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 Put these verbs in the right tense:

(present simple, present continuous, present perfect, past simple, past continuous, future)

1. My father sometimes________________WORK long hours.

2. Where _____________ your mother___________WORK?
3. I ______________ HAVE breakfast now.
4. ___________ you ____________ LIVE in Dover?
5. He _______________ VISIT France last week.
6. I usually ________________ WAKE UP at 7.00, but yesterday I _____________ WAKE UP much later.
7. I usually _______________ GO to scool by bus, but yesterday I _____________ TAKE a taxi because I _____________
BE late.
8. My brother usually _____________ EAT cereals for breakfast, but last Sunday he ___________ EAT bread and butter.
9. ___________ you __________SEE Danny last night?
10. When ____________ she ___________ COME to London? She _____________ COME to London last week.
11. I ___________ READ a magazine when the phone ___________ RING.
12. We ______________ WAIT for the bus when it _____________ START to rain.
13. I _________________ GO to school when I ______________ SEE you.
14. While the boys _______________ GO to school, they _______________ SEE a car accident.
15. Everybody _________________ WRITE when the bell _____________ RING.
16. While I ____________________ SING the baby ____________ FALL asleep.
17. The children _________________ DRINK milk now. They ___________ DRINK milk every morning.
18. They ______________ HAVE breakfast at the moment.
19. Listen! Somebody _______________ PLAY the piano.
20. _____________ this book ____________ BELONG to you?
21. I must go, mother _____________ WAIT for me.
22. We ____________GO to the Danube Delta next summer.
23. He __________ probably________ GO swimming next Sunday.
24. ___________ you ____________COOK yesterday morning?
25. My baby brother always _____________DRINK milk for breakfast, but this morning he _____________ DRINK tea.
26. I _____________READ a lot in my spare time. I ____________ READ three novels last week.
27. I always ________________ GIVE mother flowers on her birthday. Last year I ____________ GIVE her a book.
28. Last winter we ___________ HAVE a lot of snow.
29. I ____________ FORGET to set my clock last night, so I _____________ WAKE UP late this morning.
30. They _________________ PLAY tennis yesterday when it ____________START to rain.
31. What ____________ you ___________ DO yesterday afternoon when I ____________ PHONE you?
32. Helen ____________BE at home, doing her homework for tomorrow. She _____________WRITE the first exercise.
33. ___________you ________DO your homework yet?
34. I don’t know Angela. I ____________ NOT MEET her.
35. The children __________NOT HAVE a swim since last summer.
36. I_____________NOT HEAR from him for two months.
37. No one ______________FIND Barbara’s glasses yet. She _____________LOSE them during the Physical Education
38. He _________________WRITE a lot of letters yesterday. He already ________________WRITE two letters this
morning. He _______________WRITE a letter now.
39. ____________you ____________SEE my pencil? I ____________LOSE it.
40. I ______________LEARN English for the last two years, and now I ________________STUDY French too.
41. He ____________just _________COME home.
42. He _______________LIVE in London since 1980.
43. I ________________LIVE in Bucharest since I was born.
44. While Peter __________________WORK in the garden yesterday, it _______________START to rain. When it
___________START to rain, Peter ______________GO inside.
45. They _______________WORK very hard next year.
46. The weather _____________BE fine tomorrow.
47. I _______________WAIT for him almost an hour yesterday but he ______________NOT COME.
48. This is the most absurd thing I __________ever___________HEAR.
49. I usually _____________HAVE breakfast at 7.00, but my brother _____________NOT LIKE to get up so early.
50. She last ______________SEE him ten years ago.

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