. The remaining sample
was subsequently heated for 7 minutes. After
heating, the sample was cooled, again, inside the
desiccator, and weighed. Further reducing the loss of
weight from the amount of moisture determines the
volatile matter. Lastly, the remaining sample was
heated until ignition, cooled, and weighed.

2.3.2 Bomb Calorimetry and Heat of Combustion

After all the necessary equipment has been properly

checked and calibrated, a 1.0 gram sample of pellet
was put inside the dish of the bomb cover. A 10 mm
fuse wire was placed onto the terminals of the bomb
Figure 1. Heating of the coal sample using the Meker
cover, and a part of it touching the pellet. 1.0 mL of
water was placed inside the stainless-steel container;
then, was tightly closed and screwed. 10 atm oxygen
In experiment 9B, a Parr bomb calorimeter system
was used to ignite the sample, thus allowing the was flushed twice inside the bomb, until 25 atm was
reached. The bomb was put inside the tank and was
determination of the heat evolved by the sample.
Figure 2 shows the apparatus, with the necessary filled with 2000 mL of water using the graduated
cylinder or beaker available. All wires and tubes, for
equipment to fully operate the calorimeter. This
setup involved the use of a pail, jacket, cover, the bomb and igniter, and stirrer were connected
prior the ignition. Similarly, the thermometer was
electric stirrer, thermometer, ignition unit, oxygen
filling device, pellet press and fuse wire. properly adjusted, so that it would immerse in the
water, while having the lens adjusted at the correct
position to perceive the temperature. After setting up
the apparatus, the stirrer was turned on, and
temperature readings was conducted every 30
seconds, until the temperature stabilized. Upon
stabilization, the apparatus was ignited, and
temperature reading was recorded every 15 seconds,
until it stabilized. Afterwards, the setup was
disassembled. The pellet was weighed, while the
length of the remaining fuse wire was measured
using a ruler.

Figure 2. Bomb calorimetry apparatus and equipment


2.3 Experimental Procedure

3.1 Analysis and Heating Value of Solid Fuels

2.3.1 Analysis and Heating Value of Solid Fuels

The proximate analysis of activated carbon weighing
1.10 g described the composition of the solid fuel to be
The solid fuel sample was weighed using the Mettler
made primarily of volatile matter, followed by fixed
balance. The sample was then heated for
carbon, moisture, and ash, accordingly. The proximate
approximately one minute. It was then cooled inside
analysis is shown in Table 1.
the desiccator and weighed afterwards. The
calculated loss in weight corresponded to the amount
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
Table 1. Proximate analysis of 1.0 g activated carbon. significant figures. Fig. 2 below shows the thermogram
Component Mass (g) % (w/w) plotted from the temperature data recorded over time.
Moisture 0.20 18.18 f(x) =0
Volatile matter 0.42 38.18
Fixed carbon 0.36 32.73 f(x) = 0 x + 27.09
Ash 0.12 10.90 27.00 26.53

Temperature (oC)
Total 1.00 100 26.50
From the table, the combustible matter in the solid 25.50
fuel is determined to be 70.91%, or the sum of the 25.00
percent composition of volatile matter and fixed carbon. 24.50
These components provide an approximate on the 24.00
heating value of a solid fuel, as it follows from their 23.50
capability to combust and therefore give off heat. On the 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800

other hand, moisture and ash are found to comprise Time (s)
29.09% in the sample. These are components of the solid Pre-period Linear (Pre-period)

fuel which do not contribute to its heating value but Figure 3. Thermogram for combustion of benzoic acid with
rather lower it, as the vaporization process is ∆Te determined using the 63% rise method
endothermic, describing that the moisture content will
utilize heat simply to vaporize the liquid, and that ash is From the graph, the effective temperature change was
incombustible and therefore has no capacity to provide or determined to be ∆Te=1.43oC by taking the 63% of the
use up heat. However, the data remains inadequate in temperature difference at the middle of the rise period,
evaluating the definitive heating value or the calorific considered at 465 s, using the linear fitted line equations
value of the coal sample, as the precise chemical for the pre-period and post-period data. The raw data and
composition of the volatile matter namely free carbon, data for calculations are listed in Appendix A of this
net hydrogen, combined water (oxygen in coal not paper.
present in moisture however treated as though it is
combined with hydrogen), nitrogen, and sulfur must be Using the effective change in temperature, the heat
known completely, alongside the other known capacity of the calorimeter can be determined according
components from the proximate analysis such as the to Eq. 4. Denoted by E , the energy equivalent of the
moisture, ash, and fixed carbon [5]. Nonetheless, the data calorimeter, is given byQ b which refers to the heat of
from the proximate analysis is adequate to determine that
combustion of the benzoic acid in J/g, m b is the mass of
the activated carbon analyzed may be used as a solid fuel
for, considering its high composition of combustible the benzoic acid sample in grams, C f is the correction
matter and fixed carbon. factor determined by the type of wire used equal to
9.62964 J/cm, and ∆ T e is the effective temperature rise
3.2 Bomb Calorimetry and Heat of Combustion for the reaction in oC.

The equilibrium temperature of the setup was Q b m b +C f

recorded at 25.08oC after 300 s. As the sample was E= (4)
ignited, the initial temperature for the rise period was ∆Tc
recorded at 25.1oC, and the final temperature after 750 s,
taken as the end of the post-period, was 27.52oC. From It can also be observed that Eq. 4 is another form of
these data, it can be observed that the temperature rise is an energy balance between the heat absorbed by the
not significant, which can be expected for a small scale calorimeter expressed by E ∆ T c , and the heat evolved
setup. However, it is important to note that the from the burning of the benzoic acid sample and the fuse
thermometer used had fine graduations that allowed for a wire, represented by (Q b m b+C f ). No amount of work is
more precise recording of temperatures of up to four considered as the reaction takes place in constant
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
volume. inside the tank increased slowly and minutely. It was
observed that the thermometer used was appropriate
With this, the balanced chemical equation for the and that a less accurate thermometer would not be
reaction is shown in Eq. 1 with a heat of combustion able to show the rise in temperature (Soriano).
∆ H c value of -3227 kJ/mol [5]. IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION

Analysis of Heating Value of Solid Fuels

C 6 H 5 C OOH (s) + O → 7 C O 2(g )+ 3 H 2 O(l)(1) The experiment gives the students an understanding
2 2(g )
of the proximate analysis of coal. Constituents of the
proximate analysis are mostly based on their boiling
In terms of mass, ∆Hc is equal to 26,424.83 J/g. Using
point since constituents leave after heating or igniting the
this value, the bomb calorimeter setup is found to have
sample after a couple of minutes or reaching a certain
an energy equivalent of 18,515.94 J/oC. This value refers
temperature. Moisture leaves first since it has a lower
to the heat capacity of the bomb cell.
boiling point than the other constituents, while ash
remains since the elements or compounds in it have
Lastly, individual observations from the experiment
higher boiling points than the other constituents. It is
are as follows:
very much recommended to place the sample in a
(1) It was challenging to take note of the temperatures
desiccator to prevent the sample from being
every fifteen seconds. The reader needs to carefully
contaminated by the moisture in the environment.
monitor the rise in the calibration to avoid errors
The proximate analysis obtained 0.20 g moisture,
0.42 g volatile matter, and 0.12 g ash. Addition of these
(2) For the first part of the experiment, the sample must
three combustion products gives a total of 0.74 g carbon,
be completely cooled down to attain accurate weight
which has a 32.73% difference from the solid fuel initial
measurements. For the second, the initial readings
weight of 1.10 g. This difference can be attributed to the
from the bomb calorimeter were relatively small,
weighing of the crucibles without letting them cool down
which looked like that the combustion was not
completely. Had they been cooled sufficiently, the weight
complete. Upon consulting, though, the value was
of moisture, volatile matter, and ash would have
known to be correct. Similarly, the temperature was
increased; hence, the sum would be closer to 1.10 g.
increasing at a fast rate, making it difficult to
Thus, it is recommended to allot enough time to cool the
determine the reading (Dar).
samples after ignition. 
(3) In the first part, a large part of the coal sample is
composed of fixed carbon. However, there are also
Bomb Calorimetry and Heat of Combustion
carbon in the volatile matter, so the percentage of
The bomb calorimeter can be used to determine the
actual carbon is higher than the percentage of fixed
identity of an unknown sample through the sample’s heat
carbon. For the second part, the bomb calorimeter
of combustion value. If the sample and wire is placed
system is an example of an ideal system to burn
properly, the sample is completely burned. Also, it
fuels since it contains more oxygen than what is
considers correction factors like the heat produced by the
needed (Javier).
burnt wire and the unburnt sample.
(4) In the bomb calorimetry experiment, initially, the
However, the accuracy of the bomb calorimeter in the
ignition of the sample seemed unsuccessful from
laboratory was not tested, since only the first half of the
observing that the temperature data was only
experiment was done. It is recommended to follow the
increasing very gradually at very small increments.
laboratory manual and do the second half of the
However, upon opening the calorimeter at the end of
experiment, which is to determine the heat of combustion
the experiment, the sample was gone and completely
of another sample based on the heat capacity of the bomb
combusted. The thermogram plotted also illustrated
calorimeter using benzoic acid and compare it to the
that the temperature rise after the ignition period was
theoretical data. The second half of the experiment will
significant (Lopez).
show how big the deviation of the experimental data to
(5) After igniting the bomb calorimeter, the temperature
the theoretical data. Also, the difficult part of using bomb
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
calorimeter is the determination of effective temperature sodium.
change since personal bias like determining the points to
consider during the reaction and the estimation in the 3. What are the important by-products from
points in the graph. distillation or carbonization of bituminous coal?
For the bomb calorimetry and heat of combustion, the Coal derivatives are the important by-products
obtained heat capacity of the calorimeter was 18,515.94 from the distillation of carbonization of
J/oC. bituminous coal. When distilled, the remaining
material is called coke, while the gases that are
formed are further processed to become
V. ANSWERS TO GUIDE QUESTIONS ammonia, coal gas, and coal tar. Ammonia is
useful as a fertilizer in the agricultural sector.
1. What does bituminous coal refer to? Coal gas, having many combustible substances,
Bituminous coal or soft coal is the most makes it a suitable fuel for substances that have
abundant form of coal. It is something that is high calorific values. Coal tar is useful for both
widely used in the steam generation in electric medical and industrial applications.
power plants and industrial boiler plants. It is
called bituminous because it contains a tar-like 4. What are the different types of coal?
substance called bitumen. The most useful and widely used application for
classifying coal is according to their ranks. The
2. What are the constituents of coal? highest rank is anthracite, a hard, brittle, and
Coal is a carbon-rich material. It does not only black lustrous coal. It contains a high percentage
contain organic matter, but it also has small of carbon matter and low percentage of volatile
amounts of inorganic constituents. It is not a substances. Bituminous coal is next in rank and
homogeneous substance. Thus, it does not have is the most abundant type of coal. Lignite coal is
a fixed chemical formula. The main constituents the lowest type of coal and has the least
of coal are carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. concentration of carbon.
However, there are also other constituents such
as ash, sulfur, and the undesirable chlorine and

[1] LBYCHED manual [PDF Document]
[2] Principles of combustion, solid fuels [PDF Document]
[3] Available online at
[4] 374Calorimetry-Callis16 [PDF Document]
[5] Himmelblau, D. M., and Riggs, J. B. Basic principles and calculations in chemical engineering. 7th ed. New Jersey,
Prentice Hall, 2004. 

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo

A. Raw Data

Table 2. Analysis and heating value of solid fuels.

    Mass (g)
A. Determination of Moisture
Crucible 44.57
Crucible and Solid Fuel 45.67
Solid Fuel 1.10
After drying 45.47
Weight of Moisture 0.20
B. Volatile Matter
Crucible with Dehydrated Sample 45.47
After 7 mins. of Ignition 45.05
Volatile Matter 0.42
C. Determination of Ash
Crucible with Ignited Sample 45.05
After 15 mins. of ignition 44.69
  Fixed Carbon 0.36
Ash 0.12

Table 3. Bomb calorimetry and heat of combustion.

Mass (g)
Benzoic acid 1.00
Remaining weight 0.05
Length (mm)
Wire 10.00
Remaining wire 5.50

Table 4. Temperature over time after ignition.

Temperature (oC) Time (s) Temperature (oC)
0 25.08 315 26.82
60 25.08 330 27.00
120 25.08 345 27.08
180 25.08 360 27.14
195 25.10 375 27.20
210 25.28 390 27.28
225 25.46 405 27.32
240 25.68 420 27.36
255 26.00 435 27.38
270 26.28 450 27.42
285 26.46 465 27.44
300 26.66 480 27.46
Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo
Temperature (oC)
495 27.46
510 27.48
525 27.48
540 27.49
555 27.50
570 27.50
585 27.52
600 27.52
615 27.52

B. Sample Calculations

 Conversion of pressure in kp/cm2 to kPa at 5 min

P ( kPa )= P
( cm2 )( 0.0981
MPa 1000 kPa

)( 1 MPa )

C. Photos

Figure 4. Recording the temperature over time in the bomb calorimetry experiment.

Cruz, Dela Cruz, Francisco(your last names only) Dr. Lawrence P. Belo

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