Table 1 Wes T Midwes T East Remainin G Tota L Spendin G Units/$ Spent

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1) Evaluate BASES results. What do they about the Custard Style concept?

Ans. Following are the Snapshot of BASES test.

i) Confirmed the Share of market as predicted by Mini Market test.
ii) It predicted 1st year volume of 4.4 mm at maximum spending and 3.0 mm at mimimum
iii) At 90 % ACV distribution custard style volume forecast was 110% of Original _style.
iv) BASES model forecasted that total Yoplait volume would grow by 43%
v) Point iii & iv are inline with the companies benchmarked performance criteria for custard
style of 40% incremental volume & sales volume to be 60% of original-style.
vi) After Exposure of concept 40% respondent said they will definitely or probably would buy
and among triers it was 68%.
Above points not only support the viability of Custard Style but also provides strength to marketing
to go forward for its launch.

2) Examine the BASES result regarding the alternative spending plans. What can you conclude from
these dates? How confident are you in your conclusion?

Analysis of Alternative spending in exhibit gives a better and clear picture towards promotion strategy.
The alternative spending option of PLAN A MEDIA / PLAN B PROMOTION is more apt as per the budget

  Plan A Media /Plan B Promotions
Wes Midwes Remainin Tota Spendin Units/$
  t t East g l g spent
119 162 390
Year 1 4 315 5 270 4 9.9 394
120 194 425
Year 2 6 812 0 300 8 6.1 698
e 1% 158% 19% 11% 9%    

  Plan A Media /Plan B Promotions
Wes Midwes Remainin Tota Spendin Units/$
  t t East g l g spent
101 144 366
Year 1 5 880 5 325 5 6.9 531
110 150 385
Year 2 0 855 2 401 8 3.05 1265
e 8% -3% 4% 23% 5%    

  Plan B Media /Plan B Promotions
Wes Midwes Remainin Tota Spendin Units/$
  t t East g l g spent
130 321
Year 1 940 705 5 260 0 6 535
153 351
Year 2 945 720 0 320 5 4 879
e 1% 2% 17% 23% 10%    

  Plan A Media /Plan A Promotions
Wes Midwes Remainin Tota Spendin Units/$
  t t East g l g spent
126 180 440
Year 1 0 935 5 400 0 12.5 352
129 210 477
Year 2 0 940 5 435 0 7.35 649
e 2% 1% 17% 9% 8%    

Depending on the spending which is approximately similar in table 3 & table 2 total units sold in table
seems to be more, hence unit / $ spent is almost 1.5 times in both the year. Though there seems to be
drop in no of unit sold in Midwest yet from the figures it is quite clear that no are more. Hence we are
quite confident on our understanding that General Mills should go for spending as per Table 2.

3) What Roll Out Plan Should Becker follow.

Ans. Following should be the Roll Out Plan.
1) The Custard Style Should be launched in Eastern region first only in 04 flavors i.e Strawberry, vanilla,
Raspberry & Blueberry.
a) Exhibit 6 – Shows greater purchase intent among all the regions mentioned – with 42%
before use and 69 % after use.
b) Liking rating on 9 point scale is higher compared to other regions there by chances of
increased repeat sales. In Exhibit 6
c) Repeat sales by wave 3 have confirmed higher in Yoplait to 41%.
d) Point b & C further strengthen each other.
e) Net Cannibalization rate from the Competitor i.e Danon, Knudson & Other are (37%) but
the premium is getting 22% of Danon for which company was struggling a lot as Danon was
available throughout the country. This would create brand of new product, which can be
leverage later through-out the country.
2) Product should be positioned as new –type as from Exhibit 6 – more than 50% of the population
believed this is better than the expectation there by creating an opportunity of position a new
product type.
3) Price Decision of 53 cents has higher response in terms of price/value 5 point scale i.e 3.7. Though
this index gives approval to current price in current market at the same time it also indicates that
further price may adversely affect the sales.
4) Since the product is positioned as new product first year advertisement shall be of “ Secretaries
type” as Exhibit 10 clearly shows that it is best for presenting its new product ranking high in is all
the parameters .Most importantly it conveys message of point of different from “ Advantage over
other Yogurts” best for the attributes of “ two style/better & Thicker /Creamier”. Next level of
advertisement should be of “Sanford type” to create better recall of the product (90%). This is also
in-line with the steps of Branding exercise.
5) Keeping the variant limited to flavors will support the fact 33% acceptors were looking for flavor
and the add campaign on thickness & creamier.
6) Spending: As derived from the BASES the Volume was proportional to the spending on
advertisement. Hence Becker has to rethink on the allocation of amount to various heads. More
amount to be allocated to Trade promotions. In this scenario the alternative spending Plan A
media /Plan B promotion seems to More near to budget constraints.

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