Supervisory Development: S.V.Kannan

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Managing Group Training Team Work Planning Empowerment Motivation

31 – Aug - 2011


Managing the Individual / Group


Conflicts Management




“ I've always found that the speed of the boss is actually the speed of the Supervisors." --- Lee Icocca
To improve Leadership qualities.

To learn the Core principles including Patience, commitment, respect

& good judgment.

In order to Keep operations Afloat

To manage adversity and resistance

Preparedness for the art of change

To Eliminate fear of failure

To improve the Work Morale

For the sustainability of talented subordinates.

“Staff development is directly linked to the Organization development “ --- Hopkins, Ainscow
Work Place
Career Guidance
☻ Provide a workplace where ☻ Chance to evaluate his needs, interests,
- people feel respected and valued. and skills inline with career development

☻ - employee ideas & efforts are noticed ☻ Short- and Long-term career goals.
and considered important.
☻ Ways & resources for Needs of
☻ - talent is recognized, promoted and Development

☻ Avoiding an “us-Vs-them” attitude

Empowerment /
Motivation Decision Making
☻ Written descriptions of their responsibilities ☻ Career Development Action Plan & Post-
training evaluation
☻ KPI plan Vs Actual specific to the team task
☻ Shadowing of the people at highest,
☻ Clear and measurable goals professional level.

☻ Bring in belief on the managers to accept

☻ Continuous feedback on performance their decisions

☻ Continued training and rewards /recognitions ☻ Realigning the priorities for development.
for their efforts
MM – P/TRAIN What doing ? What to do? Support Required
Intra dept Job rotation done– To prepare schedule for
Managing Self /
To change the stagnated mind periodical Job rotation and --
Group Set execution
-Weekly meeting of shop floor
supervisors “Communication Enhancement Training sessions to be
Communication - Channel Hyundai details are Skills “ Training to be delegated arranged by L&D Team
being communicated

Counseling on the Supervisor’s - Delegation of Training

Problem faced in day to day -- on Time/Stress
Management situation Management

Discussion with all the

Get Together to be planned
Team Work supervisors regarding problem
once in 3months
- Team Building Training
solving on Line issues

Preparing Career Development “Forecasting

Preparation of Anticipated
Planning Problems in their related areas.
Action Plan that leads to Road Techniques”- Training to
map Destination be provided

To assign special task (or)

Fixing the target KPI based on
Empowerment the Job scope of Individual
Project to assess their --

“Problems are solved on the spot, as soon as they arise. No front-line supervisor has to wait for a manger's permission’
– Jan Carlzon
Analyze the team goals
and objectives

Revisit the Preparation of formal KPI

Annual Performance Goals /Goals with Time line
Review & Consolidating Target
the Score Card
Conflict of
Conflict on
Identifying the
review competencies

Prioritizing the work and

Conflict of
completion with the Target Commitment

Half Yearly Review `by Identify & Plan the

the Section Heads / competencies needed to
Team Leaders accomplish the functions

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