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European Journal of Pharmacology 393 Ž2000.


Allosteric modulation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as a treatment

strategy for Alzheimer’s disease
Alfred Maelicke a,) , Edson X. Albuquerque b
Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Johannes-Gutenberg UniÕersity Medical School,
6 Duesbergweg, D-55099 Mainz, Germany
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, UniÕersity of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
Accepted 21 January 2000


The basic symptoms of Alzheimer’s dementia, i.e., a loss in cognitive function, are due to impaired nicotinic cholinergic
neurotransmission. To compensate for this impairment by drug treatment, blockers of the acetylcholine-degrading enzyme acetylcholin-
esterase are applied, even though this approach obviously is prone to many side-effects, including those of muscarinic nature. We have
recently described a novel class of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ligands which, similar to the action of benzodiazepines on GABA A
receptors, allosterically potentiate submaximal nicotinic responses. The sensitizing effect is a consequence of facilitated channel opening
in the presence of allosterically potentiating ligand ŽAPL.. Representative members of this class of ligands are the plant alkaloids
physostigmine, galanthamine, and codeine. Because APLs could enhance nicotinic neurotransmission under conditions of reduced
secretion andror increased degradation of acetylcholine or reduced acetylcholine-sensitivity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, they
could have a preventive and corrective action on impaired but still functioning nicotinic neurotransmission. q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor; Allosteric modulation; Alzheimer’s disease; Galanthamine; Cholinergic deficit

1. Introduction Of the many nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes

that are expressed in the mammalian brain, the a4b2 and
A large body of evidence, including autoradiographic the a7 subtype are the most prominent ones. They are both
and histochemical studies of autopsy brain tissue ŽNord- found in postsynaptic as well as in presynaptic and perisy-
berg and Winblad, 1986; Whitehouse et al., 1986; Schroder naptic locations ŽAlbuquerque et al., 1996a; Alkondon et
et al., 1991; Perry et al., 1995., and brain imaging studies al., 1999b.. The a7 nicotinic receptor displays functional
of patients ŽNordberg et al., 1995., identifies the selective properties quite different from those of the a4b2 nicotinic
loss of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as the biochemical receptor, among which are a much higher Ca2q permeabil-
parameter most closely associated with the severeness of ity, very fast desensitization and different pharmacology,
the disease. In the upper cortical layers of the frontal including activation by choline and blockade by a-
cortex and in the temporal cortex, the loss of nicotinic bungarotoxin ŽCastro and Albuquerque, 1995; Albu-
acetylcholine receptors appears to concern predominantly querque et al., 1996b; Alkondon et al., 1997; Alkondon et
an a4 subunit-bearing subtype rather than the a7 nicotinic al., 1999b.. Due to its sensitivity to choline, the a7
acetylcholine receptor, as is suggested by histochemical nicotinic receptor can be chemically excited even after the
studies ŽMartin-Ruiz et al., 1999; Wevers et al., 1999. and natural transmitter has been enzymatically cleaved. a7
radioligand binding ŽPotter et al., 1999.. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor therefore can respond not
only to synaptic events of acetylcholine release but also to
volume changes in acetylcholinercholine concentration.
) ŽRapid desensitization of a7 nicotinic acetylcholine recep-
Corresponding author. Tel.: q49-6131-39-25912; fax: q49-6131-39-
23536. tor and an appropriate refractory period may be prerequi-
E-mail address: ŽA. Maelicke.. sites for the latter response mode.. Due to its Ca2q perme-

0014-2999r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 2 9 9 9 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 0 9 3 - 5
166 A. Maelicke, E.X. Albuquerquer European Journal of Pharmacology 393 (2000) 165–170

ability, a7 nicotinic receptor activation can produce Allosteric modulation of receptor activity is a quite
metabotropic responses in the excited cell, including common mechanism in neurotransmission. Arguably, the
Ca2q-controlled transmitter release and stimulation of gene most prominent example is the benzodiazepines which
transcription and protein biosynthesis. Very recently, the positively modulate Žpotentiate. the activity of the GABA A
first electrophysiological studies of human cerebral cortical receptor by facilitating opening of the receptor-integral
interneurons have been reported ŽAlkondon et al., 1999a.. Cly channel Žincrease in the probability of channel open-
These studies established that both a4b2 and a7 nicotinic ing at given concentrations of GABA.. This effect is the
acetylcholine receptors are located on the somatodendritic underlying principle of the anxiolytic action of benzodi-
regions of human interneurons, and as demonstrated by azepines ŽMcDonald and Twyman, 1992..
their ability to modulate GABA release, could be involved
in inhibitory and disinhibitory mechanisms in the human
cortex. The inhibitory action could enhance the signal-to- 2. Results
noise ratio of neuronal circuitry, whereas the disinhibitory
action could lead to synaptic strengthening which is an In Fig. 1A, a representative example of allosteric poten-
essential element of the learning paradigm long-term tiation of nicotinic responses is shown. Using 3-day old PC
potentiation ŽLTP. ŽAlkondon et al., 1999a.. 12 cells of bipolar morphology, the response to 100 mM
Three major strategies have so far been applied to acetylcholine, in the absence of 1-methyl-galanthamine
balance nicotinic cholinergic deficits, stimulation of acetyl- Žme-Gal, first trace., was nearly doubled in peak amplitude
choline synthesis, inhibition of acetylcholine degradation, when acetylcholine was applied together with 0.4 mM
and administration of nicotinic receptor agonists. Practi- N-methyl-galanthamine Žsecond trace.. At the same con-
cally no therapeutic effects have been achieved by the centration, N-methyl-galanthamine alone did not induce a
administration of acetylcholine precursors ŽFeldman and significant whole-cell current Žthird trace.. The level of
Gracon, 1996.. Administration of choline esterase in- response induced by the combined application of 100 mM
hibitors presently is the most commonly applied therapeu- acetylcholine and 0.4 mM N-methyl-galanthamine Žsecond
tic approach. These inhibitors have proven albeit limited trace. was matched in amplitude, but not in the kinetics of
therapeutic value ŽNordberg and Svensson, 1998., and inactivation, by the response to 1000 mM acetylcholine
most of them do not prevent progression of the disease to Žfourth trace..
any significant extend ŽRogers et al., 1998; Flicker, 1999.. In Fig. 1B, the effect of N-methyl-galanthamine on the
A number of nicotinic receptor agonists are presently in dose–response relationship for acetylcholine is displayed.
preclinical and clinical testings ŽBjugstad et al., 1996; The APL shifts the dose–response curve to lower concen-
Menzaghi et al., 1997; Francis et al., 1999., even though trations of acetylcholine without changing the level of
they are difficult to dose, as higher levels may cause maximal response. This finding suggests that in the pres-
desensitization rather than increased activation of nicotinic ence of N-methyl-galanthamine, the affinity of binding of
receptors ŽMaelicke and Albuquerque, 1996.. Other un-
solved problems are drug transport to the targeted nicotinic
receptorŽs. in the brain and target selectivity Žreceptor
A novel approach to drug treatment in Alzheimer’s
disease is the application of allosteric modulators of nico-
tinic receptors ŽMaelicke and Albuquerque, 1996; Maelicke
et al., 1995.. Allosteric modulators are compounds that
interact with the receptor via binding sites that are distinct
from those for acetylcholine and nicotinic receptor ago-
nists and antagonists. Consequently, modulators are not
directly involved in the neurotransmission process they
affect, and hence, usually do not induce compensatory
processes, as agonists and antagonists may do Že.g., recep-
tor desensitization, down-regulation of expression.. Be-
cause Alzheimer’s disease is associated with a deficit in
nicotinic neurotransmission, allosteric modulators are
needed to up-modulate Žpotentiate. the channel activity of Fig. 1. Potentiation by 1-methyl-galanthamine of acetylcholine-elicited
nicotinic receptors in response to acetylcholine. Such prop- whole-cell responses of cultured PC12 cells. ŽA. Response recorded from
erties are displayed by a novel class of nicotinic receptor a single PC12 cell of bipolar morphology from a 3-day old culture. ŽB.
Effect of N-methyl-galanthamine on the dose–response relationship for
ligands, named ‘‘allosterically potentiating ligands’’ acetylcholine. Note that potentiation is observed only at sub-maximal
ŽAPLs. ŽMaelicke and Albuquerque, 1996; Schrattenholz responses. ŽC. Change of the peak amplitude of response to acetylcholine
et al., 1996.. Ž100 mM. versus the concentration of N-methyl-galanthamine applied.
A. Maelicke, E.X. Albuquerquer European Journal of Pharmacology 393 (2000) 165–170 167

acetylcholine to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is in- One mechanism of interaction of nicotinic cholinergic
creased, or the level of channel activation corresponding to neurotransmission with other neurotransmission systems
given occupancies of the receptor is increased, or both. has recently been identified. It is the modulatory control of
The potentiating effect of N-methyl-galanthamine is transmitter release by pre-synaptic nicotinic receptors, both
observed only in a rather narrow window of APL con- the a4b2 subtype and the Ca2q-conducting a7 nicotinic
centration. As shown in Fig. 1C, potentiation of acetyl- acetylcholine receptor subtype ŽAlbuquerque et al., 1996b;
choline-induced response was limited to N-methyl- Alkondon et al., 1999b.. Thus, in the case of Alzheimer’s
galanthamine concentrations below 1 mM. At higher con- disease, reduced expression of presynaptic nicotinic acetyl-
centration of N-methyl-galanthamine, direct channel choline receptor could limit or even abolish the modula-
blockade is becoming increasingly significant; it counter- tory control of glutamate release, which in turn could lead
balances and eventually reverses the potentiating effect. to reduced capability in learning and memory. Moreover,
In addition to PC12 cells, we have observed positive because a7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor can be acti-
modulation by APL of nicotinic responses with many other vated by choline ŽAlkondon et al., 1997, 1999b. and not
cell types, including rat hippocampal neurons ŽPereira et only by acetylcholine as most other nicotinic receptors,
al., 1993a,b., SHSY5Y human neuroblastoma cells choline may act as a ‘‘retrograde messenger’’ in the
ŽSchrattenholz et al., unpublished., mouse fibroblast and learning paradigm LTP, which is governed by glutamater-
HEK-293 human embryonic kidney cell lines stably ex- gic neurotransmission. Similarly, a loss of presynaptic
pressing the rat a4b2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor nicotinic acetylcholine receptor could also reduce the mod-
ŽPereira et al., 1994; Maelicke et al., unpublished. and the ulatory control of serotonergic neurotransmission, leading
human a4b2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ŽSamochoski to the mood changes known to be associated with
et al., unpublished., respectively, and most recently, hu- Alzheimer’s disease. The recent suggestion of an ambient
man brain tissue ŽAlkondon et al., 1999a.. At the present level of acetylcholine in the central nervous system ŽDe-
stage of analysis, we cannot conclusively state whether scarries, 1998. is further evidence for acetylcholiner
only selected, or most, or all nicotinic acetylcholine recep- choline-controlled modulatory mechanisms. It is notewor-
tor subtypes are subjected to positive allosteric modulation thy in this regard that the a7 nicotinic acetylcholine
by APL. receptor has been linked to several additional psychiatric
Representative nicotinic APL are the plant alkaloids diseases, including schizophrenia ŽLeonard et al., 1996,
physostigmine ŽPhy., galanthamine ŽGal., and codeine Freedman et al., 1997. and Tourette’s syndrome ŽHsu et
ŽCod., and the neurotransmitter serotonin Ž5-HT.. Most al., 1996.. An additional mechanism of modulatory control
APL are rather lipophilic compounds, and they contain a by nicotinic receptors is provided by the considerable
tertiary nitrogen that is cationic at neutral pH, and which is Ca2q permeability of some subtypes which links nicotinic
located at a fixed distance from a phenolic hydroxyl group neurotransmission to intracellular signaling controlled by
ŽMaelicke et al., 1995.. These structural properties are Ca2q.
similar to those of phenanthrene-type opioids and endor- To focus on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-modulated
phines with narcotic activity. They are also found in transmitter release, let us consider a synapse in which Ži.
non-narcotic drugs, such as certain dopaminergic agonists only acetylcholine is acting, and Žii. two transmitters ŽACh
and antagonists, and some centrally acting cholinergic and another one, e.g., glutamate. are acting coincidentally.
drugs. In the first case, the activation of presynaptic nicotinic
receptors could induce, by way of entry of Ca2q, the
release of Žadditional. acetylcholine, which consequently
3. Discussion would result in an Žincreased. postsynaptic response to
acetylcholine. Such a mechanism would function as a
The key feature of Alzheimer’s disease is a loss in modulatory feedback loop for acetylcholine, in that the
cognitive function which includes loss of Žshort-term. more acetylcholine is released, the more acetylcholine or
memory and learning ability, impaired attention associated choline will bind not only to postsynaptic but also to
with relentlessness, disturbances of language, and emo- presynaptic nicotinic receptors, with the latter further en-
tional instability. All these functional deficits are the result hancing presynaptic release. Intense usage of nicotinic
of impaired neurotransmission in the central nervous sys- cholinergic synapses, within the time frame of insignificant
tem and probably involve several transmitter systems. diffusion and uptake processes, will hence lead to an
Interestingly, the biochemical parameter best correlated up-regulation of synaptic response, such as is typical for
with the severeness of Alzheimer’s disease is a substantial the learning paradigm LTP.
loss in nicotinic receptors in the brain regions known to be In the second case, acetylcholine andror choline are
essential for the behavioral tasks that are impaired in merely used as signaling molecules that report back to the
Alzheimer’s disease. The question therefore arises, whether presynaptic, ending the state of activity of the synapse.
and how nicotinic receptors could affect other neurotrans- Thus, the more intense the synaptic usage, the more acetyl-
mission systems. cholinercholine is co-released with e.g., glutamate, and
168 A. Maelicke, E.X. Albuquerquer European Journal of Pharmacology 393 (2000) 165–170

the higher will be their synaptic concentration. At in-

creased concentration due to more intense synaptic usage,
more presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptor will be
activated, more transmitter Žboth acetylcholine and gluta-
mate. will be released, and the stronger will be the post-
synaptic response. Again, a positive feedback loop will
result which is consistent with the requirements for a Hebb
synapse. Also the second mechanism is a suitable basis for
a learning paradigm.
Under conditions of Alzheimer’s disease, and other
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-associated neurological Fig. 2. Compensation by drugs of a nicotinic cholinergic deficit. After
diseases, the above natural mechanism of cognition acqui- pre-synaptic release, acetylcholine interacts with the hydrolysing enzyme
sition may be impaired due to neurodegenerative loss of acetylcholinesterase ŽAChE. in the synaptic cleft, and with postsynaptic
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor or loss of other functional Žand presynaptic. nicotinic receptors. Because association of acetyl-
properties. Should nicotinic neurotransmission be reduced choline to both macromolecules proceeds with very high, almost identical
¨ et al., 1979., relative distribution is determined by the expres-
rate ŽJurss
but still functioning, nicotinic APLs could be employed as sions levels and accessibility of acetylcholinesterase and nicotinic acetyl-
drugs to balance, at least in part, the existing nicotinic choline receptor. Eventually all acetylcholine molecules will be degraded
cholinergic deficit. By making the remaining nicotinic to choline and acetate, and the breakdown products will be removed by
acetylcholine receptors more sensitive to acetylcholiner diffusion and re-uptake. In this sense, interaction of acetylcholine with
choline, a stronger response is produced than could be nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is a delay loop ŽMaelicke, 1984.. Drugs
can affect nicotinic neurotransmission in three ways: Ži. by inhibition of
achieved in the absence of APLs ŽFig. 1.. There would be acetylcholinesterase, thereby temporarily raising the synaptic level of
hardly any risk of overstimulation or desensitization of acetylcholine and hence the probability of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by APL be- activation; Žii. by sensitisation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor Že.g., by
cause Ži. APLs do not produce themselves significant allosterically potentiating ligand.; and Žiii. by increasing the stability of
responses and Žii. APLs only potentiate submaximal the open-channel state. Most drugs presently employed in Alzheimer’s
disease act as anticholinesterases, whereas galanthamine Žand physostig-
acetylcholine-induced responses ŽFig. 1.. mine. also act as nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-sensitising ligands
Positive allosteric modulation by APL may be of partic- ŽAPL..
ular importance in central nervous system synapses, in
which the major neurotransmitter is not acetylcholine. As
has been shown previously, presynaptic nicotinic acetyl-
choline receptors, in addition to modulating the release of reduced number of nicotinic receptors is the basic deficit
acetylcholine, can also modulate the release of glutamate, that is linked to the major symptoms of the disease.
serotonin, and GABA ŽAlkondon et al., 1997, 1999b; Clearly, the most specific strategy, which therefore should
Levin 1998.. Thus, APLs may help to improve learning be the least prone to unwanted side effects, is to selectively
and memory Ždue to enhanced glutamatergic neurotrans- sensitize particular nicotinic acetylcholine receptor sub-
mission., reduce emotional disturbances such as anxiety types. The presently most common approach, i.e., inhibi-
and depression Ždue to enhanced serotonergic neurotrans- tion of acetylcholinesterase, certainly is more likely to
mission., and provide behavioral stability, e.g., remove produce side effects, including those due to muscarinic
aggression and sexual disinhibition Ždue to enhanced overstimulation.
GABAergic neurotransmission.. Drugs like nicotinic APL that do not directly participate
Recent findings from several laboratories suggest that in the neurotransmission process they affect, are advanta-
chronic low-level stimulation of nicotinic receptors may geous, as compared to agonists, in that they do not pro-
up-regulate their expression ŽRowell et al., 1987; Peng et mote receptor desensitization andror down-regulation of
al., 1997. and may slow neurodegeneration ŽCourt and receptor expression. Because the maximal achievable level
Perry, 1994.. Moreover, there is initial evidence that of receptor activation is not changed in the presence of
chronic low-level stimulation of nicotinic receptors pro- APLs Žthey only enhance submaximal activation, see Fig.
tects against b-amyloid toxicity by increased release of the 1., they provide as a means of gentle balancing an existing
terminally truncated secreted form of b-amyloid precursor nicotinic cholinergic deficit.
protein. ŽKihara et al., 1998.. Similarly, the same treatment An agonist action of the established anticholinesterase
has been reported to protect from glutamate-induced neu- physostigmine was first described by Katz and Miledi
rotoxicity ŽAkaike et al., 1994.. All these effects may be Ž1977. and Shaw et al. Ž1985.. After we have shown that
produced by the quasi metabotropic properties of nicotinic this agonist action actually is an allosteric potentiation of
acetylcholine receptor subtypes that have a high Ca2q an intrinsic acetylcholine response ŽSchrattenholz et al.,
permeability, e.g., the a7 nicotinic receptor. 1996., several other laboratories have reported similar
Fig. 2 summarizes possible strategies of drug treatment findings Že.g., Zwart and Vijverberg, 1997; Sabey et al.,
in Alzheimer’s disease based on the assumption that the 1999..
A. Maelicke, E.X. Albuquerquer European Journal of Pharmacology 393 (2000) 165–170 169

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