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己的女儿。两者中年龄较大的是 Bawang Putih,而年龄较小的是 Bawang Merah。

Bawang Merah 和她的母亲嫉妒父亲给 Bawang Putih 和她的母亲的关注,后者也比她的
同伴大。父亲去世后,Bawang Merah 和她的母亲掌管家务,并欺负 Bawang Putih 和她
的母亲为奴。霸王普蒂(Bawang Putih)的母亲为女儿站起来,但不久后便过世了。一
天,巴旺·梅拉(Bawang Merah)的母亲在河里为家人洗衣服时,将她推入水中,淹死。

亲生的母亲和父亲去世后,温柔而服从的巴旺·普蒂(Bawang Putih)被残酷的继母和
同父异母的妹妹折磨。尽管 Bawang Putih 受苦,但她还是有耐心。有一天,当她在树
来安慰她了。巴旺·普蒂(Bawang Putih)很高兴能够再次与母亲交谈,并尽可能地秘

一天,Bawang Merah 看到 Bawang Putih 偷偷溜走,然后秘密地跟着她到池塘,在那里

她目睹了 Bawang Putih 与鱼交谈。 Bawang Putih 离开后,Bawang Merah 将鱼引诱到池
塘表面并捕获。巴旺美拉(Bawang Merah)和她的母亲杀死了这些鱼,将其煮熟并喂
给巴旺白帝(Bawang Putih),而没有告诉她它的来源。 Bawang Putih 吃完饭后,她
的继母和继姐就透露了他们从何处获得鱼。霸王·普蒂(Bawang Putih)对这个启示感
到沮丧和 filled 悔。

Bawang Putih 收集鱼骨头并将它们埋在树下的小坟墓中。第二天访问坟墓时,她惊讶

地发现树的一根树枝上出现了美丽的秋千。当 Bawang Putih 坐在秋千上并演唱老摇篮

巴旺·普提(Bawang Putih)会尽可能继续访问魔术秋千。有一天,当她在魔术的秋千
近她之前,Bawang Putih 意识到她并不孤单,很快就跑回了家。

王子及其顾问最终找到了 Bawang Putih 和 Bawang Merah 的家。 (在某些版本中,这

是在王子首次见到 Bawang Putih 之后立即发生的,但在其他版本中,是在王子的顾问
经过长时间搜索之后发生的)。 Bawang Merah 的母亲看到机会,命令 Bawang Putih
藏在厨房里。王子问秋千和坐在其中的女孩。 Bawang Merah 的母亲说,他听到的女
孩是她美丽而才华横溢的女儿 Bawang Merah。尽管王子同意霸王美拉(Bawang

巴旺·梅拉(Bawang Merah)和母亲不情愿地跟随王子和他的顾问们回到魔幻秋千上。
巴旺·梅拉(Bawang Merah)坐在秋千上,尝试唱歌以使其移动,但她不能。王子现在
生气了,下令巴旺·梅拉(Bawang Merah)的母亲说实话。霸王美拉(Bawang Merah)

王子将 Bawang Putih 带回了秋千,就像她之前做过很多次一样,魔术秋千一开始就开

始旋转。王子喜出望外,并要求 Bawang Putih 嫁给他。她同意,他们从此过着幸福的
he story takes place in a simple village household. The head of this family has two wives, and
each wife has their own daughter. The older of the two is Bawang Putih, while the younger
one is Bawang Merah. Bawang Merah and her mother are jealous of the attention the father
gives Bawang Putih and her mother, who is also older than her co-wife. When the father
dies, Bawang Merah and her mother take charge of the household and bully both Bawang
Putih and her mother into servitude. Bawang Putih’s mother stands up for her daughter but
she soon dies prematurely. One day, while washing the family's laundry in the river, Bawang
Merah's mother pushed her into the water and left her to drown.

With her biological mother and father dead, the gentle and obedient Bawang Putih is left
alone to be tortured by her cruel stepmother and half-sister. Though Bawang Putih suffers,
she is patient. One day, when she is out in the woods, she sees a pond containing a live fish.
The fish is able to speak, and tells her that it is her mother who has come back to comfort
her. Bawang Putih is overjoyed to be able to speak with her mother again, and secretly visits
the pond whenever she can.

One day Bawang Merah sees Bawang Putih sneaking off and secretly follows her to the
pond, where she witnesses Bawang Putih talking to the fish. After Bawang Putih leaves,
Bawang Merah lures the fish to the surface of the pond and catches it. Bawang Merah and
her mother kill the fish, cook it and feed it to Bawang Putih without telling her where it came
from. Once Bawang Putih finishes eating, her stepmother and stepsister reveal where they
obtained the fish. Bawang Putih is repulsed and filled with remorse over this revelation.

Bawang Putih gathers the fish bones and bury them in a small grave underneath a tree.
When she visits the grave the next day, she is surprised to see that a beautiful swing has
appeared from one of the tree's branches. When Bawang Putih sits in the swing and sings an
old lullaby, it magically swings back and forth.

Bawang Putih continues to visit the magic swing whenever she can. One day, while she is on
the magic swing, a Prince who is hunting nearby hears her song. He follows the sound of her
voice, but before he approaches her, Bawang Putih realizes that she is not alone, she quickly
runs back home.

The Prince and his advisors eventually find the home of Bawang Putih and Bawang Merah.
(In some versions this happens immediately after the Prince's first sighting of Bawang Putih,
but in other versions it happens after a long search made by the Prince's advisors). Bawang
Merah's mother, seeing the opportunity, orders Bawang Putih to stay hidden in the kitchen.
The Prince asks about the swing and the girl who sat in it. Bawang Merah's mother says that
the girl he heard is her beautiful and talented daughter Bawang Merah. Though the Prince
agrees that Bawang Merah is beautiful, he requests that she show him how she sang in the
magical swing.

Bawang Merah and mother reluctantly follow the Prince and his advisors back to the magic
swing. Bawang Merah sits in the swing and attempts to sing so that it will move, but she
cannot. The Prince, now angry, ordered Bawang Merah's mother to tell the truth. Bawang
Merah's mother is forced to confess that she has another daughter hidden in her house.

The Prince brings Bawang Putih back to the swing, and as she had done many times before,
the magic swing starts moving as soon as she begins singing. The Prince is overjoyed and
asks Bawang Putih to marry him. She agrees and they live happily ever after.

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