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Corner vol. 1 - Football + Society

Punch 2020 ISBN 9786069430064 Acqn 30495
Pb 17x24cm 224pp col ills £22.50

'Corner' is a Romanian magazine run by artists that approaches football from an interdisciplinary
perspective: anthropology, contemporary dance, politics, art, architecture, economics, and more.
This volume includes all contributions from its first six issues, published between 2015 and 2017.
With the complex contemporary and historical context of football as a starting point to reclaim its
democratic aspects, the magazine intersects the culture of sport with various fields of knowledge
and practice, addressing less discussed aspects such as horizontal organisation, minority
representation, gender power structures, subcultures, and the relationship between the individual,
group, and society.

Hans Arp - Salvador Dali: The Birth Of Memory

Strzelecki Books 2020 ISBN 9783946770626 Acqn 30685
Pb 19x30cm 180pp col ills £69.50

The exhibition 'The Birth of Memory' at the Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck in Germany is the
first ever to mount such a focused presentation of the many connections between these two
radical protagonists of modern art, who were acquainted in the Parisian surrealist circles. This
catalogue looks at their shared roots through artistic and biographical intersections and overlaps.
Although their affinity for visual art took wildly divergent paths, each artist influenced the other in
many ways. Both departed from traditional academic painting to experiment with chance and
intuition, humour and imagination, likewise becoming sources of inspiration for generations of
artists to follow.

Swiss Psychotropic Gold

Christoph Merian Verlag 2020 ISBN 9783856169213 Acqn 30686
Pb 15x21cm 270pp col ills £28.50

The much-lauded artist-duo knowbotiq are among the pioneers of the Swiss media scene. In their
collaborative project 'Swiss Psychotropic Gold' they pursue the links in the global metabolism of
gold and Switzerland's role in it. They track down the fleeting and often invisible paths of the
molecules, the emotions, and the violence. In this way we discover how that conflict laden
precious metal is "purified" in the context of technocracy, philanthropy, and neutrality and refined
for later use.

Jorg Schmeisser Retrospective - Neverending Journeys

Kyuryudo Art-Publishing 2020 ISBN 9784763018267 Acqn 30687
Pb 19x26cm 176pp col ills £37.50

After attending the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Jorg Schmeisser (1942-2012) studied in
Kyoto and became deeply influenced by Japanese culture. He went on to travel extensively in
Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. His body of work can be characterised by two
currents: the highly detailed, superbly accurate line and the flowing, sensual line. These coexist in
his many etchings, intersecting with each other amidst a plethora of astonishing colours and
subjects. This catalogue for a retrospective of Schmeisser's work in Japan is based on research
conducted in 2015, as part of the overseas study programme of the Japan Association of Art

Leiko Ikemura
Kyuryudo Art-Publishing 2020 ISBN 9784763018373 Acqn 30688
Pb 23x30cm 360pp col ills £45

Published on the occasion of a large-scale solo exhibition by Leiko Ikemura, this dense and
vibrant catalogue offers an engaging look at the Japanese-Swiss artist's remarkable body of
work. Over the years, Ikemura has experimented with the powerful colours and forms of neo-
expressionism, to express the difficulties of being both a woman and a stranger, as well as dealt
with themes such as small creatures and innocent girls, mothers and children, human figures
merging with trees and mountains, and mythical scenes that evoke birth and death. Her
introspective style - quiet, modest, and immersed deeply in her own vision - is keenly critical of
the world and society today.

Raphael In Detail
Ludion 2020 ISBN 9789493039223 Acqn 30690
Hb 25x32cm 224pp col ills £42

Crowned the "Prince of Painters" by Giorgio Vasari, Raphael (1483-1520) was one of the most
popular artists of the Italian Renaissance. Famous for his serene and harmonious series of
Madonnas and his work at the Vatican Palace, he was an extremely influential painter, both
during and after his own lifetime. Raphael in Detail shows his masterpieces in unprecedented,
large-format details. The art historian and specialist of the Italian Renaissance, Stefano Zuffi,
takes the reader on a voyage into Raphael's life and work. The book is organized thematically
and includes a biography and a list of works.

Sieg Maandag - Life And Art In The Aftermath Of Bergen-Belsen

Lecturis 2020 ISBN 9789462263734 Acqn 30692
Pb 23x28cm 176pp col ills £32

Sieg Maandag (1937-2013) was seven years old when he was released from the Bergen-Belsen
concentration camp. His father was killed there, his mother survived camp Beendorf and was
reunited with him. Sieg's family were diamond dealers. After the war he lives a rich life. He learns
the craft of diamond, travels the world, falls in love, sings in night clubs, paints hundreds of
paintings, and makes ceramics. This book focuses on his paintings and ceramics. Maandag's
work cannot be viewed separately from his trauma of Bergen-Belsen, his art is troubled and
beneficial at the same time.

Allen S. Weiss - Unpacking My Library Or The Autobiography Of Teddy

K Verlag 2020 ISBN 9783947858156 Acqn 30861
Pb 13x20cm 114pp £18.50

The creation of this book fulfilled a lifelong dream of the author's: to write his own version of
Walter Benjamin's "Unpacking My Library" while reorganising his 10,000 volumes. A recent move
to Manhattan occasioned taking stock of his possessions in a deeply personal way. This is a tale
of uprooting, a series of meditations on place, time, and loss. In this course of this displacement,
he explores memory and nostalgia as he encounters things from his past. Among them, the
strangest and most intimate of interlocutors, with whom the book is co-authored: his first teddy
bear. Allen S. Weiss teaches in the Departments of Performance Studies and Cinema Studies at
New York University.

Encyclopedia Of Hokusai-Sketches
Tokyo Bijutsu 2020 ISBN 9784808709310 Acqn 30857
Pb 15x21cm 624pp ills £46

Even if his name is unfamiliar for some, Hokusai's artistic legacy is widely recognised today. This
famous Japanese artist, ukiyo-e painter, and printmaker of the Edo period produced a seemingly
limitless volume of work during his highly active career. A dense compendium of Hokusai's
sketches, this volume offers broad insight into a range of themes and characters. Each section
focuses on a particular subject or genre, among them birds, plants, animals, everyday scenes,
men and women, theatre, ocean waves, and patterns. Finding specific kinds of sketches is easy,
thanks to a detailed index.

Paolo Ventura - Quarantine Diary

Danilo Montanari Editore 2020 ISBN 9788885449558 Acqn 30881
Pb 26x36cm 44pp col ills £42

Usually a photographer, Paolo Ventura turned to the acrylic paints he had previously stored away
in his studio in the Italian town of Anghiari when the coronavirus crisis hit. Stranded in lockdown
without his camera, he started painting. The paints and large sheets of paper "became like bread
and cheese in the cellar for a mouse", he says. "They saved me, gave meaning and strength to
days that were all the same, all different". Ventura painted away his boredom by portraying things
he found around the house (shoes, combs, hairs in the drain, pencils, spent matches, a cactus
plant) and making portraits of his female partner, himself, and even a small sparrow outside the

Eikoh Hosoe - Dance Experience (Reprint)

Akio Nagasawa 2020 no ISBN 30901
Pb 25x23cm 44pp ills £62.50

This is the first reprint of the 'Association of Dance Experience' (1960), featuring the work of
Japanese choreographer Tatsumi Hijikata, founder of the butoh style of dance performance. The
art form is known for its "distressing" nature, and is characterised by playful and grotesque
imagery, taboo topics, and extreme or absurd environments. The reprint is published together
with a facsimile edition of 'The Dance Experience 2' (1961), which also documents Hijikata's
creative expression. The set contains numerous photographs by Eikoh Hosoe of Kazuo Ohno
(another key figure in the emergence of butoh), Tatsumi Hijikata, and famed author and
playwright Yukio Mishima.

Prefaces To A Book For a Syrian Museum

Zaman 2020 ISBN 9791093781174 Acqn 30902
Pb 17x24cm 240pp col ills £29.50

This volume consists of republished prefaces that were originally printed in the various editions of
the catalogue of the Damascus National Museum, from 1919 until the end of the 20th century.
Taking the form of a palimpsest, this collection of prefaces is not only annotated but also
accompanied by rare archival material and historical chronicles. Acting as a guide through the
lives of the museum and its catalogue, it simultaneously offers a structuralist analysis, variations
on myth, and an investigation of the multiplicity of the museum body. Micro-histories and
iconographic survivals emerge in a broader and at times tragic overview of its collections and

Ohara Koson - Paradise on Paper Where Flowers Bloom, Birds Sing

Tokyo Bijutsu 2020 ISBN 9784808711290 Acqn 30905
Pb 18x26cm 144pp col ills £35.50

Ohara Koson was a Japanese painter and print designer who was active during the late 19th and
early 20th centuries, and is considered part of the shin-hanga ("new prints") movement that
revitalised traditional ukiyo-e printmaking. The majority of his production comprised prints of birds
and flowers, many of which are reproduced in vibrant detail in this publication. A range of other
animals also occasionally appear in Koson's rich body of work, such as monkeys, wild boar, deer,
frogs, crabs, and butterflies. In addition, he sometimes made tranquil scenes of fishing boats,
temples, and landscapes. Discover this Japanese master through this remarkable collection of

Shin-Hanga - A Journey To Longed-For Landscapes

Tokyo Bijutsu 2020 ISBN 9784808711016 Acqn 30906
Pb 21x30cm 180pp col ills £46.50

In 1907, in the late Meiji period in Japan, the publisher Watanabe Shozaburo started working with
artists, woodcarvers, and printers in an effort to revive the art of the ukiyo-e print, which had
become sorely neglected as Japan moved to embrace modernisation. From 1915, this new
movement gained traction as other publishers took notice, and became more widely known as
shin-hanga ("new prints"). Partly inspired by European Impressionism, artists incorporated
Western elements but focused on strictly traditional Japanese themes such as landscapes,
famous places, women, kabuki, and plants and flowers. This book offers an exceptional collection
of this captivating, highly nuanced style.

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