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Awoiska Van Der Molen - The Living Mountain

Fw 2020 ISBN 9789490119881 Acqn 30693
Pb 24x29cm 48pp ills £31.50

This is the third publication in which Awoiska probes deeply into the essence of the remote
unspoiled natural worlds where her images are created. The book is published alongside the
music composition 'The Living Mountain' written by Thomas Larcher as composer-in-residence at
the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. The music piece draws inspiration from photographs that
Awoiska made for Larcher in the mountains of his native Tirol (Austria). The monochrome
landscapes are combined with Larcher's music scores. The title for both the composition and
book is taken from Nan Shepherd's book of poetic prose on the Cairngorms mountains, published
in 1977.

Valeria Cherchi - Some Of You Killed Luisa

Eriskay Connection 2020 ISBN 9789492051530 Acqn 30694
Pb 13x20cm 192pp col ills £27

'Some of You Killed Luisa' is Valeria Cherchi's attempt to decode the complex structure of the
phenomenon of widespread kidnappings that occurred in her homeland, the island of Sardinia,
between the 1960s and 1990s. During that time, almost 200 people were kidnapped and held for
ransom. But how does one tell a story bound by uncertainty? How do we talk about histories that
are only partially concluded? Cherchi is one of the few artists to deal with this dark chapter of
Sardinian history by defining the parts of the story that are reliable. This book is the outcome of
several years of field research, interaction with local communities, and looking through archives
and family photo albums.

Monika Macdonald – Hulls

Andre Frere Editions 2020 ISBN 9791092265927 Acqn 30697
Hb 20x25cm 72pp col ills £33.75

In this book, Monika Macdonald focuses on the masculine. While her images echo classical
pictorial iconography in their treatment of the nude, pose, or light, she draws portraits that are far
removed from the traditional representations of the virility and beauty of the men she observes.
Macdonald, once again, shatters norms. It is a question of flesh, of confusion, of doubts, of the
vulnerability of body, mind and feelings. She organises posing sessions behind closed doors, and
these face-to-face sessions sometimes seem so stressful that the photographer/photographed
relationship is pushed to its ultimate limits.

Rudolf Steiner – Ricochet

Vexer Verlag 2020 ISBN 9783907112236 Acqn 30703
Pb 24x33cm 264pp col ills £58

With 'Ricochet', the artist and photographer Rudolf Steiner presents a series of pictures that
document his fascination for the uncanny. The pictures, taken over the last six years in the
surroundings of his studio in Rondchatel near Biel, translate - thanks to the use of a special digital
shooting technique - the landscapes of rugged rocks, abandoned tunnels, and huge industrial
plants into high-resolution "tableaux" of strange beauty.

Scheve Palen - Onno Blase

Onno Blasé 2020 ISBN 9789090333519 Acqn 30860
Pb 16x23cm 284pp col ills £21.95

Between 2011 and 2020, graphic designer Onno Blase diligently collected images of 'scheve
palen' ("crooked poles" in Dutch). By rotating the camera so that the pole appears vertical in the
image, a fascinating interplay of lines is created. The series now comprises more than 1,400
photographs, although less than 300 appear in this book. The majority are located in Amsterdam
and the Netherlands, but other countries like France, Germany, Portugal, Japan, Chile, and the
United States are also represented. Flipping through the book, the angle of the poles becomes
more extreme, tilting the horizon in a vertigo-inducing progression until they are practically
parallel to the pavement.

Jacques Berthet - Rumeur Sur La Ville

Centre De La Fotografie Geneve 2020 ISBN 9782970130123 Acqn 30880
Hb 25x30cm 96pp col ills £24

Swiss-born Jacques Berthet began photographing in the early 1980s, after practicing drawing and
decorative arts. He is especially interested in the transformation of landscapes and the archiving
of industrial architectural memory. 'Rumeur sur la ville' documents a deserted Geneva during the
G8 counter-summit in 2003. The series of photographs stages the abandonment of the urban
space and its transformation through the construction and deployment of defence barricades by
retailers and other commercial interests in the city centre. Berthet's photographic reportage on
these precautionary measures emphasises the altered but familiar architectural space of the city.

Thamas Manneke – Mutatio

Van Zoetendaal 2020 ISBN 9789072532459 Acqn 30827
Pb 22x28cm 96pp ills £39

Thomas Manneke's photographs look like accidental discoveries that catch his eye during his
daily walks through the city. But if you look at them more closely, in the context of his carefully
selected photographs in his latest book Mutatio, you will discover that these photographic 'notes'
are poetic observations. Each photo is a Haiku in which his personal experiences and the city
seem to intertwine more intimately.

Caio Reisewitz – Altamira

Artphilein Editions 2020 ISBN 9788894375909 Acqn 30897
Hb 20x29cm 88pp col ills £73

Caio Reisewitz is known for his large-scale photographs portraying Brazilian landscapes, urban
spaces, and architecture. 'Altamira' documents the ecological and human devastation caused by
the Belo Monte Dam in the Amazon. Reisewitz conducted a study in 2013 of the city of Altamira
in northern Brazil. He noted the disorderly growth, destruction of forested areas, and neglect of
the indigenous community that would occur in the wake of the dam's construction. He returned in
2018 to capture the environmental impact of the now mostly completed dam, which has
dramatically altered the natural landscape and displaced riverside communities in this conflict-
ridden territory.

August Eriksson - What Happens When Nothing Happens

Art And Theory Publishing 2020 ISBN 9789198606515 Acqn 30903
Hb 24x31cm 144pp col ills £56.50

This is August Eriksson's third book for which he uses walking as a starting point. He walks away
from familiarity to achieve an alienation from his home city of Stockholm, in order to then return to
this familiar place and be able to see it again for the first time. The series of more than 60 images
was made over a period of three years, but collectively they somehow step outside any sense of
time passing. Rather, they seem to constitute a single portrait of Stockholm in summer, itself a
world of conflicting emotions. Here we find endless freedom and ease, nostalgia and exhilaration,
but also a sense of fleeting life and a curiosity about the unknown, all while feeling at home.

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