How I'D Picture Sam and Alex If in A Perfect World We Were Together, V1.0

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My main goal in life is to just be happy and healthy and to be the best version of myself;
relationship or not this would be my lifetime goal. I can confidently say with the positive
changes such as moving out, working on my addictions and having someone who I really
care about has given my life much more direction and I actually for the first time in ages feel
positive that things will get better as I’ve already seen progress.

I guess my main goal with a relationship is to find someone that makes me happy and that I
can make happy and have that person in my life as much as possible, basically that I am
their best friend and they are mine, also someone who is excited to see me and enjoys
talking to me without judgement; and someone where we can just both be 100%
comfortable and ourselves around- judging from our friendship I just feel happy even
picturing getting to do this for the rest of my life. I would envision in the long term we would
both greatly care about each other and both push each other to be our best versions
possible; I feel that would be a key point to our relationship- or any relationship we were to
enter. We both have anxieties and I like that we both have a deep understanding of each
other, I would imagine we would both support each other and I believe that is an important
factor to me. I want someone who I get excited to see each day…that already happens;
someone I can snuggle up with and watch movies with…and thank fuck we love all the same
shit…someone who would go to the museum and art gallery with me and would find that a
fun day…I only remember seeing one photo of you looking at a taxidermy bird at the
museum on Instagram but I am going to presume you like it there, someone who is keen to
do a bit of travel…probably just Melbourne a million times so I can go to the IMAX and
museum there and have you to share it with; luckily that works out since you love the city
anyway, I know these things don’t sound that exciting but to me picturing them with you
makes them sound really nice.

That is sort of how I would imagine our lives in an ideal world where we went long term and
it worked out long term. I am pretty laid back but I really do believe just having the right
person in my life can make what seems like mundane activities be just as amazing and
thrilling as even travelling the world. I know there would obviously be negatives too; and
maybe even more than your standard relationship. Long term I would be making it a priority
to support you and do everything within my power to ensure I don’t hold you back with my
own personal issues, I’d also picture we’d both have goals and push each other towards
them. TLDR: Thinking of Alex and Sam long term with everything I know; there are just so
many positives I like about you that anything else would appear minuscule.

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