Half Yearly Examination 2020 Revision

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Half Yearly Examination 2020 Revision

English II


1. Who composed the poem ‘The Kitten at Play?’

✓ a. William Wordsworth b. William Shakespeare c. William Harington d. William


2. The meaning of crouched is:

✓ a. Bends down b. Bend up c. Look up d. Looked

3. Read the given line and answer the question:

See the kitten on the wall, sporting with the leaves that fall

✓ a. Kitten can be seen on the wall b. The kitten is running in the ground

c. The kitten is watching the leaves d. The kitten is jumping on a tree

4. What is the meaning of frosty?

a. Cold and hot ✓ b. cold and chilly c. cold and breeze d. cold and clumsy

5. (i)The kitten performs her feats in a graceful manner. (ii) The kitten is watching the flowers

fall from the elder tree.

a. (i)false and (ii) true ✓b. (i) true and (ii)false c. Both false d. Both true

6. What is the abstract noun of the word brave?

a. bravely b. bravets ✓ c. bravery d. braveful

7. Meaning of Prized.

✓a. of great value b. a great deal c. of great surprised d. great praised

8. Sachin played crickets for his country for-

a. 25 years b. 20 years ✓c. 24 years d. 22 years

9. Sachin’s ability to be a good batsman rather than a bowler was first seen by-

a. Ajit Tendulkar b. Ramakant Archekar ✓c. Dennis Lille d. Vinod Kamble

10. (i) Sachin has received National Awards including the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award

(ii) He has also been conferred with the Dronacharya award in 2014

a.(i)and (ii) both right ✓b. (I) is right (II) is Wrong

c. (I) and (II) both wrong d. none of These

11. Sachin continued to do his services for 24 years-

✓a. from 1989 till 2013 b. from 1984 till 2007 c. from 1889 till 1913 d. None of these

12. Sachin made his test debut for India against Pakistan wearing those very pads in –

✓a. 1989 b. 1984 c . 1982 d. 1985

13. Long –Long ago, _______ Blind man lived in a village in India.

a. Seven b. four ✓c. Six d. Eight

14. The meaning of Pierce is __________

a. To make a duplicate copy ✓ b. to make a hole in c. To dig inside

d. To make a hole in the sky

15. Read the sentences and answer the question:

(I) The elephant was to be assessed at the king’s palace.

(II) The Raja did not mind his sleep being disturbed.

a. I False and II True b. both False c. both True ✓ d. I true II False

16. William Wordsworth is regarded as the greatest______________

✓a. Romantic Poet b. Noble Writer c. Tragedy King d. Morn Poet

17. Sachin did well to ____________ Lillee’s suggestion to concentrate on his batting.

a. Except b. Expect ✓c. Accept d. Aceept

18. Identify the correct spelling-

✓a. beginning b. beginging c. beiginning d. beegining

19. What is the correct meaning of the word temperament

a. a person’s ability b. a person’s behaviour ✓c. a person’s nature d. a person’s quality

20. Sachin was given a pair of pads by his cricket hero ________________ .

a. Vinod Kambli b. Dennis Lillee c. Ajit Tendulkar ✓ d. Sunil Gavaskar

21. The meaning of yonder is-

a. be happy b. shine c. small stone ✓ d. over there

22.cry of lamb or sheep

a. mew b. bray c. moo ✓ d. bleat

23. Complete the given lines of the poem-

“The little ____________, they dance along,

And look so ___________ and _____,

I love to hear their _____________ song.

I feel as glad as they.”

a. wreaths, young, ugly, unhappy

✓b. brooks, free, gay, pleasant

c. mirth, beauty, cheers, hark

d. mount, frisk, bleat, moo

24. Who said this: (i) “I think she is very proud.” (ii) “Well, you can break his heart.”

a. (i) Estella (ii) Pip’s sister

✓b. (i) Pip (ii) Miss Havisham

c. (i) Miss Havisham (ii) Estella

d.(i) Uncle Pumlechook (ii)Joe

25. True and False: (i) Pip was so excited as he was going to meet Miss Havisham. (ii) Miss Havisham
was a joyful lady.

a.(i) True (ii)false

b.(i) False (ii) true

c. both true

✓d. both false

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