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Justine Mae M.

Jayona Physical Education



In our preceding meeting we finished only one activity. We practiced again carinosa which
is one of the national dances we have in the Philippines. But in this meeting we finally performed
the dance without teaching us what are next steps. Also this activity is graded with our professor.

In my experience with this activity, I was able to executed the steps of the carinosa dance
without the help of our professor. We somehow performed it good but not perfect because
actually we did not practice the whole week since we do have many paper works to do in the
other subject. And thankfully our professor gave us time to practice to memorize the steps and
able to perform the dance without instructing what steps comes next. In this activity we
presented by group with two columns and five pairs. It’s kind of hard since we just practiced one
hour. Some steps are confusing but we just continued even if we misstep any moves. I remember
when I was in elementary we also perform this in our field demo.
The lesson for this meeting is next time we should be ready for us to perfect or perform
the activity or dance well. And again this activity enables us to appreciate more our culture and
to introduce again our folkdances even in college. It should not be forgotten but to be proud of,
because we do have this kind of dance. And it represents our country over years.

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