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Jayona, Justine Mae M.

December 3, 2019

NUR192 Physical Education


Last meeting, we’ve just continued creating steps or routines for the culminating
activity which is our dance performance. But in this meeting we make steps with the help of other
students coming from other course under our adviser in Physical Education. Since the chosen
theme for the culminating activity was the most popular music from the year 2000 up to the year
2009. It was already familiar for all of us as this was the kind of music we listened to back then,
and also we all grew up to. As what we always do, the first thing we did last time is brainstorming
since this is collaborative work, we want everyone to be part of it and to be comfortable in terms
of choice of music. So we think steps that suits for the songs we all picked. Although it’s still on
process because we need to finalize the routines and constructing another dance steps. We
practice some of the steps that are already done so that we can start familiarizing ourselves on
how the dance routine will proceed or carry out. Hopefully next meeting we can now finish the
music with dance steps so that we can finalize the routines we will do. All in all, I personally, I’m
not also comfortable in dancing because I don’t really good at it but I also enjoy the practice
sessions as it helps me to exercise my body as well as to bond with my fellow classmates.

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