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A linear regression approach to evaluate the green supply chain management

impact on industrial organizational performance

This paper looks at the effect of Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) practices on
organizational performance. The organizations considered in the study are from Pakistan.


The first step involved proposing hypothesis based on existing literature. The first set of
hypotheses defined are:

Hypothesis 1a. Internal GSCM practices have a negative impact on the environmental
Hypothesis 1b. External GSCM practices have a negative impact on the environmental
Hypothesis 1c. Investment Recovery has a negative impact on the environmental pollution.
Hypothesis 1d. Eco-Design has a negative impact on the environmental pollution.

Second set of hypotheses defined are:

Hypothesis 2a. Internal GSCM practices have a negative impact on the operational cost.
Hypothesis 2b. External GSCMpractices have a negative impact on the operational cost.
Hypothesis 2c. Investment Recovery has a negative impact on the operational cost.
Hypothesis 2d. Eco-Design have a negative impact on the operational cost.

Third set of hypotheses defined are:

Hypothesis 3a. Internal GSCM practices has a positive impact on organization flexibility.
Hypothesis 3b. External GSCMpractices has a positive impact on organization flexibility.
Hypothesis 3c. Investment recovery has a positive impact on organization flexibility.
Hypothesis 3d. Eco-design has a positive impact on organization flexibility.

It was followed by performance indicator selection. The indicators chosen are:

(1) Reduction in operational cost
(2) Increase in flexibility.
(3) Reduction in environmental pollution

Relevant data was collected from questionnaires. It was followed by factor analysis to confirm
grouping of data. Linear regression was performed to test the hypothesis generated.

Tools used:

Factor analysis was performed using IBMSPSS Statistics Software V22.0.

Applying Random Forests to Decide Ordering Policy Based on
Important Shipping Statistics

This paper implements random forest for deciding the best ordering policy based on important
shipping statistics.


A five step methodology has been used for deciding ordering policy.
(1) Shipping statistics for each item is calculated
(2) Items are classified into two categories: Learning items and testing items
(3) Optimal ordering policy is assigned for each item of the learning item group
(4) The relationship between shipping statistics and assigned optimal ordering policy is
(5) Important shipping statistics are used for deciding ordering policy for each item of the
testing item group.

Flowchart of the methodology used has been shown in figure 1

Figure 1: Flowchart of methodology used

Tools used:
The programming language R(Version 2.24.1) has been used in the paper for statistical
computing and graphics. Libraries used are: mvpart, e1071, randomForest.

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