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I. True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Strictly NO ERASURE. No Cheating
1. T The volume charge density is defined as the total charge over the total volume.
2. F In integral volume, a single integral sign is used but pratically througout th volume it becomes double integration.
3. F If the dimensions of a surface carrying a charge is very very small compared to the region surrounding it, then the surface
can be treated to be a volume.
4. F Electric field intensity around a charge Q1 is inversely proportional to the charge Q2.
5. F The electric field at any point and force exerted on a charge placed at the same point are always in the opposite direction.
6. T The electric field at a point due to “n” number of charge is to be obtain using law of superposition.
7. T The definition of electric field intensity is the force per unit charge which is also measured in V/m (volts per meter).
8. T As two charges are of opposite polarity, the force F is attractive in nature.
9. T If there are more charges exerting a force on the charge under consideration, the vector sum of all the forces calculated is
the resultant force exerted on the charge under consideration.
10. F The coulombs law states that force between the two point charges Q1 and Q2 acts along the region joining the two charges
is directly proportional to the product of the two charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between

II. Solve the following problems WITH COMPLETE SOLUTION. DO NOT ROUND off your answers. Strictly no

1. Eight point charges, each of 25uC are located on A(1,2,3), B(2,3,3), C(1,2,2), D(-1,2,3), E(0,1,3),F(2,4,4),G(3,1,0),H(0,0,1)
all in meters respectively. Find
a) The magnitude and the direction of the force on a 20uC point charge at (1,0,3)m due to all the charges.
b) The electric field intensity at (1,0,3)m

2. Three point charges Q1=10uC, Q2=20uC, and Q3=30uC are located in air at the corners of an
equilateral triangle of 50 cm side. Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on Q 2.
The arrangement is shown in the figure.

3. A sphere of radius 2cm is having a volume of charge density of ρ v =cos2 θ. Find the total
charge Q contained in the sphere. Note use the ranges of θ ,∧ɸ.

4x 4 x3
4. Find the total charge inside a volume having volume charge density as ρ v =16 x e + 2 ye + +3. The volume is
e4 z
defined between −1 ≤ x ≤1,0 ≤ y ≤ 1 ,2 ≤ z ≤ 5.

5. Calculate the field intensity at a point on a sphere of radius 3 m, if a positive charge of 2uC is placed at the origin of the

6. Determine the electric field intensity at P(1, 1, 1)m due to a point charges of 5nC at (1, 1, 0)m, 3nC at (-1,1,0), 2nC at (-1,-
1,0), and 4nC at (1, -1, 0).

7. It is required to hold four equal point charges “q” each in equilibrium at the corners
of a square. Find an expression of the net force on Q at the center of the square
denoted as shown.

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