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School of Natural Version Version

Sciences Number: Date:
01 2.04.19
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Status Report Details
School of Natural Sciences Intern’s Report


Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center is the Referral Hospital in the Cordillera Administrative Region and other Provinces where it: 1) values human
resource development; 2) offers Comprehensive training programs in health services; 3) continuously innovate for better operational efficiency.

While pursuing its vision, BGHMC adheres to focus in equipping to be the leader of service delivery network for health and to be a patient centered care Health
Education and Promotion. Also, to have a Financial Risk Protection and Financial Sustainability not only to the employees but also to the patients. BGHMC also
provides trainings and research that is competitive, capability building and excellent research program to the employees of the said facility. The institution gives
customer service satisfaction, assure patient safety, provide better health outcomes and functional IHOMP.

BGHMC commits to:

 Deliver quality health care to the clients;

 Engage in ethical corporate practices to enhance quality standards of healthcare in compliance to statutory and regulatory requirements;
 Implement a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness through sound and responsive managerial leadership;
 Enhance human resource capability and adapt institutional best practices
 Implement a functional Integrated Hospital Operation and Management Program (IHOMP); and
 Practice a culture of transparency and accountability

Together, it adheres then the highest value of work which are: Excellence, Compassion, Competence, Integrity, Teamwork and Transformational Leadership with
the Department of Health-CAR (DOH-CAR) to achieve better health outcomes and attain 92% client satisfaction rating.

AREA VISITED ACTIVITIES WHICH WERE WHICH WERE HELPFUL IN evaluate your performance in if you (as conveyed to you during your
ALIGNED TO TASK DONE APPRECIATING THE AREA were to be assigned in that area) conversation/visit
During the first week of duty, I was
CLINICAL Clinical Chemistry feeling nervous because it is the
CHEMISTRY first time that I will be facing the
SECTION actual laboratory outside the walls
of the school. Although labeled as
the modern day "blood
suckers," the struggle of the first
ever blood extraction is undeniably
Things that should be keep in mind
is “Always check if it is properly
labeled before accepting it.” The
other one is
“Patient care comes first”.
This section is not toxic as the
SEROLOGY others. Samples rarely come
SECTION compared to other sections.The
HIV & Other STDs Seminar Immunology & Serology staff remind us to always wear our
by Immunodeficiency Diseases PPE's. As to the universal
By DOH representatives (PREMED 2) precaution "all human blood and
certain human body fluids are
treated as if known to be infectious
for blood borne pathogens."
PHLEBOTOMY Seminar Extraction! Hands shaking, cold
PHLEBOTOMY by Sir Anthony Aytona Clinical Hematology sweat dropping, heart racing as you
SECTION precede uncapping the syringe and
inserting it to the skin hoping you
will hit the vein. When the blood
starts to flow you into the tube you
Clinical Chemistry
let out a sigh of relief for a
successful extraction. We try to give
many reasons (your vein collapse,
rolled or callous) to puncture the
patient again after failing to extract
blood. Skills can be easily acquired
if you work hard and work smart.

Internship is not all about toxic

CLINICAL Analysis of Urine and Other hours or dealing with endless
MICROSCOPY AND Body Fluids (AUBF) urinalysis tests and other body
PARASITOLOGY NONE fluids. Have a positive outlook in life
SECTION Clinical Parasitology to enjoy what you do. You can see
many things in stool and urine
We may have few hours during our
ANATOMIC duty, I was able to enjoy and
PATHOLOGY NONE Histopathology Techniques learned a lot assisting the resident
SECTION pathologist examining the different
General Pathology organs removed from the body.
LECTURE ON COMMON Dealing with bacteria and fungi is
MICROBIOLOGY PROCEDURES perform in not easy as "123". We always have
SECTION Microbiology to be cautious and attentive on
the laboratory by Sir Jerome
Neri Mycology and Virology what culture media will be used.

One of the most critical section in

BLOOD BANKING the laboratory because it involves
SECTION NONE Immunohematology
blood and transfusion. We also
need to be cautious when
crossmatching.Presence of mind is
I am not used to mingling with many
people but during our duty, I was
LABORATORY Laboratory Management , able to practice my public-relations
MANAGEMENT Instrumentation & Quality Control skill. I learn to communicate with
SECTION Public Speaking people by interacting with different
kinds of patients and other health
NONE workers with different attitudes. It is
hard to be nice to patients all the
Hematology, toughest subject to
learn easiest to perform in the
HEMATOLOGY Clinical Hematology
laboratory. Most of the time the
SECTION NONE laboratory is quiet untila kid comes
in to have his/her blood drawn.

Laboratory Management Where samples or specimens are

Clinical Chemistry processed as soon as possible.
Clinical Hematology Most of the laboratory tests are
Clinical Parasitology done in Emergency Laboratory
Analysis of Urine and Other section. There is no room for
Body Fluids carelessness.


Internship, one of the most awaited part in the journey of becoming Registered Medical Technologist. I was both excited and scared on my first day. I was curious about
everything that I could see, smell and hear. I was excited because everything was new to me. It is a great opportunity to let us experience what is waiting for us in the future. Our
staffs are there to train us to be a capable and effective Medical Technologist. Though sometimes they got mad at us because of a mistake in following their instructions, we are
advised not to take it personally because they do it o shape us into a better Medical Technologist. There is no room for carelessness. I go home tired; I’d rather sleep than studying.

Regardless all the stress, internship has a lot of fun that you can experience. You will need time to adapt with the staffs, senior interns, and all people around you.
However, these people around you are also fun to be with. You get to hear different stories from patients and watchers. Patience and understanding is necessary during internship.
You need to have confidence and most specially faith in God because it is not easy to deal with patients, the laboratory staffs as well your co-interns

During my first ward extraction, I was hesitant and scared to draw blood from those patients in the ward just by seeing their condition already breaks my heart. It is then that I realized
this is what I am for. Giving them a smile of encouragement and a little comfort is I think enough already to remind them that there is still hope and keep holding. A simple “thank you”
from patients is enough to make my day. Six months was not a long time but it meant a lot to me. It was not only a great clinical experience meanwhile, I knew more about the
meaning of life and the responsibilities I had.

Being part of the allied medical field eats up time for family, time for friends and time for yourself. However, one thing is for sure someday it will be worth all the sacrifices.


There are no suggestions the school must do because I think they’ve done their part. We felt their support and already told us beforehand what would internship in a hospital would
be. The challenges and obstacles we are going to face is enough for us to be warned and be ready. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually we should prepare all of it. Patience
and understanding is needed to survive. Always have a positive outlook in life to be enjoying what you do.

Clinical chemistry Serology Clinical Microscopy Main Reception
Section Buddies


Certified correct: CARLO V. FLORES, RMT Training Officer Internship

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