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Christian Werthmann - Metropolis Non-Formal 10 Things

Designers Need to Work On

Guide Question for Students?
1. What is the main focus of the lecture?
This is to train young designers to adapt designing non
formal settlements to prepare for the almost 50 % of our
future urbanization.
2. How is population and urbanization related to developing
communities? Give 3 examples.
 The rapid urbanization and growth of population that is
caused by the failure of urban planning has resulted to the
increase of informal settlements.
 The continuous growth of population in the cities results to
inadequate access to safe water and sanitation that may cause
a health issues/problem.
 The urban sprawl causes wildlife habitat destruction and
disturbance to nature.
3. How can 10 points discussed by Werthmann be related to
issues of communities? Give one example each.
 Terminology – More intelligible term produces
condescending plans. It is important to understand how we
will address our problem to provide definite solutions.
Ex: The term slum/informal settlement, it is called differently
that cause confusion to some.
 Comprehension – We must understand deeply the situation
first before concluding. It is good to consider their perception
first to avoid infliction.
Ex: We might propose something that is different to their
beliefs which will cause a problem to the dwellers.
 Collaboration – It is better to have a clarity between the
designers and dwellers to establish a firm plan.
Ex: The needs of the inhabitants should be discussed first
before imposing a solution.
 Transdisciplinarity – It should not just be the knowledge of
the architects, engineers, and planning experts but also the
knowledge of the inhabitants.
Ex: The experiences of the dwellers in the area for a long
time should also be considered during the design phase
because they are the one who faces the everyday struggle in
that area.
 Process – Finding the right process is as important as the
Ex: After knowing their problems this where we propose
possible solutions that will help the people there and improve
their community. Also, how we will anticipate this in the
future construction.
 Food and Water – The basic necessities are the first things
to consider in designing communities.
Ex: The targeted area should have enough source of food and
clean water. There are markets that provide goods.
 Economy – The main goal is to sustain long term work
opportunities. It should be income generating.
Ex: The community should have/can provide enough work
opportunities to the people in that certain community to avoid
people migrating to other places where they could find job.
 Multifunctional – It can fulfill multiple needs.
Ex: Complex centers that functions as court and event space .
 Multiscalar – Neighborhoods should be studied considering
its city, region and country. It should be worked and
considered to multiple level.
Ex: We should begin with the house of every individuals and
its properties then proceeding to the city level, neighborhood
level and up to the regional level because their activities are
all connected. Especially the trading system, goods comes in
and comes out to their premises.
 Beauty – It considered as an essential need because it boosts
someone’s self-esteem. It is a pride to the underprivileged
Ex: For someone who does not have the luxuries, a
presentable house is enough because this reflects the image
of the dwellers.

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