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Kamar mayat =
To cheat out of money or other assets =
Requiring much work =
An effort =
Innumberable ; ten thousands =
Again ; once more (ususally used by audience) =
Long, boring and frustrating; tiresome =
Spread wildly ; disseminate =
Make a thorough search to find what you are looking for; clean a surface by
rubbing it hard with something rough =
Precise or correct =
Walk laboriously or wearily =
Scar when being bitten by mosquito (the black one) =
Not clear ; vague =
Terpencil ; reserved =
Reserved ; doesn’t tell people about things =
Unintentional =
Showing interest in =
Repeatedly tell them to do sth or repeatedly ask them questions =
Damaged by bending or curving =
Crouch in fear or shame =
To distinguish or discerminate ; able to recognize what it is ; you can see it but not
clearly =
Restrain from acting or proceeding =
Tense ; not slack =
To capture in or involved in (menjerat) =
To entice, lure or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or inducements ; to acquire, win
or obtain by beguiling talk or methods =
Influence by trickery, flattery, etc. ; mislead ; delude ; to charm ; to pass time
pleasantly (memperdaya) =
Uncontrolled =
Completely dry =
Collapsed =
Alone and unprotected =
Very excitedly =
Refusal to submit (tidak patuh) =
Someone who behave in a cruel and uncivilized way =
Injured seriously that they can never move the injured part properly again =
Make ; provide ; change =
Take ahold quickly ; firmly and forcefully =
Emphasize =
Particular groups in a country or society =
Branched horns on deer’s head =
A saw-like teeth =
Usually found in that place =
Peri ; bidadari =
Insang =
Expert ; very skilled =
An insect like butterfly which usually flies around at night =
Moves at a speed that slower than gallop but faster than trot =
Aware =
Awfully ; dreadfully =
Wildly anxious =
Extraordinarily strong / large =
A condition that is difficult to endure =
Cruel or unfair treatment of a group of people ; the feeling of being heavily
burdened =
Prevented from having what you want or need =
More than adequate =
A land with growing grass on it for farm animals to eat =
A wet area (land) with wild plants growing =
Cattle food =
Stray from the road =
Best possible quality =
Attacking while hiding in concealed places =
Penjual eceran =
Penjual grosiran =
Daily =
A powerful movement =
Relating to / affecting the skin =
Cremate ; to burn or reduce to ashes =
Calmness ; serenity =
Back to how it used to be =
Create with a lot of hardwork, hoping it will be strong or lasting =

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